League of Legends Summoner Spell: Heal
Level: 1
Range: 850
Cooldown: 240
Level: 1
Range: 850
Cooldown: 240

Heals the caster and the allied champion nearest to the caster's cursor (or the most wounded ally if no target is near the cursor) by 80-318 health, and gives affected champions +30% movement speed for 1 seconds.
Heal is 50% less effective on allies previously healed with another Heal within the past 35 seconds.
Heal is 50% less effective on allies previously healed with another Heal within the past 35 seconds.
Worthless. The size of the heal is pathetic at every level. It can also be reduced by debuffs before you even use it, making it even more pathetic. Finally, the damn CD itself is too long, longer than most other summoner spells. Just buy a Guardian Angel if you want life insurance. That has a longer CD(5mins)... but it's 750hp which CANT be reduced by debuffs since you are already dead, doesn't eat a summoner spell nor require a wasted point in the defense tree, and the item it is on has armor+resist anyway.(Which I assume you want if you are looking for life insurance)
Even in a 5vs5 group situation where this can hit most or all of your allies for half effect it STILL isn't worth a summoner slot. They said this was getting a "buff" with the mastery changes patch but it is just as worthless now as it was before. They need to make it SCALE with your hp bar, healing for a percentage, like 40 or 45%. Then it'd be worth something.
You have to buy ga, and you dont have to buy heal. Also, if they kill you, it takes like 4 seconds for you to get back up when you have ga, but heal lets you just keep going. Plus, if you are going 1v1 against someone and you both get low but they are gonna win, just pop heal. ga doesn't do that
AD carries usually get this spell because it doesn't scale with hp and they dont have much so it gives them a huge burst and lets them keep going through the fight. If it scaled with hp, cho gath would heal himself for like 2k and everyone else on the team for 1k. It would be way too op.
You should do some more research
I've been wondering... The debuff afterwards. Does it affect all other healing effects?
No, only summoner
@Drain: Since its buff,
Even in a 5vs5 group situation where this can hit most or all of your allies for half effect it STILL isn't worth a summoner slot. They said this was getting a "buff" with the mastery changes patch but it is just as worthless now as it was before. They need to make it SCALE with your hp bar, healing for a percentage, like 40 or 45%. Then it'd be worth something.
I like to gank pre minion spawn, and when there is a champ with this I lol or scream. This is a life saver, but at the same time, its a bane.
It cant be used too soon, or too late. Great spell, and with the upgrade, it has its uses