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Recommended Items
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health
Ability Order Spells
Colossal Smash (PASSIVE)
Galio Passive Ability
Champion Build Guide
Im not Demoles.
I only observed most of the Demoles (Rank 1 euw rn (15.2)) games. I made this build becouse I really like this build and when I went to mobafire to see how other build this and I didnt see single Demoles like build. And becouse I have some experience though my Nunu guide I decided to make it my self!
I only observed most of the Demoles (Rank 1 euw rn (15.2)) games. I made this build becouse I really like this build and when I went to mobafire to see how other build this and I didnt see single Demoles like build. And becouse I have some experience though my Nunu guide I decided to make it my self!
This is just quick guide how to build Galio Mid Lane!
I wont be adding any.. Mid Lane macro stuff, advenced matchup tips etc.. If you want to really learn Galio you should watch some midlane macro, galio macro videos.
I think this is the perfect Galio build right now and you should abuse it as mutch as you can. If you already know how to play galio etc.. Then Im sure you will climb a lot if you switch to this build.
I wont be adding any.. Mid Lane macro stuff, advenced matchup tips etc.. If you want to really learn Galio you should watch some midlane macro, galio macro videos.
I think this is the perfect Galio build right now and you should abuse it as mutch as you can. If you already know how to play galio etc.. Then Im sure you will climb a lot if you switch to this build.
Im nunu otp 785k pts. 17yo (Challanger 812 lp peak rn) (Ranking around top 2-10 best nunu on eune most of the times according to league of graphs) I also play veriety of champs like vlad, ryze, galio.. or some supports/toplaners.
If you want you can add me on eune - "WashedUp Hyena#Sadge"
If you want you can add me on eune - "WashedUp Hyena#Sadge"
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