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Ivern Ability (LoL): Friend of the Forest

Friend of the Forest Ivern

Ivern Ability: Friend of the Forest
Ivern will not hurt non-epic jungle monsters. Instead Ivern can right click a jungle monster to create a grove that costs 98-0 health and 90-0 mana and grows over 40-1 seconds.

When fully grown, clicking on the grove frees the jungle monsters, granting their gold and experience. Smiting a grove instantly frees it.

Starting at level 5, Ivern freeing or allies killing a buff monster creates an extra buff.

Ivern's Abilities

Ivern Ability: Friend of the Forest Ivern Ability: Friend of the Forest Ivern Ability: Friend of the Forest Ivern Ability: Friend of the Forest
Friend of the Forest is used by Ivern

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