About This Team Comp
Open with Kobuko Hero Augment in Stage 2-1. Maximize economy and roll for Kobuko*3 in Stage 3-1 if possible, or slow roll until Stage 3-5. Once you have Kobuko*3 you want to rush towards Level 8/9 and play at least 6 Bruisers.
If you have Bruiser Emblem give it to Sett and add Irelia on Level 9 as an additional carry. If you don't have a Bruiser Emblem you want to run powerful units like Lee, Azir, Rakan with 6 Bruisers in total.
If you have Bruiser Emblem give it to Sett and add Irelia on Level 9 as an additional carry. If you don't have a Bruiser Emblem you want to run powerful units like Lee, Azir, Rakan with 6 Bruisers in total.
Hero Kobuko

Recommended Portals
Upgraded Champion
Golden Gala
3 Champions






Tahm Kench




Team Carries

Recommended Augments
Tier 1

Partial Ascension

Blistering Strikes

Unified Resistance I
Tier 2

Lucky Paws

Bruiser Crest

Well Fed
Tier 3

Bruiser Crown

Final Ascension

New Recruit
Stage 2

Select Kobuko Hero Augment, maximize economy
Stage 3

Should have Kobuko*3 either in Stage 3-1 rolldown with Level 4 or with slow roll by Stage 3-5. Push for Level 6 after and run 6 Bruiser with early Sylas/Galio or Emblem or Kindred/Zyra
Stage 4

Utilize Kobuko Power spike to rush towards Level 8/9
Stage 5+

Add legendaries like Irelia/Rakan/Sett/Azir to cap out your late game board. Run 8 Bruisers if you have Emblem.
Alternative Item Build

This comps makes great use of some Artifacts like Talisman of Ascension or Forbidden Idol
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