Take Fleet and Bone Plaiting, or First Strike if feeling confident. Can easily kill you during laning phase. Go antiheal and swiftness. dodge his crit Q and W. Poke his as much as you can u have chance of winning 1v1 if he is 40% hp and ur full
Go first strike, for me this matchup is just easy, poke her down with Q and E, proc first strike u can see her in her W if u autoed her with passive
Can be tricky since he is range and becouse of his passive. Personally I don't think this matchup is hard unless akshan is really good. Safe bet is Fleet and Second wind.
Skill based matchup, her passive doesn't work on ur passive so passive reset is your best friend, poke her down u can win 1v1 if u play good and have slight advantage
In this matchup u can win early on, i suggest taking ignite and poking him to the point u can kill him with flash auto(passive) q ignite. Dont get hit by E, if he has ult u better of poking him low and fighting if he is less than 50%
Dr. Mundo
Easy matchup, take first strike and cut down, dodge his Q, easily killable early, buy counterheal but dont rush it.
Can get hard if she is good, poke her down and fight if she is below half and only if u have counterheal. grasp is good against her, also take bone plaiting. u can bait her W by cntrl+2 animation
try to dont lose hp and stay close to or under your tower. he can just flash q ignite R if u r below 50%
take fleet and second wind, try not to get poked, u rarely win 1v1 and only if he plays bad.
if she plays good then u r probably fucked, try to stay under tower and farm. first strike is suggested for this matchup
dodge her E, if get hit walk out of it. if u r good at dodging take first strike if not so take fleet, dont fight in her ult, i like to take ignite and try to kill her before 6
u win if played good before she gets botrk, try not to overextend, ignite is good, as well as tabis
First Strike, bone plaiting.W his E, poke him and u win easily, never lost this lane.
Ranged with more dmg than u through laning phase, can be killed if played properly. Take fleet and second wind.
U can kill her before 6, can be trickier after 6. dont push her and u can call for jungle to punish her. First strike and gathering storm
take fleet and second wind, dodge Q, poke him down, if up in hp you can win 1v1
take bone plaiting, dodge his Q, watchout for dives, dont stay low hp on lane.
can be hard early if he has comet, take second wind, buy armor pene
take bone plaiting. very hard since u cant W his R anymore, stay under tower after 6, if cant dodge Q then stay with minions so he deals less,
hard to punish from stacking since he outheals ur poke. freeze under tower and call for jg
poke him, dodge Q and try not to get hit by E,
first strike and cut down, he just stat checks you, if u die once to him then its hard, if he plays poorly and u manage to kill him then u have chance to 1v1 him later on
take fleet and second wind, poke her and dont overextend, ask for ganks
take bone plating, dont fight if he uses ult, unless u r sure u can kill him, u easily kill him with counterheal and 2 items
for me this matchup is unplayable if riven knows her shit, she can kill you in 2 seconds lvl 6, try to poke her down, take bone plaiting
fleet and second wind, dodge E, dont walk up lvl 3,4 his Q deals too much, poke him and walk him down if he is low
take bone plating, dont get hit by E, u can W his ult, if so try to do it as fast as possible to dont get slam dmg
he deals a lot early, w his taunt, poke him, take first strike and cut down
dont get hit by e and q, dont disrespect his dmg after death. reset passive, take first strike and cut down
Tahm Kench
dodge his q, he has big dmg, w his ult, take cutdown and first strike.
fleet second wind or first strike second wind, depends on ur likings. with items u oneshot him, w his blind
dont overextend, try to freeze under tower, take bone plaiting or cut down, counterheal is needed. poke him down but dont engage on him unless ur sure that u can kill him, even if he ults.
if he has ult he can just dive you, ult yourself if so, w his w, exhaust can be taken
dont get hit by E otherwise u r pretty much dead, u can W his R2 (still gonna get pulled by wont die from it) bone plating is good
fleet, second wind, dshield. try to farm without sacrifing much hp, try to stay under tower and poke her a little, ask for gank, after few items u oneshot her
cut down, a lot of dmg, try to poke him down, watchout for dives, dont stay low hp if he has ult.
he can oneshot u lvl 6 if he has ignite, take bone plaiting, he also has strong early so be aware, generally a hard matchup but can be won
can be annoying, but its not hard, bone plaiting is good, bait his W with control+2, u can W his ult
poke him down, be aware of W durning trades, bone plaiting is good
for me its pretty much unwinnable if he has any hands, if he hit u with W u pretty much lose all hp, if he hits u with E u also lose a lot of hp, his push is really strong. u can kill him before 6 but even with this he still is very hard to lane against
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