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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Fps drop

Posted in General 1,681

  • Hucar

    Fps drop

    Hello, i have a little problem, maybe someone can help me.
    I've buyed an Asus Rog Strix laptop which has AMD Ryzen 7 4800h, RTX 3060, 16GB, 144hz and i get a lot of frame drops in LoL.
    I don t know what to do anymore, i've tried low settings, setting the "High priority" option in Task Manager(Windows 11), graphics card software is update, everything is up to date, still get frame drops. I start the match at 200 fps in base, when i'm on lane with a lot of minions and enemies it's dropping to 90-100 fps, it's ****ed up, miss a lot of skills.
    The laptop is not overheating or something, i get 70-80+ fps in Rdr2.
    If someone has the same issue pls help me.πŸ˜ƒ
  • Answers (4)

    mikerooney | September 18, 2023 12:37am
    I really like the way that you have expressed yourself. There is a lot to be admired from this post. You might want to click on
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    PawelSzczepanski | March 10, 2023 2:26am
    I have a similar problem, :(
    Milenanowak | February 13, 2023 12:58am
    hey I have a similar problem, did you find any solution?
    Aprandix | January 15, 2023 12:59am
    Hello Hucar,

    I don't know if this helps but for my PC i had the same problem.
    What i did was buy a new memory card with higher speed.
    Don't know what memory card you have and how fast.
    When you know what speed your MC have orignally you can look for that.

    And look if your Bios setting for higher speed mc is on ;)

    goodluck mate hope it helps
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