League of Legends (LoL) Question: Game Intuition for ADCs
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Game Intuition for ADCs
As an ADC, where does most of the knowledge come from when thinking about engaging a fight?
Like, how do I know which engages result in no deaths, etc?
Does the knowledge come from knowledge from extensively playing each ADC and support? Or does it come from experience as playing one specific ADC / support?
Just curious.
Like, how do I know which engages result in no deaths, etc?
Does the knowledge come from knowledge from extensively playing each ADC and support? Or does it come from experience as playing one specific ADC / support?
Just curious.
The way I team fight with ADCs is to be as cautious as possible without being forced out of autoattacking at all. If you're playing
I think the best thing you can do to improve your team fighting as an ADC is to learn a few champions well and get a lot of experience with them. Experience helps you make more accurate judgment calls because you're more aware of the limits of your champion and yourself at any stage in the game. For example, an inexperienced
Hope that answers your question.
^ ^
mostly meant for early ~ mid game skirmishes at bot lane (like when would i try to go all-in) but ur answer was nice too
* [YP] You and your allies position
* [EP] The enemy position (especially with junglers and stuff)
* [YS] You and your ally current situation (CD's, mana, health, all other stats)
* [ES] The enemy current situation (CD's, mana, health, all other stats)
The positions are quite obvious. If the enemy is obviously out of position, they are an easy kill. If they are guarded by a turret or something, they are quite harder to kill ;P
In order to know your own current situation, you should have certain expierences with the champion you are playing right now. Of course, since we are talking about Embracing, I assume it is in ranked, which means you already have certain expierence with that champion.
In order to know the enemy current situation, you should have expierence with the champions the enemy is playing right now. You will know a lot more of enemy champions once you played them once yourself.
Since the formula to victorious engage = YP + EP + YS + ES
You will need to know both your own champion in-depth as knowing all the enemies in a broad way, you will need to have good expierence with one champion and play other champions once in a while.
"Balance in all things" - Akali, Kennen, Irelia
PS: I am sure you know this already, but of course it would be nice to master multiple ADC's / supports anyway, since counterpicking really can turn around a match.