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League of Legends (LoL) Question: HELP , ASHE

Posted in Items 5,740

  • danylp88


    Hello everyone , can anyone recommend a build without those ****ed up legendary items , I really hate them.
  • Answers (4)

    Yay784 | November 27, 2020 10:02pm
    Please define which legendary items are "****ed up"
    Pazzel | December 29, 2020 11:37pm
    I have my build which i love, but it's a very expensive one, I'll send it later
    Pazzel | December 30, 2020 9:18am
    1. Infinity Edge
    2. Bloodthirster
    3. Berserker's Greaves (the boots)
    4. Runaan's Hurricane
    5. Death's Dance
    6. Ravenous Hydra

    You can replace the last two to:
    Dead Man's plate
    Gargoyle Stoneplate

    this is my build but you can find yours if you want, you just go to practice tool and build whatever you want. gl
    SharkGM (1) | November 28, 2020 9:46am
    if you're talking about navori, then let me tell you that he the one of the best legendary if not the best lol, please elaborate
    Prate_k (24) | November 28, 2020 3:57am
    Navori Flickerblade is a legend on ashe, what are you talking about :/
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