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Urgot Build Guide by I Am Goliath

Top GoliathGames' Ultimate Guide to Urgot (Tips on EVERY Matchup! / 3M+ Mastery)

Top GoliathGames' Ultimate Guide to Urgot (Tips on EVERY Matchup! / 3M+ Mastery)

Updated on June 24, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author I Am Goliath Build Guide By I Am Goliath 3283 197 5,080,897 Views 134 Comments
3283 197 5,080,897 Views 134 Comments
League of Legends Build Guide Author I Am Goliath Urgot Build Guide By I Am Goliath Updated on June 24, 2024
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Runes: Take this vs lanes you can kill early and trade with a lot (Melee fighters/bruisers)

1 2
Press the Attack
Legend: Bloodline
Cut Down

Second Wind

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health


1 2
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


Threats & Synergies

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Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

GoliathGames' Ultimate Guide to Urgot (Tips on EVERY Matchup! / 3M+ Mastery)

By I Am Goliath

My Eternals

Hey guys,
my name is Goliath. I've played League of Legends since season 2, and have mained top lane since season 3. I've been high Diamond in every season since season 4, peaking at GrandMasters. League of Legends has always been the main game that I have stuck with over the years, and Urgot is the champion that I have mained for the past few seasons even peaking at rank #1 Urgot NA at one point, and also my favorite champion that I have ever played.

Here is my OP.GG for anyone interested.

If you ever want to come by my Twitch I stream 6 days a week at and I will try my best to answer any questions you may have, especially while I’m in queue.

I also post daily League of Legends gameplays on my YouTube Channel so if you want to see how I played a certain matchup you can search for it there and I’ll most likely have multiple matchups on Urgot vs that champion.

Urgot is very unique because he is a ranged juggernaut, if you like beefy champions that scale well and can have a lot of impact in the mid and late game then you should consider trying out the dreadnought!

Difficulty - 6/10 I don’t think Urgot is super hard to learn but I do think like most champs he is pretty difficult to master. He does have a few skill shots which can be crucial in landing. Also learning how to play around your passive is key which can be challenging to learn and pay attention to; especially wave clearing issues with it. Mechanically I don’t think Urgot is very intensive though because a lot of the time you’ll have your W toggled on. But you will need to think about how to get good fears off in teamfights and landing your skill shots, as well as being able to do the W toggle effectively which can be challenging in teamfights.

Fun Factor - 9/10 This rating is obviously pretty subjective but I find Urgot really fun and extremely satisfying to play when you can make good ultimate plays and get a massive AOE fear, or a cool E- Disdain Flash play. It can also be a lot of fun watching your W- Purge + passive Echoing Flames shred everyone in a teamfight. For a simple champion I find Urgot the most fun out of all of them.

Viability - 7/10 Urgot is definitely viable at the time of making this guide. Although I wouldn’t put him into the very top tier; I would put him somewhere in the middle tier. Urgot is also an extremely good blind pick because of how safe he is. The only reason I take off a few points here is because it can sometimes be hard to carry on Urgot.

Laning Phase - 4/10 Urgots level 1-3 can be quite strong in a lot of match-ups, especially melee match-ups. But overall your laning phase is pretty weak after that until level 9, which is quite a few levels. With that being said Urgot is safe enough to where you can survive match-ups still and possibly get kills when your ultimate and flash is up.

Teamfighting - 9/10 Urgot's teamfighting is one of the strongest of any top laners due to his aoe damage from his passive shotgun legs, Urgot also has the ability to single handedly win a teamfight off a good fear play from his ultimate which is much easier to do if you have flash up, you're also very tanky for how much damage you're able to pump out. Urgot always has the chance to be useful in teamfights even if you fell behind in the laning phase.

+ Good poke.
+ Ranged (Short).
+ Very strong level spikes (lvl 9 and 13).
+ Very strong item spikes.
+ Very strong mid game.
+ Decent scaling.
+ Can survive lanes even in harder matchups.
+ Always has the chance to be useful.
+ Strong 1v1 and teamfights mid game.
+ Easy to play mechanically.
+ Has great legendary items especially Black Cleaver.
+ E-Flash combo is almost always a kill if you land it.
- Three abilities are skillshots.
- Very easy for people to play around your E- Disdain and your R- Fear Beyond Death.
- Hard to press leads.
- Lots of losing matchups levels 3-9.
- Can get kited hard.
- Very level and item dependent.
- Not the best solo carry champion (team reliant sometimes).
- Can be hard to play without frontline or engage on your team.
- Being short ranged means ranged penalty on a lot of items.

These are the standard runes for Urgot that are pretty good all around, there’s a few adjustments I like to make depending on the matchup. The primary rune page almost never changes. I will sometimes swap Press the Attack with Fleet Footwork in situations where I'm unlikely to secure kills in lane such as tank, ranged, or otherwise extremely challenging matchups, sacrificing damage in exchange for sustain.

Press the Attack
A really strong early game rune for extra damage. Your W- Purge applies stacks towards Press the Attack making it very easy to proc in the 1v1. Don't be afraid to go for level 1 surprise attacks from the bush when minions first spawn. You have a stronger level 1 against most of your matchups, especially if you land E- Disdain and proc Press the Attack for added damage. Just keeping hard bruiser match-ups at around half HP can help you so much in getting through the early lanes; Press the Attack is highly effective for this.

Fleet Footwork
I run this in certain scaling lanes where I don’t expect many kill opportunities or chances to proc Press the Attack. This rune is really good against a lot of tank lanes like Malphite, Ornn, and Sion because they are hard to kill while the health regen and movement speed help you survive the laning phase. It’s also highly viable against ranged characters which I talk about in detail down below in the Matchups section of this guide. Keep in mind Fleet Footwork heals more when you proc it on champions, jungle camps, and towers.

Absorb Life
Amazing rune for Urgot since he lacks sustain in his kit. I would always run this rune against ranged champs and hard meele matchups you struggle with, this rune helps you secure a good laning phase without dying much so you can outscale a hard matchup. Alternatively if you're in an easy scaling matchup Triumph is still a good choice for teamfight power.

Legend: Bloodline
Solid rune for Urgot since it offers some lifesteal which is nice synergy with our W, and once you fully stack this you get some bonus HP which is great. It does however take a long time to stack up. Assisting in killing the void grubs will give you 1 stack for each grub so make sure to tag each one of them once if your jungler is killing them. Alternatively you can run Legend: Haste if you don't like bloodline.

Note: You can opt for Legend: Bloodline if the enemy team has almost no CC. This is extremely rare these days and as a juggernaut you really want some tenacity even if they have low CC.

Cut Down
Very good rune on Urgot now because it helps you burst the enemy to low hp for a good grinder kill, this stacked with Press The Attack is very strong synergy since they both provide 8% bonus damage.

Second Wind
Second Wind offers Urgot a little bit of healing which helps you get through the early lane a lot since you don’t have any form of sustain, when paired with a Cull and sometimes Doran's Shield in the harder poke matchups it can really help you survive lane phase.

Important Note: I recommend swapping to Bone Plating or sometimes Conditioning when against champions that can all-in you very quickly from melee range. Examples where Bone Plating is really good include: Riven, Garen, Darius, Trundle, Warwick, Tryndamere, Jax, and Renekton.

This rune provides us with even more scaling giving us more HP as the game goes on and even boosting your max HP overall once you stack it up enough. This is really nice since our shield on E- Disdain scales off of max HP.

Note: Sometimes I swap Overgrowth for Unflinching if it’s good for my matchup and the enemy team comp also has a ton of CC, some matchups I like Unflinching in are: Trundle, Gnar, and Gangplank since they have a lot of slows and sometimes stuns. I never go Unflinching purely for the matchup though, they have to have a decent amount of CC spread across their entire team comp to make it worth.

Alternative Runes

Biscuit Delivery
This rune is good for hard early game matchups where you also want to run Cosmic Insight and allows you to trade more and survive early game trading.

Cosmic Insight
Some matchups where Flash and Ignite are really high value. I run Cosmic Insight with Biscuit Delivery secondary runes, this helps me win lane but I scale a little worse. Matchups where I really like this page are Aatrox, Darius, Kayle, Irelia, and some ranged matchups if I feel I don’t need Second Wind. Resolve is still good in these matchups too but this page can help you get more kills. Also vs Kayle I go Magical Footwear instead of biscuits.

Magical Footwear
When I go Approach Velocity I personally run this rune as well because not only are you getting free boots before 12 minutes (each takedown earns you boots 45 seconds sooner), but they also give you a bonus +10 movement speed buff the entire game even after you upgrade them. This is extremely nice for a champion like Urgot.

Note: If it's a matchup where you really want early boots (usually if Plated Steelcaps are extremely high value) then I opt for Biscuit Delivery which also helps with early laning phase quite a bit.

Combined with Hullbreaker, this rune is incredibly punishing against tanks, especially Shen since he will be ulting across the map, giving you ample opportunity to take an objective if you are unable to match him with Teleport .

I go Conditioning vs scaling matchups and tanks such as Ornn, Shen, and Maokai. Sometimes I will greedily take this rune in other matchups in place of Second Wind or Bone Plating because of the huge stat boost at 12 minutes. Be mindful of the risks you take until then.

An absolute must on Urgot. Obviously it's great for getting out of sticky situations, but it can also be used offensively to Flash + R- Fear Beyond Death into the enemy during teamfights for a big AOE fear.

You can also E- Disdain + Flash with Urgot. You have to press Flash almost immediately after pressing E (see Video Examples below).

I personally run this in the majority of my games. Before it becomes Unleashed Teleport (at 10 minutes) you are mostly using it to get back to your lane to catch waves and keep up in XP, especially after you get ganked. I think this is extremely important on a champion like Urgot because you tend to get camped a lot since you push waves with passive and are very easy to gank. As you climb higher junglers will tend to camp you more if you don't run Teleport in my experience.

I like running Ignite against some tough matchups, especially those that benefit from the Grievous Wounds. A few examples include Darius, Gwen, Trundle, Warwick, and Dr. Mundo. With Ignite you have a ton of kill pressure once you reach level 6. It flows with your combo really nicely giving you lots of true damage between Ignite and Fear Beyond Death.

This can be a viable secondary spell option if you’re vs a ranged matchup and/or several ranged champions on the enemy team.

Echoing Flames
Urgot has six legs and each one of those holds a passive proc which hits in a cone shape. This passive is actually very strong since it’s based off the targets max HP. Which is why Urgot is good vs tanks as well in the late game. Your passive is also very strong to wave clear. Keep this in mind if you don’t want to push; just auto where the leg is down. The most important thing to remember about this ability is that your W- Purge procs it. So after you W, you’ll want to try to walk around them in a circle and get all your procs off if they’re trying to straight up 1v1 you. I should also note that your passive cooldown is pretty long early game but it gets extremely short in the late game. At level 13 it is a 2.5 second cooldown. Which is crazy because by the time you circle around somebody or a jungle creep the opposite side should already be back up.

Key Notes About Passive:
W- Purge procs it.
Be mindful if you don’t want to push the wave with your passive to auto attack where your passive is down already.
The arrows around Urgot's model are your passive, so if you attack in that direction it will use that passive and that area will go away until it’s back up.
Your shotguns proc on player created things such as Illaoi tentacles and Gangplank’s Barrels, however they do not proc on wards.
Corrosive Charge
You mainly want to be using Q- Corrosive Charge to farm minions the enemy is trying to zone you away from, or to slow them to get in range to land your E- Disdain. It’s also useful to land Q- Corrosive Charge so your W- Purge locks onto the enemy, especially inside a minion wave. You don’t want to be spamming this ability too much because the mana cost is very high for the little amount of damage it does.

Key Notes About Q:
Use to poke when they go to hit creeps (this is mostly if you want to all-in, as you don’t want to be spamming this in lane since the mana cost is 80 even at level one.)
Slow can be used to make E- Disdain or R- Fear Beyond Death easier to hit
Can be used while in W- Purge channel
Good for wave clearing along with your passive
Makes your W- Purge lock on to whichever champion you hit with Q- Corrosive Charge (if you hit two champions at once it will target whoever is closer)
Use abilities to mark them so that your W- Purge will focus onto them, which should be fairly easy to do because remember you can use your E- Disdain and Q- Corrosive Charge while you’re channeling this ability. The main thing you want to try to do is move around them in a circle because it will proc your passive Echoing Flames. This ability also procs anything else that is on-hit which is why Black Cleaver and Press the Attack are so easy to stack on Urgot. This ability is very strong in 1v1 duels especially if you can proc your passive to go with it. It’s somewhat weak early but should still be used in trades. Another thing to keep in mind is that this ability does slow you when attacking with it, but you also gain 40% slow resistance as well being ghosted and ghosting your teammates around you, this means you can’t get creep or champion blocked while in your W- Purge and circling around people.

Key Notes About W- Purge:
Need to hit other abilities for this ability to lock on to target, if you land Q- Corrosive Charge on two people for example it will lock onto whichever is closest to you.
Make sure to have your W- Purge on before using your E- Disdain, it fires once while you’re dashing at somebody.
Can be used to proc your passive easily.
Other abilities can be used while in this ability (Q, E, R).
Can be used to proc any on hit things: Conqueror, Black Cleaver, Press the Attack, etc.
Becomes a toggle at max rank that does not use mana and lasts until you toggle it off.
VERY IMPORTANT: Once your W- Purge is maxxed and becomes a toggle, you can weave in auto attacks for 30% more DPS. This is especially great for taking down turrets quickly. You’ll want to get an auto attack in every 3 W’s and instantly toggle your W back on for maximum DPS.
Gives you 40% slow resistance and ghosted so you ignore unit collision while in W.
This is Urgot's main setup/engage/punish tool. Since this ability always flings them behind you and they get stunned it’s a guaranteed way to hit your ultimate as well as your Q- Corrosive Charge. If you’re in a 1v1 I almost always recommend using your E- Disdain to make sure you don’t miss your R- Fear Beyond Death. Another important thing to know about this ability is that it can be used with Flash to surprise your enemy from pretty far. Basically you want to E- Disdain and then Flash at the same time. I’d recommend practicing this in practice tool. This can be a bit risky to do since you really have to know your range of E- Disdain + Flash combined. It can also be very good to do this when going for a pick. The other thing that’s neat about this ability is that even if you use it slightly before you get CC’d (stunned or knocked up) it will still go anyway. Which is super helpful for escaping. One last thing to keep in mind about this ability is if you use an ability while it’s channeling it will basically queue up that next ability. So for example if I press R- Fear Beyond Death while I’m in my E- Disdain it will go right after I’m done with E- Disdain. Also this ability cannot be used to cross terrain.

Key Notes About E- Disdain:
Great setup for your Q- Corrosive Charge and R- Fear Beyond Death(especially good for giving you a guaranteed way to land your ultimate by ulting behind you where you fling them while they’re stunned).
Can be used in combo with Flash for a surprise engage.
Great escape tool.
Can’t be canceled by stuns - your character will still move as long as you start it before you get stunned
Cannot cross terrain.
Can be used to buffer lots of CC and flings meaning it will go off after their CC goes through. This can be great against stuff like Singed E, Poppy R, Irelia E, Darius E. I will link some videos down at the end of this guide in the video examples section.
Fear Beyond Death
This is one of my favorite abilities in the game and one of the most satisfying ultimates in my opinion. Basically once you get them to under 25% HP you can pull them in for an execute while also getting an AOE fear/slow around you after they are executed. This is crucial in team fights. Keep in mind that you can Flash while you’re pulling somebody in which helps get a big fear in a team fight. Your ultimate is a very fast moving skill shot so it’s good to try to use it on targets that are CC’d and look like they’re going to die. Or use this ability after your E where you know they’re going to land it.

Another thing about this ability is it’s a massive slow for the 4 seconds you have before you pull them in. In some situations it can be used to slow a target even if you aren’t going to get the execute. Keep in mind that while you pulling them in it takes 1.5 seconds and if you die during that time it will get cancelled and they will survive. Another thing is this ability can be cleansed by stuff like Cleanse, Quicksilver Sash, and Gangplank's Remove Scurvy. So I would try not to ultimate targets that have a cleanse. Also, since you have 4 seconds to take them below 25% before the pull, do not be afraid to ultimate half HP targets or sometimes even more if you know your team is going to get them low enough.

Key Notes About R- Fear Beyond Death:
Causes AOE fear/slow after you execute somebody.
Can flash in while you’re pulling somebody.
The second part of this ability (the pulling part) can be cleansed by Quicksilver Sash, and Gangplank Remove Scurvy.
Provides a big slow while the drill is on them (can be great if you’re chasing for a kill even if you don’t get the pull in execute)
Try to use on targets that are already CC’d and look like they might get low enough for the pull. Also can be used right after your E- Disdain to guarantee landing it in the 1v1.
Remember you can aim the direction of the fear since they will run away from you. Flashing behind carries to fear them into your team can be a great play if you’re flashing on them anyway. This can also be done without flash if you have some form of movement speed boost.
If you recast your ultimate before the drop into execute range, right when they drop to the execute range they will be automatically pulled. I usually still spam my R key just in case.
Remember the slow from your ultimate is based on their missing HP, if they are full HP it hardly slows them. It can sometimes be good to wait for your team to do a bit of damage to the enemy champion you’re chasing so your slow is more impactful. The more damage you do during these 4 seconds will also slow them more, so sometimes it can be good to ultimate early if you know they will take burst damage.

W Max
W max is what I go for in most match-ups because level 9 is such a big power spike with it since your W becomes infinite duration. You should get Black Cleaver around that timing as well making you win most match-ups at level 9+. I also start E most games and E the first 3 melee minions once they get low to where it last hits all of them. You also want to try to angle this E to hit the enemy champion along with the minions. If you miss the E you can still go for an auto or two on the enemy champion since you have a shield to trade with. I put an extra point in Q at level 4 because you still get your W at level 9 and having an extra point in Q actually helps a ton since the difference from level 1 and level 2 in Q is huge. I max Q second always because the damage and slow goes up by a lot, the increased slow really helps Urgot to get in range to land his E which is crucial, if you land E on people mid game you usually kill them since it guarantees your ultimate to land.

Note: Every game I start E- Disdain first because this ability is very overloaded early game. And if they facecheck into you then you are guaranteed to land it. If they don't facecheck into a bush I hide in early then I try to E- Disdain them on the first 3 melee minions while also getting those minions. Even trading with the shield you will win most trades with the shotgun knees. You should always try to auto before you fling them behind you to get extra shotgun procs off.

Basic Combos
This is a basic combo if you’re chasing somebody or far away since you slow them with your Q it will make it easier to hit your E then follow up with a W and obviously R if they’re low enough to kill. You want to press W right before you E or while you're E'ing because it shoots once while you're in your Dash.
This combo can be used if you’re already close to your target, the idea behind this is slowing them after you fling so you can get your W + Passive proc off around them. This can also be good vs really tanky champions because you can slow them and get more shotgun knees off before ulting them, if you're vs a squishy champion I wouldn't do this combo, you would want to just go for the ultimate right after landing E since you can burst them down to your ultimate threshhold most likely, only do this into tanks if you can't burst them to your E threshold quick enough.
Situational Combos
This combo is good if they’re already very close to you so you can start with your W get them somewhat low, and then fling them behind you to guarantee land your ultimate while they're stunned. You want to press R behind you as you're landing the E to do this combo very quickly, if done properly they won't be able to react to dodge your ultimate.
This combo can be used as a surprise since it starts off with a random E to catch them off guard and then you just land the Q while you’re in W to get the slow for your R. Turn on your W as you're E'ing
This combo can be used if they’re already low, hitting your E just guarantees you hit your ultimate.

This combo starts off with ultimate and is good for picking targets off or if your teamates are going to follow up on the person you R’d, like I said before since it’s a 4 second slow sometimes that is enough to pick somebody out and get a kill even if you don’t get the pull. Keep in mind the slow of your ultimate scales based on their missing HP, if they are full HP your ultimate doesn't slow them, so this combo is good if the person you're sniping is injured a little bit first.
Advanced Combo
Similar to the basic combo I mentioned earlier, but adding in the flash makes it more complicated, mostly for the fact that you really have to know the distance of your E and flash combined to hit this combo. You want to R right after your E in this combo because you should only be E-Flashing if you know you can kill them with a grinder combo, or if your team can help you secure the kill.
Be sure to view the examples in the Video section below!

Starting Items

Doran's Blade
This item is my go to start on Urgot because it gives a lot of early damage and HP but also scales into the game nicely with omnivamp. I try not to sell this even mid game unless I really need to for a big item because the 3% omnivamp along with Cull is decent sustain. I like to build this item when I know I can win early lane and auto attack a lot.

Doran's Shield
Although this item has a ranged penalty, I believe it’s still good on Urgot in lanes where you need to survive. I like it vs champs like Teemo and Volibear.

Lots of games I go for a cheater recall or early recall to buy a Cull on Urgot. This is because it gives a bit of damage and more importantly 3 hp per attack which works in full effect on our W- Purge. Urgot is the best user of Cull passive and can benefit greatly if you’re spamming W- Purge on minions to heal. The champions I don’t go Cull against are the risky matchups with a lot of burst: Darius, and Riven are a few examples. Against tanks I will always go Cull. It slows down your first item spike a little bit, but you get to your second item spike quicker since it generates an extra 180 gold once sold after you cash in 100 minions with it. I don’t like to sell Cull unless I need to for a bigger purchase. For example, I keep it over Ruby Crystal and Long Sword, but anything more expensive than those I will sell it for like a Giant's Belt or a completed item.

Upgrade Boots
You’ll either want to upgrade your boots into Plated Steelcaps or Mercury's Treads depending on if you need armor or magic resist. Also if the other team has a lot of CC then Mercury's Treads may be the better option as well. Another thing to keep in mind is if you’re against a champion that split-pushes a lot you’ll probably always want to go Plated Steelcaps since you’ll be answering their split most of the game; even if Mercury's Treads look like the better option. Keep in mind tenacity does not work vs knockups, so if they have a lot of knockups Mercury's Treads will be pointless.

NOTE: Boots of Swiftness can also be a great pickup on Urgot. These are good vs matchups where you need to dodge skillshots such as Illaoi, Cho'Gath, Dr. Mundo, and Mordekaiser. They also help against slows which can be very good vs certain team comps. They sadly do not help vs Urgot's self slow from W since it’s technically not a slow, but rather a reduction in Movement speed.

Full Build Itemization

NOTE: The first three items are the core items in the build, meaning you want them every game. The last two items are always situational.

Main Juggernaut Build
This is a great all around build for Urgot.

Black Cleaver
Very strong item on Urgot because Urgot stacks up the armor shred passive insanely fast with his W, it also gives great stats and more movement speed which Urgot needs for sticking to people.

Sterak's Gage
Sterak's is a great second item in this build and is also good 3rd or 4th if you don't buy it second. I like it second if I'm vs a Darius or Garen or I plan on teamfighting a lot in the mid game because it provides a lot of tenacity and the shield is very clutch for making sure you don't die while pulling somebody into your grinder, so you can always get big fear plays off with this item.

Jak'Sho, The Protean
At this point in the game you have enough damage and HP so you want to start rounding off your build with some resistances. Jak'Sho, The Protean is really nice because it's the only item that offers both in one item. Although we don't have much resist to synergize with the passive, this still offers a lot, and if you have Mercury’s Treads and Conditioning you'll have plenty of resists.

Overlord's Bloodmail
This item is great on Urgot as a 4th item if the enemy team doesn't have a lot of % HP damage, it will give you a ton of HP and damage which is exactly what Urgot wants, If you need resists badly then sometimes I will get this item last and instead build into a Randuin’s Omen or Force of Nature, or whatever I need for the game. But this item is VERY strong late game on Urgot and it's even better the more melee champs they have as well.

Randuin's Omen
Good vs Auto attackers and crit users. I’ll usually buy this if they have two or more crit users. Usually the 4th item in the build.

Ranged Counter Build
This build is very good to counter ranged top laners, squishy team comps, and certain splitpushers.

Hullbreaker has very good synergy with Urgot because your W stacks up the skipper passive very quickly, the build path is also amazing and provides a lot of damage while building into it. If you proc Hullbreaker with your W it is 50% reduced damage so you should try to count 4w's and then auto attack for your 5th hit especially on towers, on champions I don't worry about this as much because it's too hard to track.

A very good option for taking down ranged champions right now, combined with Hullbreaker you have a lot of movement speed and AD. Stridebreaker allows you to land your Q, then E to get in range of the enemy, and then pop Stridebreaker and run them down, you don't even need to land your E. There's is some wasted attack speed on this item but for how much it offers it's still worth it if you need the movement speed.

Sterak's Gage
In this build Sterak's Gage is a really good third item option because you need the defense really bad.

Jak'Sho, The Protean
At this point in the game you have enough damage and HP so you want to start rounding off your build with some resistances. Jak'Sho is really nice because it's the only item that offers both in one item. Although we don't have much resist to synergize with the passive, this still offers a lot, and if you have Mercury’s Treads and Conditioning you'll have plenty of resists.

Overlord's Bloodmail
Overlords bloodmail can be a great item to round off the build here, it will give you a ton of AD since everything in this build gives HP.

NOTE: This build is very good into squishy ranged champs and splitpushers, and also much better if you get a lead early on. Even without Black Cleaver you're very strong if they're squishy champs. You can go Black Cleaver in place of Overlord's Bloodmail if your team has a lot of physical damage, or the enemy squishies start building some armor late game. You can also sell Hullbreaker in the very late game for Overlord’s Bloodmail swap.

Situational Items

Force of Nature
This is a great last item option if you're against a lot of mages, especially if they are low burst mages and have a lot of burns or damage over time spells. This item can be flexed for an armor item or more damage if you don't need magic resist.

Profane Hydra
This item can be a strong alternative to stridebreaker if you want to go full splitpush mode, I think it can be decent vs champs like Fiora and Gwen because it offers a ton of burst. It's very risky to go this over stridebreaker though because it doesn't offer any HP like stridebreaker does. Keep in mind the active does more damage when they're below 50% hp. Your 1v2 in the sidelane is very strong with this item.

Kaenic Rookern
A decent alternative to Force of Nature, Kaenic Rookern is suppose to be better vs AP Burst mages where you think you won't be able to survive and stack up force of nature to get enough value out of it. In most games Force of Nature is more valuable in my opinion because the movement speed is so good for Urgot, but this is a good alternative.

Dead Man’s Plate
Very good armor option for Urgot this season. I like Deadman's when Randuin's Omen doesn't look very strong and if the enemy team has a lot of slows and physical damage dealers. If you combine this with boots of swiftness you won't even feel the enemy slows.

Spirit Visage
One of my favorite magic resist items for Urgot, very good if you have an enchanter on the team like Soraka. It will boost your Triumph heal, E shield, Sterak’s Gage shield, Jak’Sho drain heal. Lots of nice little boosts. This item is hard to fit in the build unless they have a lot of magic damage though.

Maw of Malmortius
This is a good option if you’re vs an AP top laner like Mordekaiser, Gwen, etc… But I usually only build it if they have an AP jungle or mid as well, because it locks you out of building Sterak's Gage which is an insanely good item for Urgot.

Blade of the Ruined King
Sometimes I will buy this second item when I’m facing a tank that is building Heartsteel also such as Sion, Cho'Gath, or Dr. Mundo. It’s a very strong item into these tanks if you want to play for the 1v1 and provide sidelane pressure. Sometimes it can be better to just play for teamfights though so I don’t always buy this. The 25% attack speed is not ideal, but it’s also not completely wasted because it smooths out your W toggle. With a little bit of attack speed you can actually do 2W->AA combo and pump out some crazy damage, it’s a bit tricky to get the rhythm down consistently for that though. If the enemy team has multiple HP stacker champs or tanks and one of them is going Heartsteel, I would definitely pick this item up at some point.

Frozen Heart
Good alternative to Randuin’s Omen if the enemy team has a lot of AD, attack speed, or on hit champions. Frozen heart is nice when you don’t need the crit reduction from Randuin’s and just want to slow their attack speed down.

I will sometimes build thornmail in the Jak'Sho, The Protean build when I need armor and antiheal. It’s more of a late game option if I do buy this item to round off the build.

Chempunk Chainsword
When I really need antiheal, but I also want damage and don’t need the tankiness from thornmail, or they have AP healing champs such as Vladimir that won’t be auto attacking me much.

Edge of Night
I only build this against Vayne, since her only way to proc it is Condemn, so you always have a shield against that which helps stick to her.

Levels 1-3
Let me just start off by saying Urgot's early laning phase is NOT the strong point of this champion. Even though your level 1-3 is pretty strong (especially if you can land an E or cheese them in the bush at the start), you are more of a scaling mid game champion. You’re basically trying to get to level 9 where your W- Purge becomes a toggle for your true champion power spike. With that being said there are still windows of opportunities before then so let’s talk about them.

I usually start most lanes off with Doran's Blade. Level 1 with Urgot you want to start with E- Disdain always. You want to proc your side shotgun knees and then flip them to the other side to proc your other shotgun knees, this is especially easy to do if they're face checking into the bush you're sitting in, just make sure to auto them before you fling them with your E- Disdain. If I don’t have to leash with Urgot then I am looking to fight the enemy top laner before he even gets to lane. So for example, if you’re starting bot-side and he is leashing red buff topside for his jungler then I like to sit in the tri-bush and fight him level one. Urgot's level 1 is really strong in most match-ups especially if you have the surprise on the enemy. Do not do this against Darius. If you’re starting topside and you don’t need to leash then you can wait in the river bush. Whether you start E or W always make sure to get in an auto attack before you use your ability since you have the surprise on them. If you’re starting W then you can get an auto attack in after your W ends as well.

Now onto the lane: Level one if you aren’t cheesing, I look for an early E- Disdain through the first 3 melee minions once they get low. You can try to angle it to where you get all three creeps once they get low and you can still hit your E on the enemy champion. A lot of people will play into your E range level one if they’re a melee champ because for one they don’t expect you to start E but they’re also going for the first 3 melee minions as well. Levels 1-2 I’m quite aggressive in most match-ups because your passive and E are really strong. So I am usually zoning them off the creeps and slowly pushing in the wave by last hitting when necessary. After I get the wave pushed in is when I’ll drop a ward down. You want to try to do this before 3 minutes or around that time depending on who their jungler is. Lots of junglers will try to come top lane for the 3 minute gank so make sure to ward for this. Especially since you will be pushing the lane since you have priority and zoning potential levels 1-3. Just make sure you get the wave fully pushed into the turret before you ward so you don’t miss minions while warding.

Levels 4-5
I’m pretty chill on Urgot for levels 4-5 unless the enemy is playing into my E range which I am always looking for. You should be trying to your best to auto attack when they go up to last hit your minions and look for E’s if they step up too far especially if they’re going for a cannon minion. Other than if you land E’s, you shouldn’t be going too aggressive in these levels. You should play safe until E's back up most of the time. If you want to get an early back off or are forced to get an early back off because you got ganked and you’re going to Teleport back I recommend picking up a Cull around these levels. If you’re backing with around 450 gold, Cull can also be a great early back option into tank match-ups.

Level 6-9
These are the levels where Urgot becomes URGOD and these will be your biggest power spike levels where you should be able to 1v1 most champions and possibly even 1v2 if played correctly. Once you hit 9 is when you max your W and it becomes a toggle meaning it lasts forever until you toggle it off and doesn’t cost mana or have a cooldown. On top of this around this level you should have Black Cleaver which is another big power spike for Urgot allowing you to shred people down even if they’re tanky and making you beefy enough to last in extended fights with your W on. On top of all of this, once you hit level 9 your passive shotgun knees go on a 10 second cooldown per leg, and then 5 seconds at level 11, and finally 2.5 seconds at level 13 which allows you to really shred everyone, even tanks, in extended fights.

Also after level 9 it gets a lot easier to take turrets as well as solo herald if you have an opportunity to. Remember when taking turrets and heralds you can weave in an auto attack every 3 W hits for more DPS. This is because your auto attack is “refreshing” while you’re in your W and there is no cooldown toggling your W off and on.

Levels 11-13+
Urgot really starts to ramp up in these levels and become an absolute monster of a champion, You can start to win most fights even if you're behind at these levels if you aren't already winning at level 9. Level 11 your shotgun knee cooldown goes to 5 seconds and the damage is pretty high too. Level 13 your Shotguns are 2.5 second cooldown so you can shred tanks even by circling around them with W. Level 13 is when you should be forcing 1v2's in the sidelane and trying to rotate or teleport into teamfights and have a big impact in the fight. Level 13 Urgot is one of the strongest mid game champions in the entire game so it's very important you use your strong levels before you start to fall off a little bit later. Urgot is always still useful but he does start to fall off at 30-35 minutes in most games, so you want to do push your leads a lot in the mid game around 20-30 minutes.

Your main focus with Urgot in team-fights should be getting a big ultimate AOE fear. If you have Flash up then this will be a lot easier. Sometimes I will split-push until my Flash is up, unless baron or dragon are up and we have to team-fight. Urgot does extremely well in team comps that have engage and CC. You should try to follow up on whoever your team can CC and then burst down. You want to ultimate them while they’re CC’d so it’s guaranteed. Most of the time with Urgot in team-fights I try to play off my team rather then just full on engaging because it does take a bit of time to get that pull off in team-fights. Once you land the pull on whoever your team is on, you’ll want to Flash on their backline while you’re pulling them in to get a massive fear off. I like to wait until right before the pull finishes. This way they don’t have time to react to you flashing in and dash or flash away.

Urgot is also great at flanking in team-fights especially if you’re Teleporting in at a flank angle. If you ever get onto a back line carry and land your E, they’re usually so squishy that you can burst them super quick. If you land your E on a carry then you should always R them instantly while they’re stunned from your fling because you will burst them so fast and then you can just fear their front line and win the team-fight that way. If you have a good opportunity to E-Flash on a carry late game (especially if you’re flanking), do not hesitate to do so.
Urgot Splitpushing
Urgot actually does very well in the split-push and in 1v1’s because of your passive scaling and you just have so much consistent damage that you can win almost all extended trades. If you land your E- Disdain in 1v1’s then you should have no issue winning the fight. Especially if you follow up with your R- Fear Beyond Death right after the stun and make sure you’re circling around them while they’re slowed to get your passive shotguns off because that’s where a ton of damage comes from.

Generally you’ll want to pressure the opposite side of the map of whatever the big objective is IF YOU HAVE TELEPORT UP. So for example if I have teleport up I will be wanting to side lane bottom lane and tell or ping my team to pressure the baron, while looking for a teleport play. If they send multiple people for you then Urgot has great 1v2 potential and your team hopefully secures baron. Whenever you’re going for the 1v2, try to burst the more squishy person first and get your ultimate off on them so you can fear the other guy. Urgot is great at bursting squishy targets especially if you land your E into R combo. If they don’t send people for you then you should be able to get turrets and maybe even dive your opponent.

When splitpushing, my biggest tip is to be glancing at your minimap a lot and keep track of whoever you’re seeing on the map. And ALSO where your team is on the minimap. You have to wait until your team is pressuring before you can pressure to or else they can send a lot of people for you and your team won’t be getting anything out of it. Having vision can also help a lot with this, but a lot of it is tracking everything in your head and calculating how long it will take X champion to get to you and providing the right amount of pressure at the right times.

These are some useful tips or weird interactions I’ve found after playing Urgot for awhile.
The indicators around your character are your Shotgun knees, this is where most of Urgot's damage comes from, so try to move accordingly to proc them. If you want to freeze a wave, auto where your Shotgun is on cooldown.

Urgot is very strong levels 1 and 2, weak at levels 3-9, so try to build an early lead by waiting in the bush to ambush your opponent. If you can’t get the level 1 fight in the bush, you can zone them off the first 3 melee minions to make them miss XP. Only a few champions in top lane can handle Urgot level 1: Darius, Fiora, Olaf, Sett, Wukong, and any champ that runs Lethal Tempo ( Kayle, Tryndamere, Jax, etc.) Besides Darius and Fiora these other champions you can still win sometimes if you kite them while auto attacking but it’s very close so I usually don’t risk it. You spike at level 9 + first item spike because your Purge becomes an infinite ability that you can toggle, increasing your DPS massively. Make sure to play safe levels 3-9 in a lot of matchups (this is the hardest part of playing/learning Urgot). You have decent kill pressure at level 6 when your summoner spells are available, especially if you are running Ignite.

Always have your W- Purge on before you E- Disdain somebody. Your W- Purge fires once while you’re dashing towards them which also procs a shotgun if you have it up. This improves your DPS by a lot!

Try to land your E before you cast R as the stun guarantees you land your skillshot. If you’re struggling to land E’s, try to slow them with Q first. Closing the gap is often necessary with ranged matchups.

Urgot E can be used to buffer through many forms of CC; try to use E right before you get CC’d to get to a safer spot or to make them miss some of their combo, some abilities are harder to E buffer than others and have their own specific timings.

E-Flash combo is a reliable way to get kills in lane because it’s very hard for the enemy to react to this. Try to butter them up before going for this combo. I like to get them around 50-70% HP depending on the champ before an E-Flash→R→W combo. This is how to win many lanes with Urgot.

Urgot's powerspikes are level 1, 2, 9, 11,13. Level 13 is an insane powerspike because the recharge cooldown to your passive Shotguns drops to 2.5 seconds which means by the time you make a full circle, the Shotgun you started with will be ready to fire again. Out of all the powerspikes, Level 9 and 13 are the biggest powerspikes on Urgot.

At level 9 when your W is maxed, you can do the W toggle. This is done in quick succession by attacking 3 times with W toggled on, quickly turning W off followed by an auto attack command (make sure you see your auto attack missile go off), and pressing W again. Repeat that combo for maximum DPS, doing this increases your damage output by 30%. The only time you don’t want to do this is when you’re really close to your target and able to circle around them with your W and proc your Shotguns. This is very important on Urgot so try to practice the rhythm on towers.

Urgot excels at both splitpushing and teamfighting so you have to choose what is better for the game. When you are level 13 and on a two item powerspike I highly recommend trying to teamfight during this time. My strength as a player is in teamfighting so I will prioritize that. Teamfighting depends on a lot of factors but to simplify it, the two main ways I teamfight are: If I have flash up I will try to E-flash an important carry and completely burst them out, especially if I know my team can follow up on this. The other thing I try to do is wait for the enemy team to engage if they have an engage team comp and when their frontline is getting focused and I know they will get bursted quick enough I will use my ultimate on them to get the pull and then flash onto the enemy backline right before my pull finishes to get a big fear on everyone. Urgot excels when the enemy team has to play into him because he has a lot of burst and CC but lacks mobility, he can also be good when your team has a lot of engage and can set up plays for him, try to think about these things when you teamfight.

I do something called a “cheater recall” whenever possible which is done by slowly pushing the first two waves and then hard pushing the 3rd wave into their tower before recalling to buy a Cull. By the time you return to lane, your wave will be in a spot to freeze right outside your tower and they will feel pressured to push the wave in while you have an item advantage.

Cull is amazing on Urgot because it heals 3 HP per hit which works fully in your W. Urgot doesn’t have much sustain so this helps me with laning a lot. On top of earning 1 extra gold per minion, you get an extra 350 gold once you kill 100 minions; NEVER sell Cull before then. Avoid selling it unless you’re purchasing a big component or Legendary item; I would rather keep my Cull over a 350g Longsword or 400g Ruby crystal.

Remember to take turrets as fast as possible. After every three W- Purge hits you want to toggle it and weave in an auto attack for more DPS because your auto attack resets while you're in W, and there's no cooldown toggling W.

Always put a second point in your Q at level 4 before you max your W. You get W at level 9 no matter what and this second point in Q helps a lot because the damage almost triples and the slow goes up 5%. It helps a lot for securing minions if you need to farm from a distance and also with trading.

Always max Q second after your W, the damage goes up a lot each rank but more importantly the slow goes up 5% each rank, this is really important to help you land more E’s by slowing them more with Q. The issue with maxing E second is the mana goes up a lot and the cooldown doesn’t go down by much, so most fights you will still only get one E off anyway.

Your E- Disdain can be used to dash through a minion wave if you’re wanting to wave clear quickly.

Your W- Purge can be used to clear out things like Zyra plants super quickly.

Your W- Purge will auto target the closest things including the fruits on the map so be careful when you activate this near a blast cone.

Your R- Fear Beyond Death can be cleansed by Quicksilver Sash as well as Gangplank’s fruit Remove Scurvy.

Your R- Fear Beyond Death doesn’t execute on death defying ultimates or passives but it will still pull them to you ( Tryndamere, Kayle, etc…).

You can use your W- Purge to clear wards quickly right after they’re placed before they disappear or also just for clearing pink wards quickly.

There are many revives and abilities that block damage or stop you from dying in the game and these counter your ultimate because you do not get the fear if they have a revive, it’s important in teamfights to try to not use your ultimate on somebody else if they have a revive. These are Zac passive, Anivia passive, tryndamere ult, renata W, Kayle ult, Pantheon E, Zilean ult. Rengar empowered W cleanses, Gangplank fruit cleanses (these only cleanse your second part of R, the pulling part) You can also tell when their revive passive is up if they have a little wing symbol right above their level.

Renata Glasc W- Bailout makes it to where the person revives and you don’t get the fear. They will still die if they don’t get a takedown but you never get the fear.

Yasuo's Wind Wall blocks both parts of your ultimate. (So not only does it block the projectile shot but it also blocks you from pulling him in).

You cannot pull an Olaf with your ultimate when he is in his ultimate- Ragnarok.

You are able to auto attack right before and right after you turn on and off your W which can sometimes be very useful for finishing a kill if you’re able to calculate it since it speeds up your DPS slightly, just make sure you’re clicking on the enemy champion or turret as you’re toggling your W off.

Cull works with your W- Purge making it pretty decent life-steal.

Kalista's ultimate, Fate's Call can save whoever you’re pulling with your ultimate. So it may not be a good idea to ult the support if they have a Kalista.

Here are some helpful non-Urgot related tips to help you win your games!

Whenever your laner uses a summoner spell, always remember to ping it in the chat (by default, this is done by opening the scoreboard with TAB and clicking the summoner spell under their champion portrait). This will let your jungler know that your laner doesn’t have his flash, teleport, ignite, etc. and encourage them to come help you when needed.

Try sticking to 1-3 champions if you really want to climb. This way you learn matchups and how to carry with your champion over time easier.

Pay attention to where the enemy jungler starts by seeing if the top lane leashes for him or if the enemy bot lane leashed. If they start bot side they will generally path up towards you, and in that case you should always be ready for a 2:45-3:00 minute jungle gank top lane. This is another reason doing the cheater recall I talked about earlier is good because it will get you out of this early gank that junglers love to go for.

Baron buff lasts for three minutes. Elder buff lasts for two minutes. Usually if the enemy team gets these buffs you want to try to avoid fighting and turtle and defend your base until they expire.

Flash cooldown is five minutes, Ignite is three minutes. You want to keep a mental note of this after you make your opponent in lane burn these and try to punish them while they’re on cooldown. Always ping right after you blow their summoners in lane so your jungle knows when the top laner you’re facing has no Flash.

Everytime you get a kill, you should always be thinking what the next best step you can do is for your wave. Sometimes it’s good to recall right away, other times push the wave, or sometimes thin the wave down enough to where it won’t fully push into your tower while you’re recalling. A lot of this depends on a lot of factors and where the enemy jungle is so it’s hard to say the correct move in a guide when there’s too many dynamics. But you want to get good at thinking about this. I highly recommend watching challenger top lane players and think about every move they are making and why they are making it to get better at this.

Honeyfruits can be really nice on Urgot since we don’t have much sustain. When you push in your lane and go to ward it can be a great time to get some fruits for some heals and mana. Here are some useful tips about them.
First spawns between 6:00 and 6:30.
Respawn time is between 5.5 and 7 minutes.
If a Honeyfruit isn't taken before its respawn timer completes, a second Honeyfruit may spawn. No more than two Honeyfruits can exist per half of the river.

Urgot often has to tank baron. Keep in mind when tanking baron it shreds your armor and magic resist every auto attack, stacking up to 100 times. If you know a fight is coming it can be a good idea to let somebody else tank it.

Inhibitors respawn after five minutes. Inhibitor turrets as well as nexus turrets also passively regenerate HP per second.

turret plating falls off at 14:00 minutes, if you have first rift herald try to use it before then to get the plating gold.

you do reduced tower damage in top lane until 5:00 minute mark. Most of the time it's worth it to just recall for tempo if you get the wave pushed into tower before 5:00 minute mark.

If you’re not running Teleport you always want to be at or near the dragon around 45 seconds before it spawns. This way you can get control and vision and maybe look for a pick before the dragon spawns. If you are running Teleport then you usually want to split top lane and get it pushing in before you teleport to the dragon so the tower will eat some of the creeps denying the enemy team more gold.

If you are trying to really climb, try not to autopilot. You always want to be thinking about what you can do after you make a play, where the enemy jungle is, your movements and trading in lane, looking at your minimap, etc… League is a game of a lot of thinking, strategy and planning in advance. It can be tough at first but eventually some of these things become second nature and easier to manage with practice.

Watching other people play on streams and youtube videos is a great way to learn more about your champion, I think it’s also very beneficial to watch your own gameplays. If you don’t have time to watch the whole gameplay just watch the parts where you died, or messed up, or felt like you couldn’t do anything, and see what happened leading up to that. You will see many mistakes when you watch your own gameplays even if you’re Challenger.

If you lose a few games in a row, consider taking a break and getting some fresh air, nice food, a shower, playing some arams or normal games, etc… whatever helps you chill out a bit. Tilt queueing is very real and it’s an easy way to lose a lot of progress on your climb.

Combo Examples
Here’s a clip of me doing a fast E-Q combo, basically you want to get your q off during your E right before you actually fling the person, you have to be pretty quick with it, this also works with your R.

Here’s me doing an E-Flash-R combo, because there is a little bit of buffer time on your E you can actually use it right before you flash making it practically impossible for them to react to your E, this can be really nice for securing kills in laning phase, but be careful doing this out of lane as you’ll want your flash for big ultimate fear plays in team-fights!

Here’s an example of what I mean by flash fears in the late game to win teamfights, as you can see I waited for right before I grind the enemy Rek'Sai to flash in so they can’t react and flash or dash out, fears like this can single handedly win you teamfights and games!

Here’s an example of a standard Urgot combo, I like to get an auto in before I toggle my W on sometimes for more DPS, so this combo was E-R-Auto-W and then circle around them for the passive procs, normally if I was engaging onto them I’d Q them first to get into my E range.

Here’s an example of the W toggle for taking turrets down quick as Urgot, basically every 3 W hits you’ll want to toggle it off and get an auto attack in and then retoggle your W back on instantly, you’ll be wanting to do this once you’re level 9+ everytime you take turrets because it’s just more DPS, this is because your auto attack is refreshing while you’re in your W and there is no cooldown to toggle it once your w is maxxed which is at level 9 if you’re maxxing it first.
E Buffering
The way to do the E buffer is quite simple, you pretty much just want to time it or predict slightly with their ability, because of the little cast time or buffer on your E it will go off slightly after their spell, this works with a ton of CC in the game but here are just a few examples of them.

E buffer example on Irelia’s Stun.

E buffer example on Singed Fling.

E buffer example on Poppy Ultimate.

E buffer example on Jayce E.

Very important general tips for all matchups!
Cheater Recall
In many lanes you can do something called a cheater recall on Urgot since you are strong in the first few levels, meaning the enemy cannot contest you or get priority of the waves. To sum it up without making it too confusing, you slow push the first 2 waves and then hard push the cannon wave and get your big wave crashed into the enemy tower. Then you take a recall and if you farmed well and last hit the cannon minion you should be able to afford a Cull. Which is a great early item on Urgot because it gives you 3 HP regen on auto attacks as well as each W hit. Not only do you have item advantage but your wave should be in a good spot outside your turret allowing you to freeze and pressure for a kill. In some matchups it also gets you out of the early 2:50-3:00 minute jungle gank that can happen often.

The matchups that can be hard to do this are champions that are strong early and also have decent wave clear making them able to contest your push. Champs that can be hard against are: Darius, Sett, Fiora, Olaf, Wukong, Tryndamere, Heimerdinger. Just because they can contest you doesn't mean they always will though. Sometimes if you are able to get a lot of auto attacks and short Press the Attack trades off it can scare them off and make them play very passively meaning you can still push. Also you can do this on the 4th wave as well; it doesn't always have to be the third wave if they're contesting the first few waves.

Video example I HIGHLY recommend watching.
(Cheater Recall section starts at 9:10)

Simplified overview of how a lot of matchups generally go:
Most matchups Urgot wins levels 1 and 2. 3-5 can be hard in a lot of matchups but you can still auto attack people down a lot and play for Press the Attack trades. Once you get 6 you have a lot of kill pressure with your grinder especially if you have Flash and Ignite up. E-Flash > Ignite > R combo is very lethal especially if you can chunk them to around 70% HP before going for it. Levels 6-8 are pretty tough generally unless you go for the combo I just mentioned. You have to be very calculated on Urgot because if you fall behind or lose some trades you don't have sustain or mobility to run. I recommend being pretty passive with E unless you can land it for sure and take a good trade, because if your E is down you're very vulnerable to get all-ined or jungle ganked. After level 9 you can win many matchups because your W- Purge is now an infinite toggle. You want to do 3 W's and then auto attack and turn back on your W. This will increase your DPS by about 30% on Urgot and is very important to winning extended fights. You should also get Black Cleaver around this time if you're building it first. This is when Urgot can start playing aggressively and you can start looking for all-ins. Level 11 and 13 are your next big power spikes because your passive Echoing Flames shotgun knees go down to 5 seconds (level 11) and 2.5 seconds (level 13) to recharge and the damage is very high on them by now.
E-Buffering (E'ing through CC)
Knowing how to E- Disdain buffer is very important in many matchups. This means using your E- Disdain right before you get hit by the enemy Crowd Control. This allows you to E through many stuns and knock-ups and really throws your enemy off or gets you out of a potentially life threatening situation.
Grievous Wounds
Since I run Ignite a lot I don’t build grievous wounds in a lot of matchups unless the enemy team has a lot of healing and it’s necessary for the game and my matchup. I am going to include it in the matchups where I think it’s good, but if you want to play more for teamfights and the overall game I highly suggest building one of the situational items I have listed instead.
When to Sell Cull
You should always sell Cull after cashing it in by killing 100 minions. I only sell it once I need to for a greater component or item since it does offer a little bit of stats.
Build Decisions
Keep in mind I’m giving general builds for matchups. After your first 3 core items you will need to think about what’s good for the overall game. I will be listing the items that are good in 1v1 for your matchup but sometimes you should build for the overall game and there may be a better situational item. Generally I find it better to buy for the overall game rather than the 1v1 after your first three items, because I like to teamfight more than side lane. And even when building for teamfighting Urgot's 1v1 potential is still really good if you’re able to land E- Disdain and/or get your shotgun knees off quickly.

All matchups are in alphabetical order.
Clicking on them will take you directly to the desired matchup.

My personal permaban at the time of writing this. (Highest playrate for champs that do good into Urgot in my opinion.)

Really tough matchup in my opinion because Aatrox actually out ranges Urgot with his Q- The Darkin Blade's, and because your hitbox is so big it's hard to dodge his key ability and poking tool in this lane.

He also has great sustain which Urgot struggles to match. You're basically just trying to get him to 70-80% HP and going for a E-Flash-Ignite-R-W combo to try to burst him down completely.

Urgot does outscale in teamfights and sidelane but Aatrox is still strong especially if he can get resets. I really don't like this matchup.

Quick tips to help you win the matchup:
Avoid getting hit by his Q- The Darkin Blade sweet spots at all costs, unpredictable movement is very important in this lane.
Always run to the side of the "cage" to escape if he hits W- Infernal Chains on you.
You have good kill pressure with E-flash + ignite + grinder. This is the main way to get kills in this lane.
His level 1 is weak and he can't reposition with E- Umbral Dash to land his Q- The Darkin Blade's easier, try to abuse this and get a good early trade, or zone him off some XP.
You can stand in your minion wave to make him Q- The Darkin Blade you. This is really good if you want him to push the lane.

Runes & Summoner Spells to run:
Note: Teleport is also viable if you want to play safer in this match. You should build Executioner's Calling in this matchup if you do.

General game plan:
Urgot outscales Aatrox heavily but the lane is very Aatrox favored.

Urgot's goal is to survive through lane and stay away from Aatrox's Q- The Darkin Blade's.

If you get him chunked to 70-80% you can go all in with E-flash > Ignite > R > W combo and usually get a kill. Without Flash he is too hard to kill since he can play the distance very well in most cases.
Akali is hard to rate since it really depends on who is playing her. With that being said I find it to be fairly easy to survive, but somewhat hard to kill at least early on because of how many dashes she has plus the smoke shroud.

Quick tips to help you win the matchup:
You want to always be playing outside of her Q range, you can walk in and out to bait her Q’s, she will also try to farm with her Q and poke you at the same time so pay attention to your minions and your movement around them.
When you’re level 9, always keep your W on when she smoke shrouds, if she pops out for a quick trade your W will instantly lock on and start damaging her.
Sweeper lens can be good in this matchup since it will out line her when she is in shroud, you can’t attack her but you can see what direction she might be trying to sneak away once she leaves the shroud.
Once you have some damage you can one combo her if you land E before she can dash away or smoke shroud since she is squishy.
If she lands E on you and takes the E, you can use that opportunity to land an E on her, and if you’re quick enough it will cancel her damage from her E.

Runes & Summoner Spells to run:
Note: You can also go Second Wind if playing more for early game.

General game plan:
Levels 1-3 you can win trades against Akali.

4-6 can be a little bit challenging. Always try to kite out her empowered auto after she lands Q- Five Point Strike on you. After you have ultimate you want to try to get her to 70% HP and if you land E just dump your whole combo into her and try to burst her before she jumps away or shrouds.

You also want to be very careful whenever she has ultimate up especially if she has Ignite as well. She can burst you really fast if you drop to around 60% HP. This matchup really feels like whoever can burst the other person first wins most of the time.

Your teamfight and sidelane is better than hers. They usually jump into your backline in teamfights so keep that in mind and maybe peel your carries, especially if she is really fed and you aren’t.

Quick tips to help you win the matchup:
If you E- Disdain him when he’s in his E- Heroic Swing grapple ability it cancels it out.
He’s a hardcore lane bully early game. Don’t be afraid to give up CS in the early game if it means taking a bunch of auto attacks.

Runes & Summoner Spells to run:

General game plan:
This lane is honestly really tough. You just have to survive the early game until you can get Plated Steelcaps.

Overall I play very safe early and give up CS if it means I’m going to take a lot of autos and poke damage. I like to use my E- Disdain more reactionary in this matchup instead of aggressively since it’s so hard to land on him.

I think Urgot offers much more to the team fights but the 1v1 can be annoying until you get some items so play more passively until then if possible.
Urgot does very good into this champion in my experience because Briar has to play into you, which means you can land E often and take good trades. Plated Steelcaps are very strong against this champion. You can also E her when she channels her W and fling her over you to dodge her W. You can pressure her a lot when she goes to last hit minions in this lane.

Runes & Summoner Spells to run:

This matchup difficulty really depends on the Camille because their skill levels vary so much. Lane is pretty bearable but not easy. She outscales you 1v1 but you outscale her in teamfights in my opinion.

Quick tips to help you win the matchup:
When trading, try to kite her and not let her get that auto attack early on in the fight. That will proc her passive Adaptive Defenses shield making it hard to trade after.
Try to play around her W- Tactical Sweep poke. She will try to farm with it while also poking you at the same time. Make her choose between that by positioning properly.
If she ever E- Hookshot's at you, you want to E- Disdain her right as she lands on you. DO NOT try to E- Disdain her while she is mid air. Her E- Hookshot has priority over yours and you will get stunned.
Pay attention when she Q- Precision Protocol's minions and back up. She will try to use her second proc of Q- Precision Protocol on you for big true damage. If you eat too many of these you will lose the lane.
When going for a kill on her, make sure to Ult her while she is stunned by your E- Disdain, otherwise she can use her ultimate Hextech Ultimatum to dodge your ultimate if she is good.
You can auto attack and trade a lot in this lane as long as you play around her true damage Q- Precision Protocol and passive shield. Try to get a lead early as she does outscale you 1v1 if it's even.
Camille has a very good gank setup for her junglers so they like to camp for her. Tracking the enemy jungle in your head is very important for this matchup.

Runes & Summoner Spells to run:

General game plan:
As long as you play around her second Q- Precision Protocol and her W- Tactical Sweep's, you can fight quite a bit in this lane. However junglers love to gank for Camille so tracking the enemy jungle is crucial. If you see him show bot lane for example, that's a great time to look for a trade.

Her early Sheen spike is a bit scary but again if you play around the Q- Precision Protocol you should be alright. Once you get Black Cleaver you should try to force 1v1's as you win pretty hard on this spike. Especially when you have Ignite and/or Flash up.

Late game is where this matchup gets tricky, her Q- Precision Protocol is a massive true damage nuke on a short cooldown. If you aren't fed enough to burst her with your full combo after landing E- Disdain you will probably lose an extended fight. Try to force her into teamfights by forcing BEFORE she sets up a good split push.
This lane can be hard to kill, but if you get Mercury's Treads into Maw of Malmortius, she also has a hard time killing you. Still a tough matchup as she does scale pretty well.

Quick tips to help you win the matchup:
You can actually sidestep her ultimate while in your W- Purge toggle as long as you're clicking away the game registers you as facing away even in W toggle.
Her Grounding on W- Miasma makes it to where you can't E- Disdain. Be mindful of this and try to walk out of it ASAP so you can E.
She is pretty weak early. Try to lead with Q- Corrosive Charge's when going for an E- Disdain engagement so you can get in range.

Runes & Summoner Spells to run:

General game plan:
You're looking to trade with her a lot before her first back because she is very weak and mana hungry. After she gets that first back off the lane is tough.

Try to survive until you get your Maw of Malmortius and then you should start winning again.

E-flash combo is a great way to get kills in this lane.
AP Cho'Gath is difficulty 6.5/10 and Tank Cho'Gath is 5.5/10.
Not too hard of a matchup. Lane can be hard to kill because he is tanky with good sustain, but he shouldn't be able to kill you easily. You can always E- Disdain buffer his Q- Rupture knock up or sidestep it which makes it really hard for him to force anything. You outscale him hard.

Quick tips to help you win the matchup:
Sidestep his Q- Rupture's. If you are going to get hit by one, E- Disdain right before you get hit and you'll E through the knockup.
Can auto attack a lot in this matchup. Be careful of his E- Vorpal Spikes poke damage that he can use on minions to hit you.
He will usually R- Feast minions for his first 6 stacks. While his R- Feast is down is a good time to try to force a fight.

Runes & Summoner Spells to run:

General game plan:
In general Cho'Gath is really a scaling matchup for Urgot. You can auto him down a lot early on in the lane but be careful taking unfavorable trades as he will out sustain you.

Once you get level 9 and can W- Purgetoggle this matchup feels really good for Urgot because you can now win extended fights. You outscale him very hard in the side lane and also in teamfights, although he is still a good frontline. You can use him being frontline to your advantage to get good ultimates on him and big AOE fears.
Early game is tough against Darius because of how strong his passive Hemorrhage is. If you run Ignite you have good kill pressure once you are level 6.

And then level 9+ is great in my opinion as long as you land E- Disdain. I like this matchup but the room to mess up is quite big. Darius really punishes mistakes more so than other champions.

Quick tips to help you win the matchup:
Never fight him level 1. Pre level 6 is hard in general. You can however look for auto attacks and be ready to kite him. If he uses Q on minions you can E in on him early game.
You don’t want to get hit by his outer Q- Decimate. That will heal him and do more damage to you. If you can’t dodge it completely by stepping out, try stepping closer to him.
You can E- Disdain buffer his E- Apprehend pull.
Once he reaches five bleed stacks on you, he gains a ton of bonus AD and his ultimate will do WAY more true damage per stack. The goal is to kill him before he can reach five passive stacks on you.

Runes & Summoner Spells to run:
Note: Ignite is very crucial in this matchup since the heal cut is nice but also the extra burst damage is extremely important since you have to kill him before he stacks passive Hemorrhage up.

General game plan:
Be extremely cautious early game and DO NOT facecheck bushes level 1. Just wait to walk up to the lane until you see him farming minions. If you have to leash, make sure to take a safe path while walking to the lane.

Level 1 and 2 you can farm pretty safely and auto him a bit. Once he skills his pull at level 3 is when you have to be ready to E- Disdain right away if he tries to pull you. You will buffer through his pull.

Levels 3-5 are very hard in this matchup usually.

Level 6 is when you have some good kill pressure with Ignite up. You want to try to land an E-Ignite-R combo while hitting him with W- Purge’s and trying to proc your shotgun knees. Try to also avoid getting hit by his outer Q- Decimate and you should win. Sometimes I even Flash directly next to him to avoid getting hit by the outer Q- Decimate.

After level 9 and Black Cleaver power spike this matchup should be smooth sailing and you’ll just continue to outscale him. If you have Ignite up in these levels and land E-R it should be a free kill every time.

Make sure in teamfights if you’re playing frontline you don’t let him get 5 stacks on you early in the fight. Also if you see him trying to get 5 stacks on somebody else on your team try to take him out of the fight ASAP, because if he gets those ultimate resets he can easily wipe a teamfight.
I find his passive Goes Where He Pleases annoying, but everything else really isn't too hard to deal with. As long as you run Ignite and play in your minion waves to not get poked by cleavers, you should be good to go.

Quick tips to help you win the matchup:
His passive Goes Where He Pleases blocks your E- Disdain and your R2- Fear Beyond Death (the pulling part). So whenever you're trying to go for a grinder kill you want to land E first to knock off his passive allowing you to then toss him into the grinder.
When knocking off his passive Goes Where He Pleases step on the elixir thing that flies out. You don't want him to pick that up or he gets a big heal and gets his passive up sooner.
Knocking off his passive Goes Where He Pleases actually does a lot of damage to him. Especially if you deny him picking up the elixir that pops out. You should try to abuse this early by landing E- Disdain's to knock off his passive and make a good trade.
If you knock off his passive Goes Where He Pleases with your E- Disdain your W- Purge DOES NOT lock on to him so it's very important to also land Q- Corrosive Charge on him. Especially if you're fighting in a minion wave. Landing Q or R will make your W lock onto him.
Play behind your minion waves so he cannot poke you down with cleavers, they do not go through minions.
You can stand in front of cannon minions to block him so he can't farm them with cleavers. It's worth taking a bit of damage to do this.
When he last hits with his E- Blunt Force Trauma it throws the minion at you. So pay attention to your minions HP and get ready to dodge if you see him running up to last hit a low HP minion. This damage can really add up and does go through minions so you have to dodge it.
Ignite is very important in this matchup.

Runes & Summoner Spells to run:
Note: Ignite is viable in this lane if you want to try to snowball, but Teleport with Executioner's Calling later on is what I prefer because you can help out the team later on more with Teleport.

General game plan:
While his passive Goes Where He Pleases can make this match up a bit annoying, I find Dr. Mundo to be on the weaker side of most champions. His Q- Infected Bonesaw and E- Blunt Force Trauma are quite easy to play around and his W- Heart Zapper doesn't do much damage. His ultimate Maximum Dosage is also very weak at rank 1 if you have Ignite up.

I try to play really aggressive pre 6 and land E- Disdain's to knock off his passive causing him to take a lot of damage. Then I go for a Q > W trade. Landing Q is very important for making sure your W locks onto him.

His passive is also a very long CD early on in the game so if you knock it off and get him chunked you can go for an E-flash play before his passive is back off the CD.

Overall this lane can be a bit tough in the levels where he gets Plated Steelcaps and Warden's Mail but I find the early game pretty easy and in teamfights and sidelane you outscale him massively.
Another hard matchup. Since Fiora has a high skill ceiling, it really depends on how good the other person is. I think if both people are equal this matchup is really skill heavy with Urgot slightly outscaling Fiora in 1v1 and massively outscaling her in teamfights. She does however always have a slight chance to win 1v1 if you mess up.

Quick tips to help you win the matchup:
Never E- Disdain directly into her at max range if she has W- Riposte up. You can try for close range E’s and sometimes they won’t react quick enough but it is a risk. I usually E right next to them but miss it intentionally to bait out her parry, plus you still get a shield.
You can E- Disdain Fiora when she goes to Q- Lunge a vital to catch her off guard. Don’t do this every time though because once they catch on they can use their parry while Q’ing.
You can hug walls when she ultimates Grand Challenge you to block her out of procing her last vital so she doesn’t get the big AOE heal. This is VERY important to winning the 1v1.
Whenever she lands a W- Riposte on you, keep your W- Purge on because the rate of fire is not affected by the attack speed slow.
If she gets a good vital spawn on you, you can run away from her to get a new vital spawn. Make sure you aren’t losing a minion worth of XP while doing this. Also really good Fiora players tend to start running at you when you run away to stop you from resetting the vital. In that case just try to play around the vital spawn the best you can.
If she ever Q- Lunge’s in for a vital or even just a bit of Q poke, trade back some auto attacks. Don’t let her Q for free, unless of course there’s a massive enemy minion wave.

Runes & Summoner Spells to run:
Note: Ignite is very important in this matchup in my opinion. You can swap Magical Footwear or Biscuit Delivery for Approach Velocity if it’s good for the match.

Can also go Overgrowth over Demolish but she does % HP with the vitals and this lane is very snowbally to whoever gets the early kill, so I like demolish to snowball harder. Fleet Footwork is really good in this lane because the early game is very favored for Fiora, so you just want to scale through it.

General game plan:
Early game is hard against Fiora because of how strong her vitals are and how much they heal her early. I try to avoid level 1 all-in fighting. You can still auto attack, just play kite heavy early on, and try to play around her vitals.

Main thing against Fiora is to never go for max range E- Disdain’s into her. If she parries your E and stuns you, you will basically lose.

You have a way better teamfight than Fiora so try to force her into those. You should win the sidelane 1v1’s as long as you hug the wall against her ultimate and don’t E directly into her parry. She has to circle around you to proc vitals which will guarantee you proc your shotgun knees.
Gangplank is hard to play so there are a lot of mediocre ones. A good Gangplank can be a bit tougher but you won’t run into those until Diamond+ at least. Lane can be a bit tough especially on his early Sheen spike. But Urgot scales nicely into Gangplank in my opinion.

Quick tips to help you win the matchup:
He can use his W- Remove Scurvy to cleanse the second part of your ultimate (the pulling part). Try to make him use his fruit before casting the second part of your ultimate. He cannot cleanse away the first part of your ultimate.
You can use your W- Purge to kill his barrels. They have low priority though so if minions or champions are nearby it will target those instead of the barrels.
When killing his barrels be mindful that it will use one of your shotgun knee’s if you auto in that direction. This is important in the early game when your shotguns are on a high cooldown. Try to angle your auto attack on barrels where your shotgun knee is already down.
When doing the W- Purge toggle, instead of weaving your auto attack on him, try to auto attack his barrel instead when it goes to 1 HP. The timing on this can be tough, but if you kill the barrel you should win 1v1.
Try to play outside the edge of his barrels, and also be ready for him to double barrel. You always want to be moving and be ready to play just outside the range of barrels to bait them out.
You can E- Disdain his Q- Parrrley’s or barrels to tank some damage if you’re getting poked down a lot.

Runes & Summoner Spells to run:
Note: Biscuit Delivery + Approach Velocity is viable in this matchup and helps if you want to be a bit more aggressive.

Magical Footwear with Approach Velocity also works pretty well in this matchup, I like to go approach into him if it's good with my team comp (it procs at half effectiveness off your teammates CC)

General game plan:
Early levels are a bit risky against Gangplank. If you go for a level 1 fight make sure to play kite heavy as his passive Trial By Fire is really strong. You win as long as you space and kite properly but it can be close if he’s going Ignite.

I always go for a cheater recall and pick up an early Cull; along with starting Doran's Shield and running Second Wind it helps to survive his Q- Parrrley poke.

When he gets Sheen you really want to play out of his Q- Parrrleyrange and also E- Disdain some of the Q’s if you have to walk up to CS or trade.

Level 9+ is a massive power spike in this matchup because now you can deal with his barrels easily. When W toggling make sure to auto attack his barrel when it drops to 1 HP before he can auto or Q- Parrrley it. If you get hit by 1-2 barrels you will probably lose 1v1.

Once you have Black Cleaver and reach level 13 you should start winning this matchup really hard. Your 1v1 and teamfight is better than his. Keep your W on when there is a standoff before the teamfight because it can lock on and kill his barrels quickly. This can really mess up a Gangplank in teamfights.
I find this to be a skill matchup where you can slowly outscale him. He is a bit tough to kill but he also shouldn’t be able to kill you easily.

Quick tips to help you win the matchup:
If he ever runs at you with his Q- Decisive Strike, you want to E- Disdain him right before he Q’s and silences you, and also have your W- Purge on. His silence won’t stop your W if it’s already toggled, but you can’t toggle it while silenced.
If you have kill pressure on him, try to auto or Q- Corrosive Charge him if he’s playing safe. If he doesn’t take damage from champions, turrets, or epic monsters he gets a lot of extra HP regen. Don’t let him abuse this in lane.
Keep in mind he gets 60% tenacity from his W- Courage and will use it before your E- Disdain if he’s good. This can make it very hard to land your R- Fear Beyond Death right after your E. Try to be very quick with this combo against him if you’re going for a kill.
Garen is very kiteable especially when he is in his E- Judgment early game. Try to auto and kite him while avoiding his E damage.
You can auto attack a lot when he comes up to farm in this matchup. He has no way to farm from a distance. This can also be a good time to look for E- Disdain’s. Especially if he is going for a cannon minion.
Be VERY careful playing at low HP against Garen when he has his ultimate Demacian Justice up. Especially if he is running Ignite as well, because it’s a true damage nuke. The lower health you are the more true damage it does to you. If you get around half HP and he has Flash up, take a back even if it means you lose a wave, you cannot greed vs this champion if he has summoner spells and ultimate up.

Runes & Summoner Spells to run:
Note: I really like Teleport in this matchup since you have to back whenever you get around lethal hp or he just combos you out with flash + ult.

If you struggle with the matchup, Bone Plating can be a good tech to keep you safer, but ultimately Garen is a scaling lane that you can't kill very much so it's nice to go full scaling runes such as Conditioning.

General game plan:
Garen is usually a bit of a farm lane for Urgot because his W- Courage provides him so much tenacity making it really hard to kill him as Urgot even if you land your E.

Usually I will try to get a lot of auto attacks when he goes to farm in this matchup, and if he Q- Decisive Strike’s me then I E- Disdain him right before he silences me with my W- Purge on.

Once you get Black Cleaver in this matchup you have a lot more kill pressure and can usually one combo him if you land your E. Make sure to be very fast with your ultimate after E because he gets a lot of tenacity from his W. Overall the key in this matchup is to never stick around if you’re near 50-60% HP when he has Flash, Ignite, and ultimate Demacian Justice up or he can just combo you out with ease. It’s a really strong and easy to use combo but it’s also the only way he really kills you, so if you play around that you should outscale him nicely.
Overall the Gnar matchup is good for Urgot but sometimes boring. He’s hard to kill but also struggles to kill you. You mainly get kills with E-flash in this matchup when he is in mini form.

Quick tips to help you win the matchup:
Generally try to trade when he is in mini form and play safer when he is in mega form. He gets a lot of free stats in mega form.
E buffering is huge for this matchup. If he is in mega form, you can buffer his W- Hyper / Wallop stun as well as his ultimate GNAR! which can single handedly win you the 1v1 if timed correctly.
Early game you can win trades pretty hard even without landing your E- Disdain on him. Just use it as a shield to trade for Press the Attack proc.
His boomerang does less damage and travels less if it hits minions. Try to play behind your minions.
A good way to land E- Disdain sometimes on Gnar players is act like you’re running away and then turn at them quickly and E. His auto range is kind of short so this can catch them off guard and you can combo them out if they’re in mini form.
Sometimes Gnar players will play too aggressively when their mega form is just about to drop. This can be a really good time to look to trade and E- Disdain in right as they’re transforming back to mini form. If they try to W- Hyper / Wallop you, you just E buffer it and you should always win.

Runes & Summoner Spells to run:
Note: You can run Magical Footwear and Approach Velocity in this matchup as well, I like to do this if my teammates have a lot of ways to trigger my Approach Velocity.

General game plan:
I try to trade and zone Gnar off XP early, as Urgot is way stronger. You don’t need to land E- Disdain on him to win trades but you still want to use it for the shield.

I get Plated Steelcaps first item in this lane since you need the movement speed and Gnar is mostly auto attacks. Then once you have Black Cleaver you have a lot of kill pressure on him. Basically, whenever he is in mini form and you can get him to around 70% HP, if you land E-flash-R combo with your W on it’s almost always a kill.

It can be really difficult to kill a good Gnar when your Flash is down but you scale better than him so it’s not really an issue.
I don’t find Gragas that hard of a matchup. However as far as melee champions go he is one of the most difficult to kill especially if he runs Phase Rush.

Quick tips to help you win the matchup:
Always be moving to avoid getting hit by his Q- Barrel Roll’s. He will also try to Q minions a lot to last hit so stay away from your minion wave. At least enough distance so you don’t eat his Q’s.
You can E buffer his E- Body Slam. If you both E into each other Urgot E will usually have priority. I would say 80% of the time it will. You can also E buffer his ultimate Explosive Cask to throw him off since it will push you in a different direction than he is expecting.
Try to cheater recall for an early Cull buy in this match up. The sustain is really helpful.

Runes & Summoner Spells to run:
Note: Triumph is equally viable if you feel confident in your ability to dodge his Q’s.

General game plan:
The Gragas matchup is pretty simple, you are just trying to avoid his Q- Barrel Roll’s and not get poked down too much.

I always go for a cheater recall and grab an early Cull since it’s a hard scaling matchup. Try to auto attack him a lot if he walks up to farm. And play away from your minions if he is farming with his Q so you don’t also get hit by it.

If he ever E- Body Slam’s in, just E buffer it and trade with him. Overall you scale better than him in the side lane and teamfights, but killing him a lot in lane is difficult as Urgot so just keep your farm high and don’t die.

Try to impact the rest of the map as much as you can, especially mid game once your Teleport is unleashed.
Gwen is a solid 1v1 champ but I think Urgot is much more useful in teamfights.

Quick tips to help you win the matchup:
Pay attention to her passive Thousand Cuts stacks. For every stack she has it basically adds another auto attack of damage to her Q- Snip Snip!. When she has full stacks she will be looking to dash in and Q you so be ready to E- Disdain to block some of the damage, if you can fight her try to E into her; if you can't then just simply E away.
Avoid the middle part of her Q- Snip Snip! if possible. It does true damage.
If she W- Hallowed Mist’s then your ultimate will go right through her if you’re outside of the W. If you’re already pulling her with your ultimate then you can leave the W and it will still kill her. You just don’t want to snipe from a distance if she has W activated.
Her W- Hallowed Mist follows her once if she leaves the area. It won’t follow her a second time.
You don't want to E aggressively in this matchup if she has her E up, she can reaction dash away from your E very easily, instead try using it when she E's in at you.

Runes & Summoner Spells to run:
Note: If you don't feel super confident in the matchup or they have a jungler that might camp you or play topside then feel free to run Teleport and build exectuioner’s calling. Boneplating with Demolish/ Overgrowth is also viable in this matchup.

General game plan:
You can win against Gwen in the early levels but she is also strong. It’s definitely not an easy matchup.

You really want to play around her Q- Snip Snip!’s and try to E- Disdain them. When she has 4 passive Thousand Cuts stacks she will be looking to either run in and Q you or go for an E-Q combo on you. So you want to be ready to E away or E into her if you can trade.

Until you get level 9 I would say it’s possible to kill her but very skill dependent and slightly favored for her.

At level 9 with Black Cleaver you can start to fight a lot more and sometimes combo her out if you land E.

Overall Gwen is kind of like an AP Fiora. She’s a really good duelist but struggles in teamfights so if you’re uncomfortable in the matchup try to take the 1v1’s a bit slower and force her into teamfight situations. This is where Urgot really outshines Gwen.
Pretty annoying lane phase but I don't think his teamfight is good. Once you have Mercury's Treads and Maw of Malmortius you completely negate his burst potential. As with a lot of Urgot lanes, you just have to survive early game and wait for your levels and first item.

Quick tips to help you win the matchup:
He is going to perma push lane so try to call for jungle help.
E-Flash when you have Ignite and R- Fear Beyond Death up and you should be able to kill him before he kills you. You want to do this before you get poked down though.
Try your best to dodge his E- CH-2 Electron Storm Grenade. That sets up the rest of his combo. You can also E buffer it if you do happen to get hit.
First item Maw of Malmortius is really good to counter his burst combo.
Urgot's teamfight is much better but Heimerdinger has a strong lane phase. Keep this in mind.

Runes & Summoner Spells to run:

General game plan:
Against Heimerdinger you want to just try to survive lane. Your main and only kill window if he plays good is when you have Flash up.

Once you have Mercury's Treads + Maw of Malmortius you should be able to tank out his combo and force more.

Urgot's much better in teamfights and better in the side lane especially if you have Flash up.
Very obnoxious lane since we’re slow and have a big hitbox. Your teamfight is better but the 1v1 is always obnoxious especially if she lands an E- Test of Spirit.

Quick tips to help you win the matchup:
Avoid getting hit by E- Test of Spirit by either side stepping a lot in this lane, or hiding behind your minions. Her E DOES NOT go through minions.
You can always cheater recall into Illaoi since her levels 1-3 are awful. Use this to your advantage to get an early Cull for extra sustain.
Your W- Purge can be used to kill tentacles quickly. Which is especially nice after level 9. Keep in mind your shotgun passives do proc on the tentacles which is annoying early game. Try to auto where your passive is already down when killing them.
If she lands E- Test of Spirit never walk into her ult Leap of Faith range. Her ult range is about the same as your auto range so keep that in mind. You can sidestep her ultimate if you predict she is going to use it.
If she has a lot of damage to kill the spirit from E- Test of Spirit, just walk out of the circle so you don’t take extra damage. This will cause tentacles to spawn so always be constantly moving so you don’t get slapped by them. If she doesn’t have a lot of damage to kill your spirit, you can try to stay inside and trade with her.
If you get hit by E's early game, then leave the circle RIGHT AWAY to avoid taking a lot of damage, and then make sure you don't get slapped by a tentacle.
If you walk in a straight line when the tentacle spawns it's impossible to get hit by it, this is usually more ideal then clicking back and fourth.
Boots of Swiftness are very good in this matchup since it's a match of dodgeball.
After she misses her E try using this window to trade with her, it's hard early game because she has ranged and 20 base movement speed over you, but especially once you have Black Cleaver you can punish her hard when she misses E on you.

Runes & Summoner Spells to run:
Note: I really like Cosmic Insight for more flashes and teleports since it's easy to get poked down in this lane if you're getting hit by her E's. You can also go Second Wind and Overgrowth but the speed from boots is really nice.

General game plan:
Illaoi is simply a match of dodgeball. Play behind your minions and don’t get hit by E- Test of Spirit’s and you should be able to survive. Whenever she misses E try to walk up and punish her. This can be a great time to E-flash as well if you have kill pressure.

Between Second Wind and Cull, you can sustain this lane even if you get hit by a few E- Test of Spirit’s and Q- Tentacle Smash’s here and there.

Try to force her into teamfighting late game by forcing plays before she can set up a good split push. Because she is always annoying to deal with 1v1 if she lands E on you.
The lane can be a bit hard after levels 1-2 but you outscale her massively in 1v1 and teamfights mid and late game.

Quick tips to help you win the matchup:
You want to pay attention to her passive Ionian Fervor stacks at all times. You want to trade while she has none or very few. If she is 4 stack or has a lot of minions nearby to Q- Bladesurge onto to get stacks then you DO NOT want to fight her.
You can E buffer through her E- Flawless Duet stun. This is usually when I use my E- Disdain in the matchup.
When she ultimates Vanguard's Edge, if you can fight her don’t run through the blades. Just stay inside. If you run through them you’ll take damage and be slowed.
You can E- Disdain when she Q- Bladesurge’s to a minion,. Especially if she does this right outside your turret. It’s a bit risky and not something I would always do but sometimes you can catch them off guard and get a kill this way.
Be extremely careful when she hits her Blade of the Ruined King powerspike. Even if she has 0 kills she is very strong and you must land E- Disdain to win 1v1 at that point. And it can still be close even if you land E. Try to make sure she doesn’t have passive Ionian Fervor stacks if you choose to go in on a fight.

Runes & Summoner Spells to run:
Note: Biscuit Delivery and Approach Velocity are viable as well.

Conditioning and Overgrowth is also a good scaling setup. If you struggle with the early laning you can go Biscuit Delivery instead of Cosmic Insight.

General game plan:
Level 1-2 you can beat Irelia.

3-9 is really just trying to survive and only trading/fighting if she has no passive Ionian Fervor stacks built up.

Level 9+ you can start to play more aggressively and force fights finally.

Her Blade of the Ruined King spike is extremely strong though, so you have to land E- Disdain in this part of the match if you want to win.

Once you have two items you hard outscale her and in my experience can even miss E and still win, but definitely still try to land E. Basically survive lane and outscale her.
I find this matchup to be very skill heavy. Both champions also scale pretty evenly. I usually beat Jax 1v1 late game but I feel he can do more in teamfights unless I get a big fear.

Quick tips to help you win the matchup:
You want to save your E- Disdain for when he E- Counter Strike, and then E his counter strike preferably when it’s about to run out. You’ll get stunned but your stun is longer so you can win the trade.
Don’t fight Jax if he builds up his passive Relentless Assault on minions first. It gives him a lot of free attack speed. Instead fight him before he gets to the minion wave if looking for a 1v1.
You can auto him a lot in this lane when he goes to farm. He has no way to farm from a distance. Try to bully him early.
His E- Counter Strike blocks your autos as well as your W- Purge’s. Also try not to auto or W him when he’s in counter strike because the more attacks he dodges during counter strike the more damage it will do, up to 100%.
His E- Counter Strike cooldown is two seconds shorter than your E cooldown. Since you're E'ing into his E this is really important and easy to keep track of.

Runes & Summoner Spells to run:
Note: You can go Teleport as well. If you do, you may need to buy a Chempunk Chainsword later on in the game.

Ignite is a viable option as well but it's a double-edged sword at the cost of winning lane early but then struggling to deal with his late-game split push without Teleport. Fleet Footwork is also a really good tech if you struggle with the matchup or you want to play more for scaling and teamfights. Fleet Footwork can also proc even while he is in counterstrike if you auto attack him.

General game plan:
Early game you want to auto attack him a lot when he comes up to farm. If he uses E- Counter Strike then you just E- Disdain his counter strike once it’s about to run out and you should win trades.

I try to get Black Cleaver ASAP in this matchup and usually start winning pretty hard after that if I’m even or ahead.

Basically the two key things against Jax are making sure you E his counter strike and fighting him before he builds up his passive on minions. So keep those in mind against him throughout the whole match.

You both scale pretty evenly in my opinion in terms of the 1v1 so it will be close. His teamfight is a little better unless Urgot gets a big fear in my opinion which is doable but really depends on the team compositions. Sometimes Jax is forced to jump in and you can just play back line and land ultimate on him to get a fear off him jumping in.
Difficulty really depends on how good the Jayce is. If the Jayce is good this is a really hard early lane but once Urgot gets some items he cannot 1v1 you anymore.

Quick tips to help you win the matchup:
You can E buffer his E- Thundering Blow / Acceleration Gate knockback when he is in melee form. This is really important for sticking to him for the kill.
Try your best to sidestep his E- Thundering Blow / Acceleration Gate - Q- To The Skies! / Shock Blast’s combo in ranged form. Even on Urgot if you’re constantly moving they are pretty easy to dodge.
Try to be a bit more passive overall in this lane. Against Jayce you really just want to survive the early lane phase and get to your first item.

Runes & Summoner Spells to run:
Note: You can also run Ignite and/or Biscuit Delivery + Approach Velocity secondary if you want to be a bit more aggressive.

General game plan:
The goal against Jayce is to survive the early lane and outscale him. His lane phase is really strong if the Jayce is good, Plus he’s ranged so it’s hard to force fights as Urgot.

You can E- Disdain him or E buffer his E- Thundering Blow / Acceleration Gate if he knocks you back and you should kill him every time.

He’s on a time limit to kill you early game until you get your first item in my opinion. Urgot’s teamfight and side lane pressure mid and late game is much more useful then Jayce’s in my opinion, so just play to scale.
This lane can be a bit tough to kill but it’s a good scaling lane for Urgot as you’re pretty safe as well. Once you start to get some items she can’t deal with you.

Quick tips to help you win the matchup:
Remember Karma starts with her ultimate Mantra that enhances her abilities. Her Q is really strong level 1 if you get hit by this. So try to dodge it or stand behind minions.
You can E buffer her W- Focused Resolve root if you E- Disdain right before it roots you. Sometimes they will be close enough that you can land E on them while doing this.
Try to trade early while playing around her Q- Inner Flame. Especially if you are able to dodge her Q, she doesn’t have that much damage so you can win trades even if you’re just E’ing for auto attacks and the shield.

Runes & Summoner Spells to run:
Note: You can go Biscuit Delivery instead of Magical Footwear if you want boots earlier. But keep in mind the Magical Footwear boots give more movement speed which is pretty nice mid game. In this matchup, I find even with an early boot rush it doesn’t really change much. karma is still hard to kill early on. I also think Fleet Footwork can be viable in this matchup since you can’t proc Press the Attack much early on if the Karma is really passive. Fleet Footwork will help you scale into the game and be a little safer overall with the added movement speed.

General game plan:
Karma is just a scaling lane for Urgot pretty much. Hard to kill early but you can win trades still. They just usually play very scared and passive so you can get a big CS lead.

Early game I usually trade by using my E- Disdain for a few auto attacks and the shield especially if she Q- Inner Flame’s the minions. E buffering her W- Focused Resolve root is really important to kill her sometimes. Overall Urgot is better in 1v1 and teamfights, but she can support her team better if they have a carry really popping off.
You can burst her before she bursts you in most cases unless you get kited out beforehand. Plus you have a decent chance to win early on. But if Kayle knows how to play safe this will be a tough matchup.

Quick tips to help you win the matchup:
Try to level 1 fight by hiding in the top bushes and ambushing her. If she fights back, play kite heavy and don't let her stack lethal tempo quickly or she can win if she has Ignite. I never leash in this matchup.
Don't let her farm pre 6. She is melee until then so if she walks up for minions auto attack and look for E- Disdain.
Her ultimate Divine Judgment protects her from your grinder so try to wait for her ultimate to time out before you pull. Or save your ultimate until after she ults, unless you can burst her during your E- Disdain stun.
Try to freeze waves early and set up jungle ganks by pinging when you have a good wave state. Junglers like to play to shut down Kayle normally.

Runes & Summoner Spells to run:

General game plan:
The biggest thing against Kayle is trying to shut her down pre 6 before she becomes ranged. Play in top bushes for more pressure making her scared to farm early. You can sometimes zone her off XP as well to slow her down but be careful about taking minion damage while doing this.

After she gets 6 you can still get kills when flash is up and your grinder can also be used early for Approach Velocity to get in range sometimes. Her teamfight and sidelane are both very good. You can win side lanes even after 16+ if you get a good angle before getting chunked. But if you get kited a bit she can win. Depending on team comp, if she is the main threat, try to focus her in teamfights.
Another matchup I find it hard to die in but also hard to kill him.

Quick tips to help you win the matchup:
Stay behind your minions so he can’t land Q- Thundering Shuriken’s on you.
You can E buffer all of his stuns.
You may have to give up some CS early on in the lane to avoid getting auto attacked a lot. Try to space well and don’t be too greedy if you will take a lot of damage for getting a CS or two.
E-flash combo is a great way to secure kills in this lane, and sometimes the only way.

Runes & Summoner Spells to run:
Note: You can also go Teleport instead of Ignite. And also go Biscuit Delivery + Approach Velocity if you want to play more aggressively.

General game plan:
Against Kennen you’re trying to scale up. He bullies you a bit early game but he shouldn’t kill you if you’re playing relatively safe and giving up CS when you need to. Remember you can always Q- Corrosive Charge for CS too, especially cannon minions, if he is zoning you hard.

Once you get your first item you can start to force a bit more against Kennen especially when you have Flash up. I try to split push a bit more against Kennen because his 1v1 is really bad and he has no sustain, but his teamfight is really good when he has Flash up. So I try to keep him away from fights as much as I can.
I personally really like this matchup as Urgot because if you dismount him you almost always kill him if you land your ultimate. Early game is the only sketchy part of this matchup in my opinion. Once you get level 6 you have high kill pressure.

Quick tips to help you win the matchup:
DO NOT fight much early. In general this matchup is Kled favored pre level 6.
Try to avoid his Q- Beartrap on a Rope’s early. They don’t do much damage but they do allow him to get a good trade on you.
Try to pay attention to when he uses W- Violent Tendencies on minions and trade with him while it’s on cooldown. He can’t control the cooldown of that ability and it’s a big part of his damage in trades.
You can throw your grinder on him before he dismounts and it will stay on him when he dismounts. Be careful though because sometimes you can pull him while he is still mounted and if that happens it will not kill him. So make sure he dismounts before you pull if you ult early.
Plated Steelcaps are massive in this matchup.

Runes & Summoner Spells to run:

General game plan:
Against Kled you want to focus on not trading much pre 6 and just focus on surviving. I don’t go Cull in this matchup but rush Plated Steelcaps ASAP because they’re so valuable since he is purely auto attacks.

Once level 6 you have decent kill pressure. All you have to do is dismount him and land your ultimate and it should be a free kill every time. You have a really good chance to land ultimate when he’s off mount because he is very slow.

Once you get level 9 I feel like this matchup becomes really easy because you have the extended damage to dismount him quite easily. This is when I’ll try to force fights a lot especially if I know the enemy jungler is not nearby.

Your 1v1 and teamfight is a lot better than his, I will usually splitpush and teleport into big fights, especially if he ults over to them.

K'sante is a bit tough to kill until you get your ultimate but I really enjoy this lane. Focus on auto attacking him a lot while dodging his Q's. If you can win the trade you can E buffer off his Q3 pull in and take good trades that way. Overall you want to hold your ultimate until after he ults since he will chunk himself out, then you can easily burst him for your grinder to kill. It's ideal if you can save your E also until after he ults because then you can land your R for sure.

Runes & Summoner Spells to run:
Note: Conditioning is also great in this matchup if you want to play more for level 9 powerspike.

Very tough to survive early lane. This guy is just an early game lane bully. As long as you don't lose hard early and give up some minions to avoid taking big poke damage, you should be ok and outscale him nicely.

Quick tips to help you win the matchup:
Plated Steelcaps are very high value since he auto attacks twice after abilities. I recommend rushing them.
Try not to be lined up with one of your minions. He can Q- Piercing Light a minion from far away and also hit you with it.
E-flash combo is a great way to secure kills in this lane, and sometimes the only way.
You outscale him massively, but lane can be hard.

Runes & Summoner Spells to run:
Note: Flash + Ghost is also viable. Optional secondary runes: Second wind, overgrowth.

General game plan:
The goal against Lucian is to survive the lane phase and slowly out scale him. The main way I get kills in this lane is through the E-flash combo especially when my Ignite is up.

Lucian is fairly short ranged so playing out of his auto range is not too bad.

A good time to go for an E-flash is when he is using his ultimate on you. He will be trying to aim and run at you. It's a great time to catch him off guard.
I find Malphite to be one of the easier tanks to deal with as Urgot. Once you get Black Cleaver you just win against him. He is still very useful if he lands a good ultimate in a teamfight however.

Quick tips to help you win the matchup:
Try not to eat too many Q- Seismic Shard’s in lane by spacing properly. If you’re struggling you can E- Disdain some of his Q’s and try to trade back.
I like to push a lot against Malphite. I find him hard to kill and he struggles to farm under tower.
Sustain is nice in this lane for his Q- Seismic Shard poke. Doran's Shield, [Cull, Second Wind for example should be enough to sustain.
You can Flash malphite ultimate Unstoppable Force if you’re anticipating it.

Runes & Summoner Spells to run:

General game plan:
Against Malphite I always try to go for a cheater recall for an early Cull since it scales nicely and gives you some good sustain against his Q- Seismic Shard poke.

I play a pretty aggressive early game and shove into his tower a lot since it’s hard for him to farm under the tower.

Once I get Black Cleaver I try to freeze the wave for a kill since you can pump out some pretty good DPS by now.

In teamfights if he engages first with ultimate Unstoppable Force try to go for an ultimate on him and then dive into their backline and get a big fear. Because most likely if he is engaging, your team will be focusing on him allowing you to use that for a grinder opportunity.
I don’t find this matchup too difficult since Urgot scales well into most tanks and Maokai is no exception. Maokai is a very solid champion for the game overall in my opinion though and can be difficult to kill early on with Urgot.

Quick tips to help you win the matchup:
Try to dodge his Q- Bramble Smash’s in lane. He will use it to farm and try to hit you at the same time so stay slightly away from your minions when you see him walking up.
You can E buffer his ultimate Nature's Grasp.
I like to push into the tower early to deny him CS.
Your shotgun knee passive procs count as abilities towards his passive Sap Magic heal refreshing. It can be a good option to go Chempunk Chainsword later on in the game if it’s also good for the overall game. If it’s not good for the game (i.e. they don't have a lot of heals on the team) then I wouldn’t buy it.

Runes & Summoner Spells to run:

General game plan:
As with most tanks, you’re really trying to scale until you’re level 9 with your Black Cleaver to do any significant damage to Maokai.

He’s really hard to kill because of his passive Sap Magic heals so I just shove him under tower early game and make him miss CS.

Once I get my Black Cleaver and W- Purge maxed I will try to freeze and force fights more.

Level 13+ you win the 1v1 very hard because your shotguns are 2.5 second cooldown by then so you should definitely be forcing fights after these levels in the side lane.

In teamfights Maokai usually dives in and engages so you can go for a good ultimate on him if your team is focusing on him.
Probably the most commonly picked Urgot counter, Mordekaiser is hard to deal with 1v1, especially levels 6-9. The reason I don't think it's more of a counter is because you outscale him quite hard in my opinion, and you can also beat him pre level 6. If you go Black Cleaver / Maw of Malmortius he practically has no chance to beat you late game. Lane is tough though.

Quick tips to help you win the matchup:
Play in your minion waves. His Q- Obliterate does more damage if it hits one isolated target.
Try to win pre 6 before he gets ultimate Realm of Death. This gives him insane duel power, but he is pretty weak until then. You can auto attack a lot in this matchup when he farms early.
You can E- Disdain off his E- Death's Grasp and ride it like a wave. This is a great way to land E if you want to fight him. Also really good if he E's you while under your turret you can catch him by surprise and fling him under turret.
Maw of Malmortius counters this champion hard.
Flashing his Q- Obliterate in the Realm of Death is a great way to survive. You should also be trying to move unpredictably and focus more on dodging rather than fighting unless you know you can win against him.

Runes & Summoner Spells to run:
Note: Second Wind can be used instead of Conditioning. I personally like Conditioning since I play passively levels 6-9 usually, but Second Wind can help you force early more and get a lead. Both options are good.

General game plan:
I try to fight a lot levels 1-5. Both Mordekaiser's Q- Obliterate and passive Darkness Rise scale off levels so he is very weak early on.

A good time to land E- Disdain on him is when he tries to Q- Obliterate you since he has to stop to cast that.

Levels 6-9 I play pretty passively unless the early game went really well for me. I try to save my Flash for his Q- Obliterate and move unpredictable in this matchup.

Once I have Black Cleaver and level 9 with Ignite up I start to play more aggressively.

Once you get Maw of Malmortius you should always win if you're tied even in the Realm of Death. Mordekaiser is very slow so make sure you're circling around him to proc your passive P- Echoing Flames. You must do this to win. Once you have Black Cleaver and Maw of Malmortius you completely shred him especially if he went heavy armor stack early which they usually do.
Honestly the difficulty of this matchup really depends on how the early game goes. You should be able to get a lead pre 6 by zoning him off minions or killing him. His ultimate Fury of the Sands is really strong for 1v1ing as well as Divine Sunderer which can make this matchup tough. Plus he infinitely scales with his Q- Siphoning Strike, making him a beast in the sidelane late game.

Quick tips to help you win the matchup:
Try to fight and zone him off xp level 1. Pre 6 in general you can be very dominant in this lane and zone him off minions. He can’t really fight back.
Your W- Purge is a fixed rate of fire PLUS gives you 40% slow resistance. Always keep this on when he W- Wither you. Don’t even bother with W toggling. Keep your W on when running away for the slow resistance.
Once he is level 6, you never want to E- Disdain into him unless you know you can win. His ultimate Fury of the Sands is very strong for 1v1 extended fights. I almost never E into him if I am near his turret. If I’m close to my turret it’s a lot safer because I know I can run if things look dicey.

Runes & Summoner Spells to run:
Note: You can take Unflinching if it's good for the game.

General game plan:
You are trying to build a lead pre 6 in this matchup by zoning him off minions when he tries to Q- Siphoning Strike stack.

After level 6 you can still fight him but you want to be near your turret or try to bait out his ultimate Fury of the Sands without using your E- Disdain. Then you can fight while his ultimate is down.

Kiting is extremely important in this matchup as well. Urgot has a much better teamfight in my opinion since nasus gets kited hard. But he does have a good chance to beat you 1v1 in the sidelane so be very careful while answering his splitpush, especially if he has a lot of Q stacks.
AD Neeko's difficulty is 8.5/10 and AP Neeko is 6/10. AD neeko is a lot more obnoxious than AP since she out ranges you and pokes you down a lot similar to a Vayne. AP Neeko is a lot easier to deal with. It’s still a bit annoying early on, but once you have some magic resist you can deal with her easily.

Quick tips to help you win the matchup:
You can E buffer through her E- Tangle-Barbs stun.
She will try to throw her E- Tangle-Barbs through your minions. If it hits a minion it will grow in size, travel faster, and root you for longer. Try not to line up with your minions easily and be ready to sidestep.
When she casts her ultimate Pop Blossom it CC’s herself. This is a good time to land your E- Disdain or R- Fear Beyond Death.
You can tell from your Press the Attack stacks or proc, which Neeko one is real and which one is the clone when she W- Shapesplitter’s.

Runes & Summoner Spells to run:

General game plan:
You can’t really do much against Neeko pre 6. I try to go for a cheater recall into a Cull buy, along with Doran's Shield and Second Wind you should be able to survive her poke damage if you play safely.

After level 6 you have pretty big kill pressure whenever you have Flash and Ignite up. Your summoner spells are your ticket to getting kills in this lane.

Your teamfight and sidelane is much better than hers so you outscale hard. If she goes for an ultimate Pop Blossom, that’s a good time to use your ultimate Fear Beyond Death since she will be locked down from her own ultimate.
If Nidalee plays in the bushes and goes tanky with her build, there's not much you can do as Urgot in this lane. The good news is that you will outscale her in teamfights so just try to survive lane and set up gank opportunities with the wave for your jungler. Starting Doran's Shield in this lane is recommended since she is purely a lane bully.

Quick tips to help you win the matchup:


Runes & Summoner Spells to run:
Note: <pending>

General game plan:
I consider dodging if the rest of the enemy team composition looks hard to play against too. You have a chance to beat this guy pre level 6 but it's still tough. After he gets ultimate Ragnarok it's BRUTAL.

Quick tips to help you win the matchup:
Dodge his axes Q- Undertow. Once he picks them up it resets the cooldown, so keep that in mind.
You can fight him pre 6 but make sure you're kiting him and playing around the axes. Once he gets 6 this matchup gets insanely hard.
When he's in ultimate Ragnarok you cannot fling him with your E- Disdain or pull him with your grinder. He is also immune to your slows from Q- Corrosive Charge and R- Fear Beyond Death. This is where you have to run and and wait for his ultimate to time out.
His ultimate Ragnarok lasts for 3 seconds, and everytime he auto attacks or uses his E- Reckless Swing it's increased by and up to 2.5 seconds.
At level 13 if you're doing good in the match you have a chance to kill him without using your ultimate if you can get all your shotguns on him, but it will be close. You want to E into him for the shield and damage, unless you're using it.

Runes & Summoner Spells to run:
Note: Second Wind and Unflinching are also options. Flash + Ignite is what I run for pure damage and heal cut. Ghost is a viable option for running when he ultimates in this matchup. Teleport is also good for playing safe early and playing more for teamfighting later. I recommend you find your playstyle with this one because all three are viable options.

General game plan:
You want to try to build a lead vs Olaf before he gets his ultimate Ragnarok. As long as you dodge out his axes you have a good chance of winning pre level 6.

After that it's an extremely hard counter to Urgot because he cannot be slowed, stunned, or suppressed while he is in ultimate which counters your entire kit.

You want to survive until you have Black Cleaver and then you have a chance to win if you can kite out his ultimate properly. Keep in mind if he hits you with an auto attack or E it extends his ultimate duration.

Once you have Black Cleaver you should be able to tank him out and have a chance at winning 1v1 if you're doing decent. Your teamfight is much better than his so try to force fights before he gets a good split push going in the side lane.
Ornn is the best tank right now in my opinion. He’s a hard lane to kill with a very good amount of damage for a tank. With that being said you can survive the lane because of how strong your E buffer is in this matchup, and slowly outscale him.

Quick tips to help you win the matchup:
Your E- Disdain can completely cancel his E- Searing Charge. If you aren’t quick enough for that you can always buffer the knock-up from it as well. But you should try to intercept it completely.
He will Q- Volcanic Rupture minions a lot in this lane to last hit and also try to line it up to hit you. Pay attention to your low HP minions and don’t line up with them.
You can E buffer all of his knockups (E- Searing Charge and R- Call of the Forge God). You want to E the second part of his R when it knocks you up.
Once you get level 9+ with Black Cleaver this matchup gets a lot better.

Runes & Summoner Spells to run:
Note: You can also run Ignite over Teleport if you want a bit more kill pressure. But even with Ignite it can be hard to kill him when has Plated Steelcaps and Warden's Mail, so I like teleport a bit more in this matchup.

General game plan:
You can win the early game pretty hard against Ornn (levels 1-5). Especially before he buys some armor. But keep in mind he can buy items from lane once he has enough gold.

Once he has some armor you’re just playing to scale for your Black Cleaver. And then you can start fighting him. Using your E- Disdain smart in this matchup to intercept his E- Searing Charge or buffer his ultimate Call of the Forge God knockup is very important and the key to survival.

Level 9+ with Black Cleaver is when you start winning this matchup.

Your teamfight is better but he still provides a lot of utility to his teammates. If he goes frontline in the teamfight you can use your ultimate on him if your team is ready to focus him and then try to get a big fear off.
Similar to some other matchups, I’m upping the difficulty here because the lane is really tough. But if you manage to get through the lane it’s a free matchup mid and late game for Urgot. He simply cannot win if you don’t fall behind but it’s hard if he’s good.

Quick tips to help you win the matchup:
His W- Shield Vaultshield does block your grinder execute. It won’t block the projectile shot (first part of your ultimate) so try to time the pull with his shield running out.
When he W- Shield Vault’s it’s good to E- Disdain and get behind him since he can still be damaged from behind his shield.
Pay attention to the bars below his HP bar. Once that is fully stacked and they turn red that means his next ability will be empowered and it makes whatever ability he chooses to use a lot stronger.
Surviving the lane is key. We outscale Pantheon hard but his lane phase is good. Don’t be afraid to play a bit safer and give a few CS if needed since you will still outscale him.
Make sure to dodge his Q- Comet Spear’s as much as possible. If you get too close while farming he can simply tap his Q and it will damage everything in a cone in front of him. I try to bait this out by wiggling right outside the zone when farming early.
You can E buffer his W- Shield Vault stun.
Ping his level when he hits level 6 to your teammates so they know he could potentially Grand Starfall on them. Also make sure you’re using missing pings whenever he is missing and also pushing your lane to deny him minions if he is ulting somewhere.

Runes & Summoner Spells to run:
Note: You can go Ignite over Teleport. I honestly like Teleport a bit more in case i have to match his ultimate later on in the game. And it helps a bit for surviving lane phase.

General game plan:
This matchup is all about surviving early game and slowly outscaling Pantheon. I really like Doran's Shield and Second Wind and an early Cull back here for as much sustain as I can get to minimize his Q- Comet Spear poke damage.

Generally you can play a little bit aggressive levels 1 and 2, and then a bit more passively until level 6.

Once you have your grinder you have a lot more kill pressure but the lane is still really hard until level 9 when you get your W toggle in my opinion. And then it becomes manageable and you can start forcing more fights.

I find Urgot to be much better in the 1v1s and teamfights. Also be ready to teleport into the fight if you think he is going to Grand Starfall on your team mates.
Tough lane to kill but you outscale her massively. As long as you don’t get E- Heroic Charge’d into walls you should be able to survive this lane.

Quick tips to help you win the matchup:
Try to stay in the middle of the lane. Don’t play near cliffs or she will E- Heroic Charge you into it and take a nasty trade. She can also E you into towers so be careful while farming under tower.
Pay attention to when her passive Iron Ambassador is up or close to coming back. Her shield will start to glow and then fully glow once it’s up. You want to back up and let her farm a minion with it because she is forced to use it to auto attack. It also procs her Grasp of the Undying so you really don’t want to get poked down by these.
You can step on her passive Iron Ambassador shield that flies out so she can’t pick it up. Be very careful though if it’s near a wall because that can give her a free E- Heroic Charge stun.
Her W- Steadfast Presence blocks your E- Disdain and it’s very easy for her to reaction press it. BUT if you’re directly next to her you’re not technically dashing and you can still fling and stun her. You can also E her right as she E- Heroic Charge’s you even if she has her W- Steadfast Presenceactivated if you time it right.
You can E buffer her ultimate Keeper's Verdict knockback to completely bypass it. You just have to E- Disdain right before you get smacked by it.

Runes & Summoner Spells to run:
Note: You can also run Ignite over Teleport if you want to play more for lane. Just keep in mind Ignite loses some value in these harder to kill tank matchups where you’re mainly trying to scale.
General game plan:
Your level 1 and 2 are stronger. 3-6 is hard because her W- Steadfast Presence cancels our E- Disdain which sets up our trades and combo.

Once you get level 9+ and Black Cleaver you have a lot more kill pressure in this matchup and should start winning.

The key in this lane is just staying away from walls and playing around her passive Iron Ambassador. Her Q is also pretty easy to play around since it’s short ranged unless you get E- Heroic Charge’d.

You outscale her massively in teamfights and sidelane.
I find this matchup hard and annoying. Quinn can bully Urgot really hard and her blind is irritating.

Quick tips to help you win the matchup:
You can E- Disdain her out of her E- Vault if she ever E’s you first. Your timing has to be really good on this. You have to be anticipating it. If this happens though, you will kill her almost every time.
Try to bait out her E- Vault before you go for an E-Flash play. Otherwise if you E-flash she can just bounce off you with her E and run out if you don’t burst her quick enough. Of course if she is low enough and you know you can kill her while she is stunned from your E then you can just go for it.
Give up CS early if she is zoning you. It’s better to lose a few cs early game to stay healthy in lane vs a ranged bully.

Runes & Summoner Spells to run:
Note: You can run Biscuit Delivery + Approach Velocity for more kill pressure.

General game plan:
Quinn is a bit of a tricky one in my opinion. You really want to try not to get poked down too much early on and give CS if you have to.

You are way better in teamfights then Quinn so try to force her into teamfights.
The lane is a little bit tough but survivable and you outscale Renekton very hard.

Quick tips to help you win the matchup:
Try to trade with him when he doesn’t have much Fury built up (bar under his HP, if he has 50 fury he can empower one ability, if he has 100 he can empower two.)
You win level 1 and level 2 very hard especially if you fight before he gets Fury. I always try to fight Renekton level 1 and you can even zone him off early xp sometimes.
When he has ultimate Dominus up you never want to E- Disdain into him unless you’re close by your turret and you can run or if your jungler is ready to help you. Before level 9 he will win the extended 1v1 due to the value of his ultimate if you fight on his side of the lane.
Plated Steelcaps are extremely high value against Renekton.

Runes & Summoner Spells to run:
Note: You can run Ignite over Teleport. I like Teleport more.

General game plan:
Against Renekton you can play really aggressive in the first few levels especially when he doesn’t have fury built up. I always try to level 1 him and zone him early.

In general before level 6 you should be able to auto him a lot and trade here and there.

Once he gets 6 this lane is really hard until your level 9. Don’t E- Disdain into him if he has ultimate Dominus up and you are far away from your turret. He will basically always win the extended 1v1 fight before you have your W toggle.

Once you’re level 9+ with Black Cleaver you can start to win fights. Try to E buffer his W- Ruthless Predator stun in fights.

Mid and late game is really Urgot favored as long as you don’t feed early. You should win 1v1 and do a lot more in teamfights. Renekton tends to go all in during a teamfight so I usually focus on them for a good ultimate fear play.
Against Rengar you have to be very careful near the bushes since he can leap out of them with no cooldown. Urgot can win level 1 so try to get bush control early on by waiting in the bush level 1. At level 3 you have to give up control of this lane usually if it's a good Rengar. Always keep in mind he cleanse your R pull with his empowered W. You want to go for an ultimate when he is low on passive stacks.

Quick tips to help you win the matchup:


Runes & Summoner Spells to run:
Note: <pending>

General game plan:
This matchup is Urgot favored pretty hard early on. But a good Riven can be a bit annoying to deal with later on once she gets a lot of ability haste and jumps around a lot.

Quick tips to help you win the matchup:
You want to E- Disdain her 3rd Q- Broken Wings to completely cancel it. This part of her Q has a lot of air time so it’s pretty easy to cancel with your fling.
You can auto attack a lot in this matchup, especially when she goes up to farm minions. She has no way to farm from a distance.
It’s really good to bait out her shield before going for an E-flash play. If you’re pressuring with autos when they CS she will E- Valor away a lot of the time, just wait for the shield to drop and all-in with E-flash.
Don’t be low HP when she has ultimate Blade of the Exile up. She has a really high burst combo if she combos correctly.

Runes & Summoner Spells to run:
Note: Can run Ignite if you want to be more aggressive. I personally like Teleport more in this matchup.

General game plan:
Against Riven you want to play aggressively early game, especially when she comes up to farm CS.

Once she gets level 6 you do have to be careful if you’re around 60% HP since her ultimate Blade of the Exile combo gives her a ton of damage, especially if she is running Ignite.

The nice thing about this matchup is you have kill pressure the whole lane because you have a good chance to land your E- Disdain’s when she trades or farms. If she engages you in a 1v1, you want to try to E- Disdain her 3rd Q- Broken Wings and it will completely cancel it if you time it right.

Sometimes I will just use my E if she gets too close while csing and take a good trade or sometimes kill her as well. Late game against Riven can be a little tricky because she is very mobile with so much ability haste and can avoid you pretty well.

But in a teamfight she should be diving in on your backline so make sure to peel for them. One E on riven in a teamfight and your team can focus her down. Also keep in mind in the 1v1’s you can always Flash the second part of her ultimate, the wind slash part to avoid a lot of damage.
If it’s a good Rumble it’s pretty hard. But rumble is very hard to pilot at full potential, so usually this matchup is ok.

Quick tips to help you win the matchup:
His Q- Flamespitter has extremely high base damage. And it does more damage when his overheat bar is yellow so pay attention to that and try to avoid trading with him.
If you know you can win a trade you can E- Electro-Harpoon him over you while he’s in Q- Flamespitter and you’ll avoid a little bit of his Flamespitter damage.
You can stand in your minion wave when he Q- Flamespitter’s you. This way it forces him to push the minions, and then you can ping for jungle assistance if he is perma pushing.
Try to avoid getting hit by his E- Electro-Harpoon’s. You can do this either by side stepping them or hiding behind your minions.
Keep your W- Purge on when you get hit by his E- Electro-Harpoon’s or his ultimate The Equalizer because it gives you 40% slow resistance.

Runes & Summoner Spells to run:
Note: Teleport over Ignite is viable as well.

General game plan:
Against Rumble you really want to avoid unnecessary poke damage from his Q- Flamespitter and E- Electro-Harpoon’s as it adds up very quickly. You can win level 1 and 2.

Levels 3-5 can be tough in my opinion.

Once you get 6 it’s still tough but you have kill pressure if he goes for a Q- Flamespitter around 70% HP. Just E- Disdain him and all-in with ultimate and Ignite.

Level 9 feels really good in this matchup and you start outscaling him.

Once you have Black Cleaver and Maw of Malmortius he should not be able to fight you 1v1.
Pretty tough matchup in my opinion, but also very rare to see top lane nowadays so you probably won’t run into him much.

Quick tips to help you win the matchup:
Try to force fights against him early on before his first back. Even if you can’t land E- Disdain, just using it to get in range to trade autos for a Press the Attack trade is good.
E-flash combo is almost always a guaranteed kill in this matchup once you’re level 6+ with ultimate up.
Ryze players tend to perma push waves. Try to make your jungle aware of this when he is pushed to your turret. Ryze is extremely vulnerable to ganks.
Your ultimate and E- Disdain can both cancel his ultimate Realm Warp teleportation if timed correctly right before he’s about to teleport.

Runes & Summoner Spells to run:
Note: Second Wind is also a viable option. Can also go Teleport over Ignite.

General game plan:
Try to trade with Ryze a lot early on before his first back as he is really weak. Cheesing in the top bushes level 1 is highly recommended. If nothing else, you can zone him off xp of the first three melee minions quite easily.

After level 6 try to play for E-flash-R combos with Ignite as he has no way to run away and get comboed out easily.

You destroy him in the sidelane 1v1 when you have flash up, and your teamfights should be better for most of the game at least until 35+ minutes.
Sejuani has really good poke and damage for a tank. Her combo can do a surprising amount of burst as well. Urgot scales good into her but the lane can be tough.

Quick tips to help you win the matchup:
Always move to the side when she W- Winter's Wrath’s. You really want to sidestep that second part of her W.
When her passive Fury of the North is up she gets a lot of armor and cannot be slowed. 3 seconds after taking damage is when it wears off. So it can be a good idea to auto her and wait the 3 seconds before engaging for a trade. Sometimes your shotgun knee procs while farming will tag her and take off her passive which is nice too.
You can E buffer through her ultimate and her Q- Arctic Assault.

Runes & Summoner Spells to run:

General game plan:
You can auto attack a lot in this matchup early. You just want to be ready to side step her second part of W- Winter's Wrath at all times. You want to move to one side and fully commit when dodging her W.

Sejuani has surprising poke damage for a tank as well as burst damage if she combos her ultimate Glacial Prison successfully. So always be mindful of that.

Once you get your level 9 and Black Cleaver is when you can shine in this lane and start winning fights.

Urgot scales very nicely into Sejuani and she’s very manageable in teamfights since she dives in usually, I like to try to use that opportunity to get a good ultimate on her for a big fear play.
A lot of the difficulty is surviving until level 9 in this matchup. It’s very hard until then and you shouldn’t take many trades or at least risky trades with him until then.

Quick tips to help you win the matchup:
You can E buffer his E- Facebreaker. This is really important. If you ever think he is going to E you just E away and if he does pull you, you’ll instantly E away from him before he can get any damage off you.
If he is building grit when taking damage, that means he skilled his W- Haymaker early game.
You can E- Disdain him right as he W- Haymaker’s to fling his W over you and make him miss. The way you time this is based on how much grit he has built up. They will usually use their W around 70-100% grit depending on how the fight is going so you want to E around then, I highly recommend doing this in the mid and late game 1v1’s, if he misses his true damage from W you will most likely win.
The middle part of his W- Haymaker is the part you want to avoid at all costs. It does true damage.
In general you want to play more passively in this matchup until level 9. He has a lot of sustain from passive and normally Doran's Shield. You can still go for auto attacks but you don’t want to be trading a lot. Level 9 gives you extended damage power with your W toggle which is huge in this matchup.

Runes & Summoner Spells to run:
Note: You can run Ignite over Teleport, but Teleport is nice because you want all the XP you can get for that level 9 spike. If you run Ignite you run the risk of jungle camping you and missing waves slowing down your level 9 spike which is crucial in this matchup.

General game plan:
Early game I like to play very safe against Sett. I don’t even try to level 1 him. I go Doran's Shield and early Cull for sustain. Be warned though you usually can’t cheater recall against Sett because his early game is strong.

Once I have Doran's Shield, Cull, and Plated Steelcaps I play a bit more aggressively but not stupidly aggressive.

I’m always ready to E buffer his E- Facebreaker and sidestep his W- Haymaker throughout the whole early lane phase. This is really important. If you do this perfectly it’s very hard for him to ever kill you.

Mid game once I get Black Cleaver and level 9+ I start to play more aggressively and you can start to win extended fights with the W toggle. This is where you want to try to E- Disdain him as he W’s you so you fling him over you and dodge his W.

Mid and late game is a really good matchup for Urgot because you beat him in the side lane and should do good against him in teamfights. Lots of the times Sett will ultimate into the teamfight and if he ever W’s he is CC’ing himself which gives you a good ultimate target.

Also another thing to keep in mind is that Urgot ultimate ignores shield if they are in execute range, so sometimes you can execute him through his big W shield late game.
I find this matchup pretty easy. He’s a little bit scary in the early game but manageable. He can help out his team later which can win games but as far as the 1v1 goes he has a hard time dealing with Urgot once we scale.

Quick tips to help you win the matchup:
His W- Spirit's Refuge does block your W- Purge’s as well as auto attacks. I usually save my W until after he uses his W, or I just kite or disengage when he uses his W since you can’t really damage him during that.
Shen is really strong early. Avoid letting him proc his Grasp of the Undying and also Q- Twilight Assault you for free. Spacing is really important against Shen when you are farming creeps.
You can E buffer his taunt.
You can E- Disdain him out of his R- Stand United.
You can R- Fear Beyond Death him when he R- Stand United’s and if he drops low enough you can pull him across the map. I only recommend doing this if he is low HP when he goes for an ultimate, even if your team doesn’t get him low enough at least your ultimate is still slowing him.
When he hits level 6, ping his level to your teammates so they know his global ultimate Stand United to help his teammates is ready.

Runes & Summoner Spells to run:
Note: Can also go Demolish instead of Overgrowth. It’s pretty good in this matchup if he goes for an ultimate Stand United play you can get more plates.

General game plan:
Against Shen you have to be careful of his Q- Twilight Assaulttrades early as well as him getting free Grasp of the Undying procs. You can auto attack a lot but you just have to be ready to kite. And if he uses his W- Spirit's Refuge then I usually just kite or disengage since it blocks our auto attacks and our W- Purge shots.

I like to push in Shen a lot in the laning phase because he struggles to farm under turret. Also once he is level 6 it makes it hard for him to go for an ultimate play if you’re always pushing.

You do have to be extremely mindful of where his jungle could be though. You also have to be careful he doesn’t taunt you under his turret because that will put tower aggro on you. You should always be ready to E- Disdain away when he may be looking for a taunt on you.

Once I get my Black Cleaver spike in this matchup I try to play more for kills. If he ever goes for an ultimate Stand United play across the map, make sure you are pushing in the minions to make him lose XP and also make sure you’re taking plates. If you have no minions to tank tower for you then roam into the enemy jungle and take their camps. If you run into the enemy jungler you may be able to kill him as well especially if you have Flash and ultimate up.

Overall Urgot hard outscales Shen in 1v1 and in teamfights, but if he helps his team out enough that can sometimes win games.
Shyavana can be challenging to kill because they usually just play off their E- Flame Breath poke. But the chance she kills you is very slim and you outscale her.

Quick tips to help you win the matchup:
Always be moving in this lane and trying to dodge her E- Flame Breath poke. This is where most of her damage comes from.
You can auto attack and land E- Disdain a lot if she comes up to farm in this matchup. You should win trades early if you land E.
Her E- Flame Breath cooldown is 12 seconds early game. Try to punish her when it’s on cooldown. If she hits E on you try to disengage. If she autos you with her E mark on you, you take bonus magic damage every auto attack from her.

Runes & Summoner Spells to run:
Note: Biscuit Delivery + Approach Velocity is viable in this matchup and helps if you want to be a bit more aggressive.

General game plan:
I try to level 1 fight Shyvana and in general auto attack her a lot early game. You can also land E- Disdain on her pretty easily if she walks up to farm. She is really weak in the early game.

When she gets her ultimate Dragon's Descent and is in dragon form is when you have to be careful. You don’t want to trade during that time, and try your best to dodge her E- Flame Breath’s because they do insane base damage especially in dragon form.

Once you get level 9 with Black Cleaver you should try to force 1v1s as much as you can in this matchup. You can even win extended fights in her dragon form at this point if played properly.

Mid and late game Urgot does a lot more than Shyvana, you win the 1v1, and in teamfights she has to jump in to do anything significant unless she is going full AP. Then she can poke with her E. But if she jumps in you can use that opportunity to focus her and get a big fear with your ultimate for your team.
Honestly feels like the only free lane for Urgot. It’s very hard to die to Singed. However he still scales into the game and does Singed things.

Quick tips to help you win the matchup:
You should always fight him early and auto attack as much as possible. Never let him push in waves freely early on.
You can E buffer his E- Fling.
You can’t E- Disdain on his W- Mega Adhesive, but if you see him casting it out just E away before the W comes down.
If he proxies waves don’t miss your CS to deal with him. There's opportunities if your jungler comes over and you have a bit of time until the next wave crashes. But make sure you aren’t giving up huge waves to kill him.
I highly recommend going Cull in this matchup because sometimes Singed players just proxy the minions behind your turret. So you will get free gold and scaling off Cull and it helps you tank minion waves if you want to save a bit of your turret HP.

Runes & Summoner Spells to run:
Note: I like Inspiration here for the Approach Velocity and extra movement speed from the Magical Footwear boots. You can also go Conditioning, Overgrowth if you want to go full scaling mode and don’t care as much about the 1v1.

General game plan:
In the very early game I always walk with my minion wave from tier 2 tower to make sure he doesn’t proxy the first wave. Once the minions get to the lane I make sure to auto attack him as much as possible because they usually try to instantly push the first three waves and take a back. Do not let them do this.

Urgot has the damage to kill Singed early if he is eating auto attacks and shotgun knees. After the early game they will sometimes try to proxy the waves, meaning they will go behind your tower and farm minions and sometimes execute. You want to make sure you’re catching your waves rather than dealing with him.

If your jungler is coming over to help then you can sometimes pick up a kill without missing too many minions. Try to push the wave in advance if you see your jungler rotating to help you. It’s fine to tank a bit of minions especially with Cull since it gives 3 hp per hit. Just make sure you’re using your W- Purge for full healing potential.

Once you get your Black Cleaver power spike you can kill Singed with one combo pretty easily. The main thing to focus on is E’ing him right as he E- Flings you and you’ll completely buffer through his fling and land E on him and burst him.

Overall this matchup is great for Urgot because you win at all points of the game. If he is super fast in teamfights try to land your ultimate on somebody else. He can be a really hard target to land ultimate on unless someone CC’s him.
I find it hard to kill Sion because he can always ultimate Unstoppable Onslaught away from you. And you can’t pull him with your ultimate during his. With that being said it’s a good scaling matchup for Urgot I think, he can’t 1v1 Urgot late game, but his frontline is still really good in teamfights.

Quick tips to help you win the matchup:
Sions like to hide in bushes level 1 and hit you with a fully charged Q- Decimating Smash. Stay away from bushes if you don’t see him.
You can E buffer his Q- Decimating Smash knockup if you E- Disdain right as he hits you. This ones a little trickier to time then others. You want to E before he hits you with Q- Decimating Smash but you want to do it a bit late if that makes sense.
Black Cleaver is a huge power spike in this matchup.
You can’t pull him with your ultimate during his ultimate charge. You can wait to activate your ultimate during his Unstoppable Onslaught charge and see if he ends it early so you can pull after it ends.

Runes & Summoner Spells to run:
Note: Biscuit Delivery + Approach Velocity is viable in this matchup and helps if you want to be a bit more aggressive.

General game plan:
Against Sion you’re just trying to scale to level 9 and get your Black Cleaver as soon as possible. I always try to get an early cheater recall into a Cull buy in this matchup.

Level 6-9 you can still play aggressive but it may be hard to get kills, and then once I get Black Cleaver I try to force fights against him.

You destroy him in the side lane 1v1 so try to take advantage of that if he ever split pushes

In teamfights I try to ignore his front line UNLESS my whole team is focusing him then I will use that opportunity to get a good ultimate and try to flash into the enemy team while pulling him into the grinder to get a big fear.
This lane is honestly really hard because he can just poke you down and you can’t really engage on him much early game. He also scales good and can handle your extended damage from W toggle when he is in his ultimate.

Quick tips to help you win the matchup:
Always move to the side in this lane to dodge out his E- Nevermove. If you get hit by his E then he will combo the rest of his kit on you. You can however E buffer his E if you know you are going to get hit by it. This might make him miss the rest of his combo.
Try to fight him level 1 by waiting in the top bush closest to his tower and flanking behind him. He is weak in the early game.

Runes & Summoner Spells to run:
Note: Ignite is also viable instead of Teleport. I have been told Ghost might be good for getting on him for E- Disdain’s. I haven’t tried it enough myself.

General game plan:
Your goal is to try to get a good level 1 start in this lane by hiding in the top bush closest to his turret and flanking him.

Throughout the whole early game you want to be dodging his E- Nevermove and trying to trade with him when it’s down. But if he kites you it’s very hard.

Swain is very gankable so if he is pushing up in this lane a lot, ping your jungle to assist you, especially if you have Flash up he can be a really easy gank target.

Be very careful E’ing into Swain once he gets his ultimate because he can tank you out and win an extended fight early on.

Once you get level 9+ with Black Cleaver you have a much better chance to win.

The early lane phase is a pain against this champion so just try to survive and go for kills when you have Flash up, or jungler helps you out.
I find this matchup really good for Urgot since he is melee and has to go in if he ever wants to do significant damage to us. If he does that then we have a good chance to land E- Disdain. He can steal our grinder which is a really valuable ultimate for the game and feels awful to die to.

Quick tips to help you win the matchup:
You can E buffer the second part of his E- Abscond / Abduct when he throws the chains at you.
His W- Kingslayer healing is based on his missing health. I like to take Ignite in this matchup but if you want Teleport definitely build Executioner's Calling or Chempunk Chainsword.

Runes & Summoner Spells to run:
Note: You can also go Conditioning if you want more scaling. Teleport is also viable just make sure to buy Executioner's Calling if you go teleport.

General game plan:
You want to play aggressively early game against Sylas and make sure you are dodging his Q- Chain Lash’s or at least the second part of his Q.

If he ever walks up early you should land E- Disdain on him and win the trade every time. If he E- Abscond / Abduct’s into you then you can also buffer it and that should win you the 1v1.

In general there’s not too much to this matchup, you can basically play aggressive and land E’s. If he doesn’t play up and just Q- Chain Lash pokes then he will miss a lot of farm.

You do much better in the 1v1. Teamfights depend on how many good ultimates he can steal but I don’t mind Sylas in teamfights as he is another melee champ which is good for Urgot.
A lot of this difficulty in this matchup comes from the laning phase before you’re level 9. Tahm Kench is extremely hard to kill as Urgot until you have your W- Purge toggle.

Quick tips to help you win the matchup:
Play behind your minion waves so he can’t land Q- Tongue Lash’s on you. That’s where a lot of his damage comes from.
You can E buffer his Q- Tongue Lash stun if he has 3 stacks on you. As well as his W- Abyssal Dive knockup. Both of these are very predictable and easy to time the buffer.
He can only Devour you when he has 3 passive An Acquired Taste stacks on you. Be very careful when playing near or even outside his turret. As he can eat you and run over to the tower and spit you out under it. He can do this from even further away if he has Ghost up.
W toggle and Black Cleaver is a huge power spike in this matchup.
You want to save your E- Disdain to cancel his W- Abyssal Dive if he hasn’t engaged you with it. The timing is pretty easy since his W has a long channel time. But you do have to be thinking about it beforehand.

Runes & Summoner Spells to run:
Note: I think Conqueror has some viability in this matchup since the fights last extremely long. I recommend taking it IF they have 3+ melee champs and one other fairly tanky champion.

General game plan:
You can win levels 1-3 vs tahm kench pretty hard. After his first back when he gets some armor he is really hard to kill as Urgot. I mainly focus on surviving until my level 9, and try to fight inside minion waves if I have to, so that he can’t land Q- Tongue Lash’s on me easily.

After level 9 I start looking to fight more. Ideally you want the fight to start more on your side of the lane so he can’t eat you and toss you into his turret.

I also try to hold my E- Disdain to cancel his W- Abyssal Dive unless I know I can burst him before he can channel W.

Your mid and late game is way stronger in 1v1 and in teamfights. This is really just a hard scaling matchup for Urgot and lane is usually a bit of a struggle.
Sometimes Teemo can be annoying. Blind blocks your W- Purge. Shrooms are annoying. And he’s a Yordle.

Quick tips to help you win the matchup:
His Q- Blinding Dart blocks your W- Purge. Tenacity items and runes reduce his blind duration and are very valuable in this matchup.
If Teemo is using his Q- Blinding Dart to poke you, wait for it to wear off before engaging him. Especially if you’re getting ready to E-flash. If he wastes blind for poke that’s a good time to all in right after the blind wears off.
Don’t be afraid to give up CS early if you’re going to take a lot of damage. Teemo is a lane bully.

Runes & Summoner Spells to run:
Note: You can go Ignite instead of Teleport if you want to play more aggressively.

General game plan:
Against Teemo you’re trying to survive the early lane. He is a big lane bully early on vs Urgot. Doran's Shield and Second Wind should help you tremendously to survive the lane since he bleed keeps resetting their effect.

Level 6 is when you have a lethal threat on him with a good E-flash play and it's pretty much the only way I get kills in this lane. I try to wait for him to poke with Q- Blinding Dart, wait for it to wear off and then all in with E-flash and full combo.

Urgot is a lot better in teamfights and 1v1 especially if you have Flash up. Surviving early lane is the key.
Pretty hard matchup due to his ultimate Undying Rage countering ours. I find if you fall behind in this matchup he can dive you pretty easily when his ultimate is up. If you don't fall behind it's not TOO bad.

Quick tips to help you win the matchup:
You cannot execute him with your R- Fear Beyond Death while he is in his ultimate Undying Rage. Instead try to time your pull with his ultimate running out right in time for your grinder.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you drop him too low then your ultimate will automatically pull him. You want to keep him low but not in the 50 hp threshold that it will auto pull him.
Plated Steelcaps and Warden's Mail can do wonders in this matchup. Exhaust can also be a viable option. You're basically just trying to survive long enough to kill him after his ultimate.
He can tell when you're hiding in bushes if he has his W- Mocking Shout ability up.
Try to fight and bully him with autos when he doesn't have much Fury built up. Especially level 1 in the lane. When he has full Fury stacks he gets 40% crit chance and a lot of bonus AD. When he uses this ability to heal is when you should try to punish him in this lane.

Runes & Summoner Spells to run:
Note: Teleport and Ghost are also viable in this matchup. If running Ghost then replace Flash with it. This helps you kite him out and run when he presses R- Undying Rage, meaning you can easily survive. I personally run Flash + Exhaust usually.

General game plan:
Try to trade and zone him off xp level 1. You can normally be aggressive pre level 6 with trading.

Once he gets ultimate Undying Rage this lane gets tough and you have to play smart and kite him out a lot. If you fall behind he can dive you under tower on repeat. If he does dive you under tower try to use your tower as a shield and kite around it.

With good waveclear you can sometimes shove the waves in and go make a roam play or teamfight play to put pressure on him.

Overall the key is surviving and kiting in this matchup, answering his splitpush, and trying to force plays before he can get a good split push, especially around big objectives like dragon and baron.
I consider dodging this match up if the enemy team composition looks hard to play against.

Quick tips to help you win the matchup:
Lethality is of extremely high value into Vayne since you want to kill her before she kills you, and going tank is pointless.
Edge of Night counters her E- Condemn since she has no other abilities to proc the spell shield.
Early game is very hard and you can't really contest her early. Try not to get poked down too much by auto attacks even if you have to give up some minions early game.
E-Flash is your ticket to get kills in this lane. Try to get her to around 60-80% hp first if possible.

Runes & Summoner Spells to run:
Note: Ghost also seems like a viable option especially if they have a lot of ranged champions on the enemy team. I personally like Ignite a bit more. Keep in mind Ignite does not reveal stealth champions.

General game plan:
You generally want to play the early game very slow and give up minions to avoid getting poked down. Try to trade when you have wave advantages.

She does scale very well in teamfights but since she is the top laner she most likely won’t have much of a frontline. Focusing her in teamfights can be easier compared to a bot lane Vayne with a tank top laner.
Early game is easy, but he can dodge your E- Disdain and R- Fear Beyond Death with his W- Sanguine Pool which keeps him pretty safe. Vladimir is a scaling beast and his teamfight is way better than Urgots so that’s why I put the difficulty high. Try to win early lane phase hard.

Quick tips to help you win the matchup:
I like to E- Disdain at him to bait out his W- Sanguine Pool. Then once he’s out of pool, Q-R and burst him down with W’s. If he doesn’t pool your E then you just should win the trade.
When his passive Crimson Pact bar is close to fully filling up you want to back off. Do not get poked down by his empowered Q- Transfusion’s.
Try to be aggressive early on this lane. He’s really weak but outscales you in teamfights hard. You still beat him 1v1 in sidelane late game.
Try to force him into splitpush situations later on in the game, rather than teamfighting.

Runes & Summoner Spells to run:

General game plan:
This matchup is all about building a lead in lane phase. I try to go for a level 1 bush flank in the top bushes and zone him off the first few melee minions. You need to build every small lead you can.

You win the 1v1 sidelane fights, but his teamfight is much better than yours. Try to make him answer your splitpush if you can.
This lane is pretty hard but Urgot outscales Volibear massively. I don’t see too many Volibear tops anymore.

Quick tips to help you win the matchup:
You really want to avoid his E- Sky Splitter in the early levels. It has good base damage but it’s pretty easy to walk out of. If you see him walk into a bush then he is probably trying to E you so you won’t see him cast it so be ready to move.
You can E buffer his Q- Thundering Smash stun. This is very important because he will place his E- Sky Splitter right where he tries to stun you. If you E buffer you dodge the E unless he’s really smart.
Remember he cannot be disabled when jumping in his ultimate. If you land ultimate on him don’t try to pull him during this time because you can’t. You also can’t fling or stun him with E, you can after the jump is over.
Volibear's lane is strong but he falls off hard. Keep this in mind as Urgot and play a bit safer early game if you need to.
Remember his ultimate Stormbringer disables turrets so he is very good at diving if you fall low HP. Eespecially if his jungler backs him up. You may need to Teleport back or give up a few CS for a “bad recall” to survive.
When he marks you with W- Frenzied Maul early, you want to disengage. If that mark is on you when he W’s you a second time he will heal for a lot.

Runes & Summoner Spells to run:

General game plan:
Scaling and surviving is the key against Volibear early game. He’s very strong but falls off hard. You can auto attack a lot in this matchup early. You just want to be ready to E buffer away if he Q- Thundering Smash’s you. You just have to E- Disdain right as he is Q’ing you. You also want to be moving around a lot so you don’t get tagged by his E’s as they have great base damage.

If you go Doran's Shield, Second Wind, and Cull you should be able to sustain this lane pretty good. Don’t be afraid of taking some damage from his passive The Relentless Storm when he is pushing the wave because it will actually heal you if you run this setup. Just make sure you’re auto attacking him.

Once you get level 9+ with your W toggle and Black Cleaver is where this lane really turns around. You should win 1v1 pretty easily if you land E’s on him now.

Urgot also does very well against Volibear in teamfights because he usually jumps in and you can focus him down with your team and get an ultimate on him for a good pull for a big fear in the teamfight.

Overall Urgot wins the 1v1 and teamfights really hard against Volibear but the lane can be a bit of a struggle if he’s good.
Warwick is very strong in the early lane phase and can bait you really hard especially if he runs Barrier. However if you don’t get baited and take unfavorable fights you outscale him extremely hard in 1v1 and teamfights.

Quick tips to help you win the matchup:
Don’t go all-in early game. Even if he gets low he heals more when low. He is the ultimate bait champion. However you should still auto him and kite him early on.
Run Ignite to cut his healing.
Always be mindful when he has his Barrier up. It adds to his baiting power. If it’s on cooldown you have a good chance to kill him.
When he’s in Q- Jaws of the Beast he can’t be displaced by your E- Disdain, however it will still stun him after his animation.

Runes & Summoner Spells to run:
Note: Biscuit Delivery + Cosmic Insight is viable in this matchup and helps if you want to be a bit more aggressive.

General game plan:
Against Warwick you’re basically just trying to survive the early lane phase. He is the ultimate bait champ of top lane in my opinion. He wants to get low and bait you in and then pop barrier and heal up like crazy.

I like to auto attack a lot in this matchup but I’m really careful with E’ing into him. I only do it if I have Ignite up and he is VERY low and I know I can win.

Once you get level 9 is when you start to outscale him because you have very consistent damage from your W toggle. I like to look for all-ins when I have Ignite up.

Your teamfight and 1v1 is much stronger than his after level 9 and especially after level 13. Don’t be afraid to take small loses in the early lane because you will hard out scale him as long as you don’t fall massively far behind.
Lane is very hard due to Wukong's passive Stone Skin, but you outscale him pretty hard in 1v1 and teamfights.

Quick tips to help you win the matchup:
DO NOT all in level 1. He can win once his passive Stone Skin and Conqueror stack up. However you can go for auto attacks just be careful and kite him out if he all-ins.
Plated Steelcaps and Black Cleaver are of massive value in this matchup.
Be VERY CAREFUL once he reaches level 6, especially if he has a Sheen. He can 100-0 you if he combos right with Ignite. You want to be extremely careful pushing up in the lane in these levels. You do not want to be outside his turret. If you have to push be extremely cautious and ready to E- Disdain away.
Be careful using abilities on his clone because then your W- Purge will lock onto the clone if it is closer to you then he is.

Runes & Summoner Spells to run:
Note: Conditioning is also viable over Bone Plating. You just have to play a safer early game.

General game plan:
You can auto attack a lot in this matchup since he can't really farm from a distance. Just be ready to E- Disdain away when he E- Nimbus Strike's you or you can E into him if you're in a position where you can fight him.

The hardest part of this lane is 6-9, especially level 6 and 7 in my opinion because he can burst you so easily. I try to manage my waves well in these levels and make sure the wave doesn't freeze right outside his turret.

Wukong can be a little scary 1v1 on his Divine Sunderer + Death's Dance spike but if you get your shotguns off you should still be able to win.

Your teamfight is much better than his in my opinion, so try to fight for objectives and make sure you're in the teamfights.
Another matchup where the difficulty really depends on the Yasuo player. A good Yasuo is tough, but there are a lot of bad ones that feed early game.

Quick tips to help you win the matchup:
His W- Wind Wall blocks your ultimate, not only the projectile you fire out, but your chains on the pull can also count as a projectile and be blocked. Keep that in mind in teamfights. This interaction is really buggy and sometimes your chains don’t get blocked but sometimes they do.
You can E buffer his Q- Steel Tempest and look to trade by E’ing through them and onto him.
Try to angle your shotguns in lane to hit him when you farm minions. This will take off his passive Way of the Wanderer shield if he has it up.
Remember after he ults Last Breath you, he gets 50% armor pen on his critical strikes for the next 15 seconds.
When fighting inside your minion waves keep in mind he can dash around to each minion. Sometimes it’s good to hold your E- Disdain until you know he isn’t going to dash anymore. Or better yet try to fight him outside of your minion wave if you know you can win.

Runes & Summoner Spells to run:
Note: Biscuit Delivery + Approach Velocity is viable in this matchup and helps if you want to be a bit more aggressive.

General game plan:
Early game Yasuo is pretty weak so you should be auto attacking a lot in this lane.

The goal against Yasuo is to get him to W- Wind Wall and then disengage the fight unless you can angle yourself around it if he places it poorly. And then you want to try to fight once the windwall fades because that’s the part of his kit that really counters us. It blocks everything except for your E. Thankfully level 1 it’s a 30 second cooldown so you can usually trade once or twice while it’s down.

Late game against Yasuo can be scary, he does have a chance to beat you in the 1v1 especially if he lands ultimate Last Breath on you early. You want to try to avoid his Q- Steel Tempest but if you do get hit make sure you’re E buffering through it and trying to land E on him.

In teamfights be very mindful of his windwall and try to position around it, also be very careful because as I previously mentioned it can block the pulling part of your ultimate. So you really want to position around it if you get a good ultimate.
Urgot does pretty well against Yone in the 1v1. I’m putting the difficulty high because Yone is still insanely good even if he feeds and will still scale into a monster if the game goes long enough.

Quick tips to help you win the matchup:
You can E buffer through his tornado knockup (his empowered Q- Mortal Steel).
Always try to sidestep his Q- Mortal Steel’s in lane as well as his ultimate Fate Sealed. It can be tricky on Urgot.

Runes & Summoner Spells to run:
Note: You can also run Ignite over Teleport.

General game plan:
You can be really aggressive in this matchup early with auto attacking. Just be ready to side step his Q- Mortal Steel’s and also E buffer his empowered Q if he Q’s in on you.

Once you get Plated Steelcaps and Serrated Dirk you are a lot stronger than him at this point and can sometimes kill him once or twice.

The mid game is pretty Urgot favored especially when you hit level 13.

Later on in the late game he has a chance to beat you 1v1 depending on how it’s played, you can still win but it becomes a skill matchup that’s slightly favored for him. Try to focus Yone in teamfights as he does a ton of damage, simply landing an E might be enough for your team to focus him down.
This feels like a pretty even matchup to me. It can be annoying if you fall behind but if you stay even it’s fine in my opinion. He is strong when he has his Eulogy of the Isles maiden and ghouls out but when his maiden is down he is quite weak.

Quick tips to help you win the matchup:
You want to use your W- Purge to kill his ghouls. Make sure you don’t target him with an ability until you kill his ghouls otherwise your W will lock onto him.
If he ever traps you in the W- Dark Procession wall, try to auto attack it or W- Purge to destroy it ASAP. If you’re constantly moving it’s quite hard for him to get a good wall on you since it has a bit of spawn time.
Yorick is very weak in the early game. Especially pre level 6. Try to punish this if he walks up to CS too early on.

Runes & Summoner Spells to run:
Note: I really like scaling secondary runes here because Yorick does a lot of mixed damage and also the early game isn’t too threatening. Teleport is also nice because he likes to split push the whole game so this can come in handy to match his split pushes and backdoor attempts.

General game plan:
Against Yorick you really want to try to bully him out of the early lane before level 6 when he gets his Eulogy of the Isles maiden. Until then he’s not really a true champion.

Make sure you’re W’ing his ghouls before focusing him. Your W takes them out very quick. Once he gets his maiden the lane is a bit tricky and you want to try to kill the maiden without taking too much damage, sometimes they mess up positioning or they land a greedy E- Mourning Mist so the maiden goes too far in and you can kill it.

If his maiden is ever dead, try to force fights against him. Late game you should always make sure you’re dealing with his splitpush before he gets to your turrets.

It’s really good if you can kill his maiden right before an important objective teamfight around dragon or baron as well because the cooldown is really long on his ultimate and he’s way less useful without his maiden.

What is the best Dragon soul for Urgot?

In my opinion from best to worst it goes: Cloud > Infernal > Ocean > Chemtech > Mountain > Hextech.

Cloud is really nice for getting big fears and also for circling around people after your ultimate, making it extremely easy to get a bunch of passive damage. Also remember you can ultimate to get out of bad situations because the movement speed boost is really insane, plus you slow somebody with your ultimate. Having a 20% increase to movement speed at all times is insanely nice on Urgot.

Infernal is a very nice DPS boost. I think some games it can actually be better then cloud depending on your team comp. Also gives you more impact damage on your ultimate which can be big for sniping.

Ocean Since we have a lot of HP and sometimes resists as well, this dragon is nice for helping us stay alive even longer. Especially good if the enemy team is low burst and does a lot of consistent damage because you can just tank for so long.

Chemtech is alright on Urgot because we have a lot of shields, and sometimes you can play at low HP in a teamfight since you don't have much sustain. Overall this soul isn't super valuable because you have to be under 50% HP to get a lot of value from. I do think the chemtech map is one of the best for Urgot though because it allows you to make a lot more plays with the empowered blast cones.

Mountain is a nice shield. Nothing really special with this one in terms of the soul. The extra resists do feel really nice. If you stack 2-4 of these though, you will be insanely tanky.

Hextech is not a great dragon on Urgot because it gives attack speed and ability haste which Urgot doesn't really want or need. The soul slowing effect is not bad but I feel it's the worst of them all.

Who do you ban as an Urgot main?

Personally I ban Aatrox because he's very good against Urgot in lane and also very popular. You should ban whatever you struggle with a lot and also run into frequently. I think Mordekaiser can be another good ban for Urgot players. Really hard matchups like Vayne aren't commonly picked enough to warrant a ban in my opinion. I end up just dodging champs like vayne.

Is Urgot good at carrying games?

Yes I believe Urgot is good at carrying games up until diamond and then match-ups get a lot harder in my opinion (this goes for most scaling champions). Urgot scales really hard and can build a lot of damage items while also being tanky enough to go crazy in team-fights, and if you get big fear plays you can solo carry team-fights.

When should I pick Urgot?

Urgot thrives in team comps that have lots of CC and engage, because this makes it much easier to get good ultimates off as well as your E. And Urgot is amazing when you have people to engage for you so you don’t get focused. He synergizes really good with tank junglers like Zac, Sejuani, etc… and tank supports like Leona, Nautilus, also Yuumi has amazing synergy. Urgot is also very good into melee match-ups where it is easier to land your E’s, especially squishy melee matchups such as Riven, Irelia, Fiora, Jax, etc…
What is your favorite skin on Urgot?

I like Fright night the most because the chromas look amazing for it, Battlecast is a close second. All the Urgot skins are pretty good though.

Why should I play Urgot over other juggernauts?

This comes down to what you have fun on I guess. But Urgot is unique because he is a ranged juggernaut and I believe he scales way harder than other juggernauts. Although he also has a weaker laning phase, he has way more team-fight potential and split-push potential compared to other juggernauts, also I personally find his ultimate the coolest and most satisfying to use of all the juggernaut champions.

Why do you toggle your W on turrets?

So after every three W’s you can weave in an auto attack for extra DPS. This is because your auto attack is refreshing while you’re in your W and there is no cooldown to toggle it and retoggle once your W is maxed.
Thanks for reading my Urgot guide! If you liked it then consider tossing me an up vote as it really helps to get my guide out there. If it helped you out at all, then let me know in the comments. If you think I left something out, let me know as well. I always enjoy hearing feedback whether it be positive or negative. Also if you want to ask me any questions regarding Urgot or top lane in general you can find my stream here.

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