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Garen Build Guide by xXEloAbuser42069Xx

Jungle Free Elo Garen Jungle Guide | Abuse before patched

Jungle Free Elo Garen Jungle Guide | Abuse before patched

Updated on February 10, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author xXEloAbuser42069Xx Build Guide By xXEloAbuser42069Xx 17 3 27,449 Views 2 Comments
17 3 27,449 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author xXEloAbuser42069Xx Garen Build Guide By xXEloAbuser42069Xx Updated on February 10, 2024
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1 2
Phase Rush
Nimbus Cloak

Eyeball Collection
Relentless Hunter

+10% Attack Speed
+2% Movement Speed
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist


1 2
Summs for outplay
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
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Champion Build Guide

Free Elo Garen Jungle Guide | Abuse before patched

By xXEloAbuser42069Xx
Anything you need 2 know (rly)
I am GAREN GAMING enjoyer since more than 2 games and I need to say only one thing:

    3.Free Elo
    4.Hot Support Egirl will be in your DMs (please)


Don't be scared... walk in. Q+E+R+MASTERY 7 for Combo

I am FlexQ Dia 2 so I am better than u all. Get good

Below are just some filler words. DONT MIND THEM!

Garen in the jungle? It’s an unconventional choice, but let’s explore the pros and cons:


Above Average Clear Speed: Garen’s jungle clears are surprisingly healthy and efficient. His E (Judgment) shreds through camps.
Tankiness: Garen’s innate tankiness allows him to withstand jungle damage without much trouble.
Predator Potential: Running the Predator keystone can enhance his gank potential.
Scaling: Garen scales well into the late game, often outperforming meta junglers.
Macro Options: His macro play and decision-making can be superior to other junglers1.


Weak Early Duels: Garen struggles against duelist junglers at levels 2 and 3. His scuttle priority is low early on.
Limited Pre-6 Impact: Before level 6, Garen lacks strong gank or dive potential.
Soloing Dragon: Garen is terrible at soloing dragons.
Invade Vulnerability: Enemy junglers may invade you early, capitalizing on your weak early game.
Single Flash: Having only one flash can be limiting, especially when you can’t dash over walls like other junglers

Robustness and Simplicity: Garen is a JUNGLER champion primarily played in the JUNGLE lane. His abilities are straightforward to learn and master, making him an excellent choice for both beginners and experienced players. His passive ability, Perseverance, grants rapid health regeneration when he’s not under attack.

Unstoppable Ultimate Ability: Garen’s ultimate ability, Demacian Justice, is a true game-changer. When an enemy champion falls below 40% of their maximum health, Garen can instantly execute them with this ability. This makes him a feared opponent in team fights.

Silence and Sustain: His Q ability (Decisive Strike) is a swift attack that silences the enemy and boosts his movement speed. Additionally, his W ability (Courage) provides extra armor and magic resistance, making him more resilient against incoming attacks.

Lane Dominance: Garen can establish dominance in the JUNGLE lane. His abilities allow him to control enemy laners and maintain pressure throughout the game.

Demacia!: Garen hails from Demacia, a nation known for honor and courage. His unwavering dedication to Demacia’s ideals fuels his strength and determination on the battlefield.

League of Legends (LoL) is a multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game developed and published by Riot Games. Let’s dive into what makes it so popular:

Game Basics:
In LoL, ten players are split into two teams of five.
They battle it out on a map called Summoner’s Rift.
Each player controls a champion, and the goal is to work together with teammates to defeat the other team.

Champion Variety:
LoL boasts hundreds of different champions, each with unique abilities and playstyles.
Players choose their champion before the match begins.
Champions can be mages, warriors, assassins, tanks, or marksmen.

Gameplay Mechanics:
The map has three lanes: top, middle, and bottom.
Minions spawn and travel down each lane.
Teams defend their towers and inhibitors.
The ultimate objective is to destroy the enemy team’s Nexus or force them to surrender.

Competitive Ranking:
LoL features a competitive ranking system.
Players compete to climb the ladder and become the best.
Rewards include rare in-game skins, icons, and banners.

Riot Games:
Riot Games, founded in 2006 by Brandon Beck and Marc Merrill, developed LoL.
Before LoL, there were few MOBA games on the market.
LoL’s success transformed it into one of the biggest esports worldwide.

In summary, League of Legends combines strategy, teamwork, and diverse champions, making it a thrilling and ever-evolving gaming experience! 🛡️🔥
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League of Legends Build Guide Author xXEloAbuser42069Xx
xXEloAbuser42069Xx Garen Guide
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