About This Team Comp
Only play this comp if you have Shen Hero Augment Ethereal Blades in Stage 2-1 or 3-2. Slow roll with Level 6 for Shen*3, can also pick up Yorick on the way. Position Shen in the second row so he can profit of the Behemoth bonus stats. Once you have Shen*3 you can push towards Level 8, add Ornn for 6 Behemoth and add Morgana for Ghostly. In late game you can replace Chogath for Udyr and run Wukong for Heavenly + Sage.
Give Shen 2x Guinsoo + Bloodthirster/Gunblade/Giant Slayer. This comp makes great use out of some of the new Artifacts, especially Talisman of Ascension is amazing on Hero Shen (or Hero Yorick) and will make a large difference for your late game.
Give Shen 2x Guinsoo + Bloodthirster/Gunblade/Giant Slayer. This comp makes great use out of some of the new Artifacts, especially Talisman of Ascension is amazing on Hero Shen (or Hero Yorick) and will make a large difference for your late game.
Hero Shen

Recommended Portals
Golden Prelude
Anvil Buffet
Golden Gala








Team Carries

Recommended Augments
Tier 1

Pandora's Items

Team Building

Partial Ascension
Tier 2

Ethereal Blades+

Raid Boss

Midnight Siphon
Tier 3

Final Ascension

Behemoth Crown

Radiant Refactor
Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

Stage 5+

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