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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Halloween skins coming back?

Posted in Champions | Tags: Amumu Elise Katarina Miss Fortune Viktor Zed 6,419

  • HunterR345

    Halloween skins coming back?

    Hi guys! I'm a Katarina main and the only skin that I dont have is Kitty Cat, so yeah i want to buy it. The thing is that this skin is a Legacy one so i can't buy it from the shop right now. I've searched in the internet and found that is part of the Harrowing Skins. My question is, are these skins coming back to the shop this Halloween? I have the necessary RP to buy it but i dont know if I should save it or buy another skin form another champ.
  • Answers (1)

    Fruxo (326) | October 17, 2020 7:37am
    All of the previous Legacy Harrowing Skins should be coming back from the vault for a limited time this Halloween. Just be patient. :)
    Light Ryuk (4) | October 19, 2020 2:37pm
    This! Rito usually brings all of them back during Halloweens, vaulting them back afterwards.
    HunterR345 (1) | October 17, 2020 11:27am
    Ok, thanks ;)
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