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League of Legends (LoL) Question: has any one here ever played Brand AD ???

Posted in Champions | Tags: Berserker's Greaves Brand Infinity Edge Runaan's Hurricane Statikk Shiv The Black Cleaver The Bloodthirster Zephyr 3,981

  • abdollah

    has any one here ever played Brand AD ???

    so I started a match as Brand, thanks god it wasn't a ranked one !!! and I noticed 2 things. first : my Health Potions are Health Potions :D not Total Biscuit of Rejuvenation and second : when I aa minions I enjoy it like hell LOL. long story short I was Yasuo last game and I didn't change my runes and masteries. so the thing I noticed is I know it's stupid, but his attack speed is not that low like sorakas bananas :D. in the early game with no items i had a good attack speed. AND IT'S FIRE BALLS :D.
    so my mistake was rushing Statikk Shiv instead of some damage item. so i was shooting fire balls super fast but they didn't do much damage. I was wondering if building Brand AD with the right Build will be fun.
  • Answers (1)

    mjskid (12) | October 22, 2014 6:51am
    its like adc Annie
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