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Recommended Items
Runes: The most common
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health
Gustwalker Smite
Ability Order Standart
New Destiny (PASSIVE)
Graves Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
This champion has 5 jerks and hard control, along with a reduction in incoming damage. Additionally, she is mobile and can quickly get close to you. Therefore, it is advisable to play as the second number after your teammates and avoid initiating E-R combos to counter her.
The best suppurt for you.
The best suppurt for you.
Champion Build Guide
I'm X3m. Not so long ago, I reached Diamond rank in my favorite game. My main champions are Lillia and Graves. Throughout my journey of improving my ranking, I have gathered numerous tips on game strategy and positioning, which I am more than willing to share. My accounts: E4(main now): https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/Abyss%20Deer-ESE D1: https://www.op.gg/summoners/ru/Father%20of%20Abyss-422/champions |
1. introduction
2. pros and cons
3. masteries
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End of the Line (Q): Q ![]() ![]() |
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Smoke Screen (W): A useful ability, which can be VERY important in some situations, is to throw an object at the enemy when 50/50 smite is on the line, so that they cannot see the Dragon's HP. |
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Quickdraw (E): The most important skill in all combinations, as well as for survival. |
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Collateral Damage (R): A finishing skill, but you shouldn't keep it to the end, as it gives you a jerk back, which helps when escaping from an enemy or avoiding his skills. |
+ High damage + Mobility + Excellent mid and late game Graves has high mobility, a lot of damage, extremely high potential for carrying games on his own, and the ability to win games solo. He has excellent jungle clearing abilities and good synergy with many champions. |
- Vulnerable to control - Hard to master - Bad ganks The weak side is vulnerability to crowd control; once Graves gets caught in it, it is difficult for him to escape. Implementing Graves' abilities properly can be challenging, but every minute spent on training will be worthwhile. |
Very Hard – W + Q + R + ![]() Very quickly burst your opponent down with everything you have. W your target, Q then quickly R Flash back in. AA E AA as soon as you can. |
Hard - W + ![]() You can combine W and Flash to make it much harder to dodge. AA then Q E together and finish off with AA R AA. |
Hard - Q + E + ![]() From outside normal range, Q and instantly E F. Execute your target with AA R. |
Hard - W + Q + E + R + ![]() To quickly retreat W your target then Q then instantly click away to E. As soon as your E is about to reach its max distance R, then use Flash mid animation. |
Normal - W + E + AA + Q + AA + R When ganking W your target, E towards them then AA and Q during the AA downtime, then AA again and execute with your R. |
Normal – W + Q + AA + E + AA + R + AA Quickly burst enemies leading with W and quickly Q, then AA E AA as quickly as possible followed by R and another AA. |
Normal – W + AA + Q + E + AA + AA Seamlessly slide into your target by using Q E together. W your target and AA then quickly Q and E in the same direction. Finish up with two AA's. |
Basic – AA + AA + E + Q + AA When fighting any opponent AA twice then E towards your target, Q instantly and use your final AA right after. |
Basic – W + AA + E + AA + Q + AA To All In before level 6 W your target, then quickly AA and E to reposition. AA Q and AA again. |
Basic – E + Q To chase. |
Basic – AA + E + AA This is base. Standart combo that you will do everytime. |
WARNING! Graves also has hidden mechanics, such as canceling animations when combined: Therefore, I advise you to watch the following video and go practice these combinations. |
First video:
Second video:
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