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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Gargoyle Feasting?

Posted in Champions | Tags: Cho'Gath Gargoyle Stoneplate 7,334

  • BlackRoseGirl

    Gargoyle Feasting?

    I saw someone using gargoyle stoneplate with Cho’Gath and I’m wondering how that works. Does it count all of the health you get when you activate stoneplate as bonus health? Because if it doesn’t, then it would be kind of pointless to double your damage just to cut it in half again.
  • Answers (2)

    PsiGuard (1495) | December 18, 2019 3:26am
    It used to all count as bonus health (and was super OP on Cho) but now it's split between base and bonus. Your base health is amplified and counts as extra base health, while your bonus health is amplified and counts as bonus health. Feast's HP stacking passive also counts as bonus health.

    It's a strong item on Cho still because Feast deals true damage, which is not reduced by Gargoyle Stoneplate (or anything else for that matter).
    BIG1ROBBY2DON (6) | December 18, 2019 1:16pm
    Gargoyle Stoneplate is very good one cho, especially if you're tryna run it down and eat the adc; pop the active and become BIGGER and more TANKIER, then EAT THE ADC
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