League of Legends (LoL) Question: Help with Azir
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Help with Azir
I recently picked up Azir and have been really liking him. He brings a lot to the table in damage and utility. I really want to know your opinion about somethings. Double morelloes, will of the ancients, and nashors tooth. I could also use some tips about just how to play him in general :) thanks
Regarding gameplay you can check out some of the guides here on the site but I'm unsure about their overall accurance tho. Websites like probuilds also offer a brief view on how "well-known" competetive players set up their champions. Just don't get trapped by some players' builds in some games.
ps: Soll stringer and buy smthing like zhonyas, voidstuff, rylais or guardian agel
As emoriam said previously. Morellonomicon>Deathcap>Zhonya's/Void is a solid choice.