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Recommended Items
Runes: 95% of your games go this
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health
Ability Order q > w > e always
Warpath (PASSIVE)
Hecarim Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
will invade 100%. its better to drop ur red/camps, not contest and go for counterjungling. also likes to lv2 cheese invade on blue. drop a ward in the river, when you see him coming drop your grump and walk to his raptors and take his topside instead other choices would be invading his blue side but risky since you need bot prio.
gank this lane! most of the time you get a kill.
gank this lane! most of the time you get a kill.
Champion Build Guide
14.9: big changes, steraks got a big nerf, you almost never buy this item anymore now we go for death dance which got his healing buffed. MAW still a most buy if ap champs. Eclipse got nerfed for 2%dmg but theres no other better options. sundered sky also got a big nerf.
14.8: nothing changed but bad news are coming, next patch 14.9, hecarim core items eclipse, shojin and sundered sky are possibly getting nerfed which would kill the heca in an instant.
14.7: nothing changed.
14.6: nothing changed.
14.5: Changed main build. black cleaver is now almost always build 3rd. Opportunity still good for snowballing or squishy champions.
14.4: black cleaver did get buffed, good to buy if 2+ tanks otherwise build stays the same. Stridebreaker also got buffed but its still useless item.
I added a new build that i like for Conqueror users, its a tanky build with a lot of sustain, very good against melee champions.

im a high elo jungler OTP hecarim peaking challenger. my opgg if you wanna see builds on specific matchups. https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/chaaz47%20ttv-1337
i also post my ranked games on here https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsnV20qVhw1zSrHSlHf6uhw and stream on twitch.tv/chaaz47
i recommend watching my youtube replays to improve further.
Its always a good time to fight if you have the maxed Q stacks.

Also most people forgot this rune.
It gives you attack damage and movement speed in rivers.
Fighting in rivers is preferable
You can use your ults defensively to fear people that engage on your botlane/teammates or use it as a engage but theres a risk of missing and dying.
Im open to suggestions and can put new stuff if you have questions.
Thanks for checking my guide!
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