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Recommended Items
Runes: Tested many runes, those are just the best
+8 Ability Haste
+10-180 Bonus Health
+10-180 Bonus Health
Just do it
Champion Build Guide
We want to get the most value from the fact that R scales with health and grants even more health.
My personal tip:
- unlock W at level 4 not earlier (early mana problems)
Build strenghts and some explanations:
- insane riftmaker value,
- aproach velocity is active most of the time,
- cookies to help in the beginning,
- heartsteel, grasp of undying and overgrowth to help with health growth,
- second wind because we dont focus on resistances (armor, magic resist)
- demolish to let them watch you nearly one shot a turret :)
My personal tip:
- unlock W at level 4 not earlier (early mana problems)
Build strenghts and some explanations:
- insane riftmaker value,
- aproach velocity is active most of the time,
- cookies to help in the beginning,
- heartsteel, grasp of undying and overgrowth to help with health growth,
- second wind because we dont focus on resistances (armor, magic resist)
- demolish to let them watch you nearly one shot a turret :)
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