League of Legends (LoL) Question: got an idea for a viable good braum top build
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got an idea for a viable good braum top build
so i was playing braum earlier today as supp. i was pretty far ahead and decided to go titanic hydra because why not? it turned out that the item actually gave braum a really good amount of damage. at full build i was able to 1v1 the enemy top laner at his full build. i was wondering if this could make braum toplane a more viable pick? the build was
ninja tabi
titanic hydra
dead mans plate
banshee's veil
(insert situational item) for me it was steraks
and there you go
ninja tabi
titanic hydra
dead mans plate
banshee's veil
(insert situational item) for me it was steraks
and there you go
I'm guessing he will still only be useful in certain team comps (ap support or mid-adc hypercarries both needing someone specificaly defending them), but he became a somewhat decent pick with the juggernaut update. I say you go on and try that build, it seems solid enough.