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League of Legends (LoL) Question: [Help!] Blacklisted Text That Wasn't There Previously

Posted in General | Tags: Zed 2,894

  • I Death Mark I

    [Help!] Blacklisted Text That Wasn't There Previously

    Hello, I'm the creator of Evanave's In-Depth Guide on Zed, and recently I've run into this error message "Error: Your guide contains blacklisted text." Which is sort of weird since I was obviously able to change and publish previously. Is there any new links that have been blacklisted recently/could someone help me figure out what I need to remove on my guide in order to edit? Would be a great help!

    Note: My new edit that I am trying to make does not contain any links, so something from previous edits must be the culprit of this error.
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