ALWAYS MAX Q -> E -> W.|
[Fleet Footwork, Presence of Mind, Legend: Bloodline, Coup de Grace]
[Second Wind, Revitalize OR Manaflow Band, Gathering
[SMALL RUNES: Double AD + 65 HP]
[Q -> W -> E | Flash + Teleport]
[Fleet Footwork, Presence of Mind, Legend: Bloodline,
Coup de Grace]
[Second Wind, Revitalize]
[SMALL RUNES: Double AD + 10-180 HP]
[Q -> W -> E | Flash + Teleport]
He can just throw enemies into wall that give's u an opportunity for a good package use
It is important to use package while enemies are still in stasis, so you do not knock them out of ignited trail and deal maximum damage
Shen ults on you and you use package to fly right into the enemy carries, then Shen taunts them and you use an Q+mega missile while they are in cc. One of the best synergies, like Hecarim + Shen
Everything you want to know is that your package prock Ornn's brittle from R.
Jarvan IV
Jarvan R + package
Galio sup is weak, but anyway
Amumu passive is generally good with AP champs. His R is also a good opportunity for a package
Her [E] and CC is very helpful
One of two enchanter support's alongside Nami that perfect fits for Corki
He can just throw enemies into wall that give's u an opportunity for a good package use
It is important to use package while enemies are still in stasis, so you do not knock them out of ignited trail and deal maximum damage
Shen ults on you and you use package to fly right into the enemy carries, then Shen taunts them and you use an Q+mega missile while they are in cc. One of the best synergies, like Hecarim + Shen
Everything you want to know is that your package prock Ornn's brittle from R.
Jarvan IV
Jarvan R + package
Galio sup is weak, but anyway
Amumu passive is generally good with AP champs. His R is also a good opportunity for a package
Her [E] and CC is very helpful
One of two enchanter support's alongside Nami that perfect fits for Corki
Welcome! I'm lambasher, a Diamond Corki main (not an OTP, but someone used to call me like that). My peak elo is Grandmaster 254 LP (RU) and D2 (EUW)( Kilоjoul - RU | die macht in dir - EUW). I've been playing Corki since S10 and have around 700k mastery points in total. One day i thought that would be good if i will write a guide for my favourite champion. Back in the days i had a lot of problems when i was starting to learn Corki, because there were not a lot of information: about builds, about situational runes, about matchups. Thats why i am trying to fill the niche and help my fellow corksters!
Who is Corki? For the blind, He is the vision. For the hungry, He is the chef. For the thirsty, He is the water. If Corki thinks, I agree. If Corki speaks, I’m listening. If Corki has a million fans, then I am one of them. If Corki has ten fans, then I am one of them. If Corki has only one fan then that is me. If Corki has no fans, then that means I don't exist. If the world is against Corki, then I am against the world.
Corki is an AP caster-marksman midlaner that have a really good carrying potential. Because of his kit and two different builds with different playstyle, he can both oneshot and poke enemies. Corki is a very underrated champion because he was released in far 2009 year. Corki is really strong in mid and late game and he is known as a good blindpick (because of his passively safe laning) and a great teamfighter. So if you are a midlaner who's trying to find a champion that he can earn some LP with, Corki - is your choice.
Flash is the best summoner spell in the game, especially for champions like Corki who heavily relies on possitioning in teamfight and overall mobility. Flash will save you in the worst situations.
So, why not Ignite or some other spell instead of Teleport you ask? Pretty simple, all you want in early game is farm and experience. Sure, Ignite will give you more lane pressure, but after lane its pretty much useless. Even if u will snowball and have a great start, Teleport will give u more potential gold and XP and that is the two things Corki needs the most
Teleport is your best friend, its an ace up your sleeve. Use it to get to the lane without losing minions. You died with a big wave under your tower? No worries, your buddy Teleport will help you. Also in mid-late game with Teleport you can make a lot of map pressure by pushing sidelane in the opposite side of the main objective on the map ( Baron Nashor or Dragon)
+Good blindpick
+Strong in teamfight
+Great scaling
+Good waveclear
+Not popular
Corki is a good blind pick because of his safe laning and playmaking ability. Have 2 different build's and can adapt to the enemy teamcomp. He can deal damage to both enemy tanks and carries in teamfight. Corki is one of the best champions to abuse Muramana's scaling potential.
If u want a great teamfigt playmaking carry then Corki is your choise.
-Lowest base MS of 325
-Gold greedy, expensive items
-Mana problems on lane
-No crowd control
-Hard to play from behind
Corki is a very squishy champion, so he is an easy target for enemy asassin's, and he also have only 1 escape ability and 0 crowd control to deal with them. His spells like Phosphorus Bomb and Missile Barrage is arround 60% of his damage in trinity build and 90% in poke build, so he rely on hitting those skillshots. Have a really big manacosts on lane so u want to take Teleport for farming more.
Hextech Munitions
✦ Corki's basic attacks are modified to deal 80% magic damage and 20% physical damage. Every once in 5 minutes (first at minute 10), Package arrives in Corki's base to be picked up, temporarily granting him out of combat Movement Speed and upgrading Valkyrie into Special Delivery.
‎ ✦ Always try to use it in narrow spaces and near the walls to deal maximum damage ✦ You can use Special Delivery both as an engage and disengage tool if needed. Dont be afraid to use it as an escape if you are in a difficult situation ✦ Corki scales better from AD item's so always prioritize building AD over AP. The only exception is Malignance and Void Staff
Phosphorus Bomb
✦ Corki launches a bomb at the target location that explodes upon impact, dealing magic damage to enemies hit. The bomb also grants sight of the area for 6 seconds and reveals enemy champions hit for the same duration.
‎ ✦ Always max Phosphorus Bomb first ✦ You can check brushes and objectives like Dragon or Rift Herald since it gives you vision ✦ You can use Phosphorus Bomb and Flash into enemy champ so the spell animation will be faster and your opponent will have less time to react to this. Also u skip an animation from [Q], so u can instanlty click autoattack.
✦ Corki dashes to the target location and drops bombs that leave up to 3 blazing patches along his path, depending on the distance traveled. Each patch lasts 2 seconds.
‎ ✦ Your only escape ability, have a big cooldown, so use it wisely ✦ Don't forget that you can use it to fly over walls and escape easily. ✦ If you are going for an all-in try to hit an enemy with the trail to deal maximum damage
Gatling Gun
✦ Corki sprays bullets in a cone toward his facing direction for 4 seconds, dealing equal parts physical and magic damage every 0.25 seconds to all enemies hit, and reducing the targets armor and magic resistance with each tick, lasting for 2 seconds, refreshing on subsequent ticks, and stacking up to 8 times
‎ ✦ When u are trading always start with this ability ✦ Use this ability to set up a perfect caster minion last-hit under turret ✦ Gatling Gun can show you shadow of insivible champions
Missile Barrage
✦ Corki fires a missile in the target direction that explodes upon the first enemy hit, dealing magic damage to enemies within the area. Every third missile Corki fires is a Big One, dealing 100% increased damage as well as gaining increased range and explosion radius.
‎ ✦ Malignance's damage from Missile Barrage does not counts toward Eclipse's passive (that means you can't proc just from 1 rocket) ✦ On lane, when enemy is near the minions, aim for close minions to deal damage from rockets AoE. Its more reliable than trying to hit the enemy itself ✦ You gain maximum charges of rockets from obtaining the Package
First Strike gives you gold + some true damage in late game. It's easy to proc it after lvl 6. Just throw rockets into enemies and you will have some gold just for poking. First Strike is good for both poke and trinity builds: it can be bad on lane against some matchups, but after lvl 6 u just dont actually care about it.
Magical Footwear is good into easy-medium difficulty matchups when u are free to farm and scale Triple Tonic is a good choise into hard matchups only because if u take Magical Footwear u can't buy fast boots and movement speed is a key to feel better into champs that rely on hitting skillshots
Biscuit Delivery mostly solves Corki's mana issues on lane and provides a great sustain for trades. Also it increases your maximum mana by 120 in total meaning more AD from Muramana
Double Adaptive Force because Corki do not need a lot of attack speed and +5 AD in early game is really huge. Health Scaling is better overall because of your safe laning phase and after lvl 7 u will have more HP from this rune than from Flat Health
Domination rune page is very powerful in mid game and essentially good for snowballing. If your team comp is not strong late game and relies on finishing the game fast u should probably take the Domination keystones (in soloqueue i highly recommend only taking this rune page because of how chaotic games can be). For the runes u should take Eyeball Collection and Ultimate Hunter.
Unlike the Domination, Sorcery is more of a late game rune page. I do not recommend using it in soloqueue because u can simply lose in 15 minutes and this runes will do nothing for you. Sorcery's unlimited scaling potential because of the Gathering Storm with a Absolute Focus is insane for late game champs like Corki. So if u are sure that the game will be 40+ min long u should probably take this rune page.
Fleet Footwork is good when u need extra sustain on lane, into some hard-poke matchups like Zoe or Lux. You can proc it only with your autoattacks, so its much better with trinity build. This rune alongside Rapid Firecannon will give u good kiting potential that trinity build need so much.
Legend: Bloodline gain you 5% life steal and 85 HP on max stacks which is the best option between "Legend" runes. Legend: Tenacity is also a pretty decent option but you need to consider enemy team comp before taking it
Coup de Grace is better into squishy targets but u can take is pretty much in any game if you go Fleet Footwork. Cut Down is a second decent option, but u need to take it into 3+ champs that stack HP (tanks, bruisers, some mages like Vladimir). Kinda better than Coup de Grace because u will deal this 5-15% extra damage when u deal it to enemy champs that are tankier than you, not only when he is low
Unflinching against team comps with alot of chain control and movespeed reduction Overgrowth is good in pretty much every situation, just flat HP to feel a little more safe
Double Adaptive Force because Corki do not need a lot of attack speed and +5 AD in early game is really huge. Health Scaling is better overall because of your safe laning phase and after lvl 7 u will have more HP from this rune than from Flat Health
Tank Corki Jungle a.k.a. Jorki is a TikTok meme that appeared in March 2024 and now there is a lot of videos about this "phenomenon", but the videos never showed build itself
I tried to gather some information about the build and runes (both are in the guide) so you can try it in the game yourself!
All build is based on bruiser and tank items that provides mostly HP and AD, sometimes MR/Armor
Fleet Footwork will help you with help you kite camps and clear jungle. Also Precision rune path are really good, thats why we choose it
Legend: Bloodline gain you 5% life steal and 85 HP on max stacks which is the best option between "Legend" runes. Legend: Tenacity is also a pretty decent option but you need to consider enemy team comp before taking it
Coup de Grace is the best option between any of this runes, just classic
Conditioning is a good scaling rune, especially when you build defensive items, so for Jorki it is perfect
Overgrowth is good in pretty much every situation, just flat HP to feel a little more safe
Best first item, the whole build is based on this one.
This item provides Corki with every stat he needs the most, except attack speed.
Additional movespeed when hitting enemy champions improves your kiting ability
and Spellblade ( Sheen) passive gives you a lot of damage early
Your second core item. The item to rule them all.
Solves almost all mana problems, provides tons of AD and makes your spell damage stronger
Never build it as your first item: Trinity Force is more gold efficient then Manamune without stacks. Rushing Manamune will make you even weaker in early game and that is what you need to avoid at any costs
Your 3rd potential item. The safer - the better.
Additional range passive is good for Corki's spell+auto playstyle. Movespeed from energized autos will give you even more kiting potential and the ability to feel safer in teamfight/positioning better. The only bad side of this item is attack speed, but its not that much, so thats okay
Situational item. 4th-5th item option
Buffed Bloodthirster will give you 95 AD when you are at 70% of HP on level 18. Its the best AD item after 13.10, especially for Corki who can utilize AD buffs by poking enemy champions with Missile Barrage
Situational item. So much AD and MR
When you have 2+ AP carry champs in enemy team (for example, Nidalee + LeBlanc) build this item. 65 AD is the thing you see not that often on items in S14 and the passive is really good too.
Situational item. Last item option
Generally good item because of gold efficiency and stats, great passive which gives you even more damage from casting spells. But there is much better items out there, so better think twice if u want to build this or not.
Situational item. Last item option
Defence item against assassins. It's definitely a good item, tho not vs heavy engage, because, more likely, you will just die for the second time after the resurrection. You can buy Guardian Angel as your last item and just sell when it's on CD (as example you can buy Void Staff intstead of it)
Situational item. Last item option
Only build it when enemy team has 2+ champions that builds MR. Really good into tanky dudes, but not that good into squishy targets.
Situational item. Executioner's Calling upgrade
I do not recommend building healing reduction items for Corki because the item slots is limited and u have much better options. Item itself is still good, so u can give it a try when enemy team has alot of champions with healing (like Sylas, Warwick, Vladimir etc.)
Ideal first item.
A lot of AD is what Corki needs the most, +15 Ability Haste is also good enough.
Great passive gives you even more damage based on target's maximum health.
Your second core item. The item to rule them all.
Solves almost all mana problems, provides tons of AD and makes your spell damage stronger
Never build it as your first item: Eclipse is more gold efficient then Manamune without stacks. Rushing Manamune will make you even weaker in early game and that is what you need to avoid at any costs
Your 3rd core item. The ULTIMATE weapon.
Great stats, except for AP, really cost efficient item. Passive with ultimate haste for Missile Barrage spam. After patch 14.1 this is the one of the 3 items with Magic Penetration that Corki can build alongside Sorcerer's Shoes and Void Staff
Situational item. So much AD and MR
When you have 2+ AP carry champs in enemy team (for example, Nidalee + LeBlanc) build this item. 65 AD is the thing you see not that often on items in S14 and the passive is really good too.
Situational item. 4th-5th item option
Generally good item because of gold efficiency and stats, great passive which gives you even more damage from casting spells. Ideal 4th item option if you are not building Maw of Malmortius
Situational item. Last item option
Defence item against assassins. It's definitely a good item, tho not vs heavy engage, because, more likely, you will just die for the second time after the resurrection. You can buy Guardian Angel as your last item and just sell when it's on CD (as example you can buy Void Staff intstead of it)
Situational item. Last item option
Only build it when enemy team has 2+ champions that builds MR. Really good into tanky dudes, but not that good into squishy targets.
Situational item. Executioner's Calling upgrade
I do not recommend building healing reduction items for Corki because the item slots is limited and u have much better options. Item itself is still good, so u can give it a try when enemy team has alot of champions with healing (like Sylas, Warwick, Vladimir etc.)
Great first item.
Some AD, some HP and +15 Ability Haste is good enough for a start.
Great passive gives you even more damage and sustain in teamfights + synergies
with Iceborn Gauntlet's Spellblade passive
Your second core item. The item to rule them all.
Solves almost all mana problems, provides tons of AD and makes your spell damage stronger
Never build it as your first item: Sundered Sky is more gold efficient then Manamune without stacks. Rushing Manamune will not give u as much stats as any other item
Your 3rd core item. MORE STATS.
Basically, every stat Jorki needs: some AD, some HP and Ability Haste.
The passives are really good too, basic ability haste is extremely good for this build and additional ability damage will never be in excess.
Situational item. Against 2+ AD champions
Good old Spellblade passive provides more damage, and slow to hit enemies with your abilities easier. The stats are also good, but only into AD comps
Situational item. 4th-5th item option
More scaling options for the build, 50 AD and an additional waveclear options. The more HP - the better. That is the one and only rule for this build. If the item gives you HP and AD it is good (there are few exceptions like Death's Dance)
Situational item. Last item option
Really underrated item. The only bad stat here is attack speed which we do not need, but its not that much so its okay. More tankiness, more mobility and ultimate haste to spam Missile Barrage
Situational item. Into 3+ AD champions
Only build it when enemy team has 3+ AD champions. Really good into melee champs that relies on autoattacks and will try to focus you
Situational item. Executioner's Calling upgrade
I do not recommend building healing reduction items for Corki because the item slots is limited and u have much better options. Item itself is still good, so u can give it a try when enemy team has alot of champions with healing (like Sylas, Warwick, Vladimir etc.)
Extremely situational item
Only into 3+ AP champions. Good only because of alot of MR and some HP
Early game is all about farming. You will need to play a several dozen of games to get used to the auto attack animation and its damage to start farming good. Cull will help you to get closer to main powerspikes. Max your [Q] Phosphorus Bomb first and you will clear the minion waves faster.
For poke build your perfect first back is Tear of the Goddess and double Long Sword (or Pickaxe if things are going amazing). There is no need to rush Manamune because Eclipse will give you more AD and stats so you can start snowballing.
Corki is not a great skirmisher without items, especially enemy team have strong early junglers like Lee Sin or Xin Zhao, so if you have the wave under your turret and your jungler wants to fight on scuttle - ping him to get back as many times as possible. If he is not listening to you, then just dont follow, instead try to push the wave and safely reset while enemy midlaner is moving towards the crab. On the other side, if your wave is fine or if you are sure that you will win the 2v2 or 3v3, then help. Corki is a champion that is really hard to play from behind, dying in early game hurts him badly.
After completing your 2 item's you can start to force some fights arroung objects like Rift Herald or Dragon, because you will have your Special Delivery ( Valkyrie upgraded with package) up. I don't recommend you to use it just for fights not arround objects, because after package nerfs you will have to wait 5 minutes for another one to spawn. The only exception is roaming on botlane, because you can grab up to 2 kills.
You can move on sidelane (most often on a botlane), so you can farm more till your biggest powerspike on 3rd items. Eclipse -> Muramana -> Malignance for poke build and Trinity Force -> Muramana -> Rapid Firecannon for trinity build. On sidelane try to farm safe and be aware of the enemy presence on the map. If you see that someone is moving towards you, shove the wave and try to go back to your closest turret or reset, sometimes even use Teleport if you are in big trouble.
With full build ready you can deal insane amount of damage with your [R] Missile Barrage to squishy target's. Try to prioritize dealing damage to enemy carry champions, if you can't -> hit the first target. Use your Package and Valkyrie wisely, because the price of a bad used Special Delivery can be very hight. Try to exhaust your enemies with rockets before the fight, one good rocket can disable the enemy ADC or midlaner from the teamfight
The most annoying champ for me. You just outscale her, but don't even try to trade if her Q is up. Also her E can interrupt your Valkyrie animation, so don't use it when charm was already thrown into you (just because your Valkyrie animation is longer than Ahri's Charm, if you don't use it instantly you will not dodge it). Her lvl 6 is also pretty insane because of how much damage she can deal with literally 1 skillshot to hit. Its better to just poke her with your Missile Barrage
As long as you are not hit by her Shuriken Flip you are fine. Don't get in range of her Five Point Strike and be aware of her ultimate. Akali is a champ that can't push the wave properly. Because if she will use Five Point Strike 2 times she will be very vulnerable (no energy), so try to just get your 1 item and perma push her. Also if Akali roams, ping your teammates about it and if you are trying to follow her, check bushes with your Missile Barrage
Don't try to trade before 1 item, try also not to push him, so you can free farm, tell your jungler not to gank you, because of how unpunishable Akshan is because of his Heroic Swing is. Don't stay behind or near minnions because he will permanently throw his Avengerang. Try to inform about his roams (it's imposible because he can just wait near the wall to hit you with his full annihilate Q+Auto combo that will destroy like 30% of your face (problem? :tf:)
Pre lvl-6 you can punish her for missing her Q Flash Frost - just use your W Valkyrie towards her, then use your E Gatling Gun -> Autoattack -> Q Phosphorus Bomb. After lvl-6 u need to save Valkyrie because of her R+W combo (haha, classic comedy). Very annoying champ, expecially because of her passive ability and how safe she is, but lane is free
She has mana issues before Lost Chapter, so if she wastes her stun, then you can win the trade by using your E Gatling Gun + autos. If u are both on 1 item without her Summon: Tibbers she is very vulnerable, so use this opportunity as much as you can - start aggresively trading or shove the wave and help your team. If you will perfectly time your Valkyrie arround her ultimate with passive, you will be into safe range, so her W Incinerate will just miss. Its not impossible to do, but you need some reaction and practice
Farm your First Strike on him as much as possible. He is very vulnerable when he is trying to shove the wave with his E Singularity + Q Breath of Light because he is standing still while in Q animation, so try to poke him. Avoid his E zone and Q proc's when trading. You will be more usefull than him only till some point in the game, because you will never outscale this champ
Imposible to farm against this champ if he knows what to do. I don't see a lot of Azir mains, but they have 2 playstyles. 1st one is Lethal Tempo into scaling + farm. 2nd one is Arcane Comet for early aggression. If you see that he has Arcane Comet in runes, just take Doran's Shield and try to farm safely. You can't get prio before your first item, so make sure your team is infomed about his movements/roams. Even if you are ahead be aware when you are close to his turret because of his R Emperor's Divide
She has mana problems in early game so she can't spam her E Twin Fang for poke. You don't win trades if she is managed to hit Q Noxious Blast. Don't force all-ins because she can use R + W and you will be 100% dead, because u cant use Valkyrie in Miasma. Only short trades and poke
Lvl 1 is not a problem, you can start E and trade with her using your range advantage. Lvl 2-5 will be okay for you, all you need is just to dodge her Q Crescent Strike. If she hits Q, your W Valkyrie won't help unless you are under your turret. At lvl 6 you can just safe farm with your rockets. If she is trying to all-in you with her ultimate Moonfall, don't use your W, because Diana will just cancel your dash. Instead of using W, use your flash right when she finished her E Lunar Rush cast animation and about to use R, so her ult doesn't proc, and then use W if you are still not in safe position, or punish her for wasting ultimate
His Q Timewinder slow is illegal so you need to use your W Valkyrie if he hits Q after lvl 3. His E Phase Dive can follow you after your W or Flash. Ekko players often go into bushes or behind the wall to throw their W Parallel Convergence without showing its animation and sound. Don't try to follow on roams if you have no vision. Always pay attention to where his R clone is, because it deals a lot of damage. His mana costs are pretty low, so when you think that he is low on mana - he is not. Tho he has some mana issues in early game which can be punishable especially if he took Ignite instead of Teleport
Lvl 1 you are stronger because of range advantage and can poke him to make your early lane experience a little bit easier. Lvl 3 is extremely dangerous, don't try to trade with him. I like to take Exhaust into this matchup, so he can't kill you under your tower at lvl 6. Be aware of his Q Urchin Strike into minnion + R Chum the Waters trick. Inform your team about his roams and don't try to follow because how mobile he is
Easy as long as you are not hit by his E Justice Punch. Use your range advantage and poke him with your autos first to get the Shield of Durand passive effect off and then use your abilities to deal damage. Don't disrespect his damage because it really hurts if he will hit a full combo on you
Gangplank is very weak early game, so you need to do as much as you can. Use your range advantage so he can't proc his passive Trial By Fire. Try to last-hit his Powder Keg's when trading. On 1 item you will be much stronger if you dodge or last-hit his barrels and keep the distance
You can't do much against him, but you can just earn xp + farm First Strike gold. Try to hold your wave on the center of the lane. Be sure your wave will crush under his tower if u push, because when wave is freezed near his tower he can actually kill you
Dodge his Q Barrel Roll, try to stand behind minnions so he can't hit his E Body Slam. After lvl 6 try to not stay near his turret because Gragas can throw you into tower agro range with R Explosive Cask and kill easily. Respect his damage and his low cooldowns after 1 item. Use his early mana issues for your advantage
He will just perma push, all you need is to farm under your tower till 1 item and lvl 6 so you can push the wave easily. Only short trades allowed vs this gentleman. Avoid positioning near walls so he can't deal full damage with his Q End of the Line
Be carefull lvl 1, don't stay too close to minnions because with 3-4 stacks of her passive she can just use your Q Bladesurge and outtrade you hard. Dodge her E Flawless Duet with your W, be carefull because she can dash into range minnions to throw her invisible E and there is almost no time to react that. Just farm safely and outscale her. Same as with Garen, try to hold your wave on the center of midlane or under your tower
Stay behind minnions but not to close to them to dodge his empowered range Q Shock Blast. Try to trade when he is in ranged form, but when you see that he choose melee form - immediately stop trading. He can cancel your W Valkyrie dash with his melee form E Thundering Blow if timed its perfectly so be carefull, because it can be crucial
Lvl 1 you can just use your E Gatling Gun to farm First Strike gold. Don't get too close, so he can't just auto+W Nether Blade+auto you. You can't kill him without your jungler unless he will do something very stupid and after lvl 6 he will just outtrade you, so try to just farm safely
Lvl 1 is easy for you because she can't respond to your poke. Lvl 2 if she throws Q Bouncing Blades into you, just walk towards her so she can't deal any damage with her passive. Lvl 3 is harder, but remember the previous tip, and if she use her W just run from her. If she throws both daggers, just run or use Valkyrie left or right side. As long as she is not able to hit her daggers you will win ealy trades - just kite her daggers and keep the distance. Her lvl 6 is really stupid, just insta use Valkyrie away if she ults
Casual farm matchup. You can abuse her weak early game and your range advantage to farm some First Strike gold and keep her poked when she is trying to farm. After lvl 6 just poke her but don't force all-ins because of her R Divine Judgment
Don't try to trade much with her because of how much damage and mobility she has. Dodge her E Ethereal Chains and try to predict her W Distortion right before she will dash into you. If you dodge this 2 abilities you can win trades. In this matchup you must focus on the state of your wave every time, because she will more likely punish you for not being near your tower and you will be not able to farm. After lvl 6 just try to safely farm with your R Missile Barrage and don't force trades because of how toxic LB playstyle is. I recommend you to go Hexdrinker in this matchup because you will suffer a lot
Don't stand behind minnions in front of her because of Q Ice Shard mechanics. Don't come too close when trading, so she can't stun you with her W Ring of Frost. Be aware of enemy jungle ganks after Lissandra's lvl 6 because its really easy for her to catch you and her CC duration is long enough to oneshot such squishy champs like Corki
Doran's Shield start, Hexdrinker rush. Try to dodge her E Lucent Singularity and don't trade. This champ is an absolute abomination of midlane. Never try to trade with her, only poke with R Missile Barrage or Q Phosphorus Bomb. After 1 item she can oneshot you on 80% HP with full combo. Her waveclear is better than yours. You can outscale her, but till late mid game on same amount of items u will be a lot weaker than her
Very easy matchup. Don't stay close to minnions that are about to die from his E Malefic Visions. When he summons his Void Swarm throw your Q into them, so he can't push the wave easily. At 1 item you will be stronger if he has Void Swarm and Malefic Visions on cooldown -> its a really good time to all-in him. Be carefull at lvl 6 because he can call his jungler and kill you easily, there is no counterplay to his R Nether Grasp at this point of the game
Lvl 1-2 you can use your range advantage to punish her for trying to farm, but remember to dodge the Q Darkin Daggers. After lvl 3 she can try to all-in you, so try to hold the wave at least on the center of midlane. If she tries to do so, after you see her Hounds' Pursuit target on you, instantly use Valkyrie towards your turret and then trade. In mid game she will try to catch you on side lane, so if you see her ult and you are not ultra fed, then you are probably a deadman
Simillar to Lissandra matchup don't stay behind minnions in front of her because of her E Tangle-Barbs. Respect her Q Blooming Burst damage (move when she is throwing it). Don't forget that every wave have only 3 melee and 3 ranged minions. If Neeko is missing try announce this to your team in chat and remind them to count minions :)
Don't stay near minions so when he is trying to waveclear u will not be hit by his Q Duskbringer. Don't get to close so he can't just use E Unspeakable Horror on you. Ping your teammates about his lvl 6 because he will more likely try to roam a lot. After 1 item it will be very easy to outpush him so he will at least lose minions when he is roaming
If Orianna is good its kinda hard to lane vs because of Q Command: Attack and W Command: Dissonance poke and her push pottential. She is very vulnerable to jungle ganks because of no real escape, so you must rely on your jungle in this one. Its very easy to kill her if you will be ahead on items. She will outscale you but her range is really bad so you can be still more usefull in teamfights than her because of your poke abilities
Don't get to close so he can't poke you with his melee Q Comet Spear. Its very easy to react his W Shield Vault, just use your W as an answear so you will be not in range for him to deal damage. Be careful of jungle ganks because its easy for Pantheon to setup ganks especially for champs like Taliyah, Elise or Nidalee
Lvl 1-2 she is really weak so you can zone her from minions and farm First Strike gold. Lvl 3 is dangerous because her full combo deals a lot of damage (keep the distance so she can't all-in you with her E Audacity). Lvl 6 is extremely dangerous because she can oneshot you really easy with her R Supreme Display of Talent so avoid positioning close to the walls
Lvl 1 take E Gatling Gun and just poke him because vs ranged matchups Renekton is very weak before lvl 3. Be very careful at lvl 6 and always keep an eye on his rage bar. He will probably try to engage after reaching lvl 3 if he has enough rage. Same as with Pantheon be careful of his jungler ganks because of how easy he can setup a gank with his E Slice and Dice + W Ruthless Predator
Stay behind minions to dodge his E Electro-Harpoon and don't stay too close so he can't deal damage with his Q Flamespitter. Just poke him and only do quick trades so he can't deal max damage from Q. Be carefull because at lvl 6 he can all-in you if he hits E -> R -> W -> Q
He is too tanky for you tho he can't deal a lot of damage so prioritize farming instead of trying to trade with him. Don't stay close to minions so he can't poke you with E Spell Flux + Q Overload. After lvl 6 he will start dealing a lot more damage then before so don't try to trade with him when his spells are not on cooldown
This champion is designed so horribly, i cant even express how much. You will not outscale him until Corki will get his full gameplay rework with same added stacks mechanic (spoiler: never). His W Achooo! is a better version of Vex Q Mistral Bolt and is harder to dodge. His Q Super Scorcher Breath is POINT+CLICK which is hillarious in my oppinion. Yes, he is really weak in early game, but its the only point in the game when you can do something to him. Good luck dealing with that
His E Nevermove is really easy to bait and dodge. After his E is on cooldown you can start agressively trading, try to dodge his W Vision of Empire. Always try to escape from his R Demonic Ascension because he have big cooldown especially on early levels and without ultimate he is not a real threat for you.
I recommend you to take Bone Plating vs this champ because he love to do lvl 1 trades with his E Abscond. If you dodge his E, just continue trading and always keep the distance so he can't use W Kingslayer and heal up. If you will always hold the wave under your tower then he can't do anything to you. After lvl 6 just keep poking him with your R Missile Barrage. Be carefull, unlike to Corki, when Sylas will steal your ult he will start with fully charged (7 stacks) Missile Barrage
Very hard matchup, she will just perma poke you and there is no counterplay. Tear of the Goddess + Sheen (or Pickaxe) into Hexdrinker is probably the only way so u will not suffer that hard against her. The only oportunity for a trade is when she misses her E Scatter the Weak + Q Dark Sphere combo -> all in with Valkyrie and deal as much damage as you can with your casual E+Auto+Q+Auto "combo". Lvl 6 she can oneshot you without Hexdrinker so its very important to build it ASAP
Stay behind minions so she can't poke you with Q Threaded Volley. Don't try to use your Valkyrie in her E Unraveled Earth because you will be stunned. Tho sometimes its the only way to avoid her full E+W+Q combo. Be carefull because she can roam very good and move quickly near walls
I met a good Talon only once in my life so this matchup is based on how experienced Talon player is. He can just zone you from farm with his W Rake, dont stay still so he can't apply 2 stacks of passive by W. Place anti-roam wards so you can informate your team about his roams. You need a lot of vision to play against Talon. Try not to follow him on roams because he can just camp you in the bush and kill easily, and if not - he will always be faster than you, instead just push the wave and try to get plates or reset/set vision
Not a hard matchup. Respect her W Rocket Jump range and if you see an animation instantly use Valkyrie away from her. Her W cooldown is very similar to yours so its very easy to remember when her W will be up. She will perma push the wave because of her E Explosive Charge passive and its perfect for you because you can farm safely
You can't really kill him or harass to much. If you see that he have Doran Shield you can just priorotize farming. He is strong early lvls, try to kite him back to your tower and then use the fact that his E Spinning Slash has a long cooldown at early levels. After lvl 6 he can actually dive and kill you. Just try to not be low on health when he will hit lvl 6 because of his R Undying Rage. That way you will maximize your chances to survive
Don't disrespect his damage on early levels, just wait till he push and safe farm. His Q Wild Cards is really easy to dodge if you are not cc'd. You are much stronger in mid game and i never saw a good TF player so i can't say much more about this matchup
Veigar is hard to deal with, his Q Baleful Strike is almost imposible to dodge on lane. But he is just a safe farmer as you, so as long as he have no jungler that gank mid you can bully him or at least take a mid prio because your waveclear is better (he need Phenomenal Evil Power stacks so he will try to last hit with Q, not push). If Veigar has a lot of stacks after lvl 6, he can one-shot you, so be carefull
Vel'Koz is hard only because of his range. Try to stand stand behind minnions and dodge his Q Plasma Fission, always use your Valkyrie to avoid his E Tectonic Disruption. He will probably go Flash + Barrier so you have Teleport advantage but you can't all-in him at this point. Vel'Koz have 0 mobility so if he is pushing he is pretty vulnerable and gankable
Vex spells is very slow so you can dodge anything. Try to not get close enough so he can't deal damage with her W Personal Space to you. Let's imagine she is lvl-6 and is already flying towards you on her R Shadow Surge. You need to time the moment and Flash right after her ult connects so she can't instantly fear you with her W, then look what position you are in, what abilities she already used and how much HP u both have and choose what to do - trade or retreat
Be carefull of his damage, try to farm as much as possible. Don't use your Valkyrie to all-in him because he can use his W Gravity Field and you will have no mobility to get out of it. His E Death Ray is really hard to dodge, but you cat try to dodge the second part of it
You can pretty much bully him on early lvls and farm First Strike. Just don't get close to him when he have his charged Q Transfusion and you will be fine. Matchup is pretty much all about keeping the distance so he can't hit you with E Tides of Blood and charged Q. If he gets ahead somehow - he will probably win
Xerath matchup is all about dodging spells - it comes with practice. You can't trade with him. If you wan't to kill him, just ask your jungler, tho he is extremely hard to gank with some champs, he also have 0 mobility, so if your jungler have long CC or slow, together you will be able to kill him. In teamfights you should also prioritize him as main target. Even in poke build you allow him to just poke you and your team, so you need to kill him as fast as you can if you wan't to win the teamfight
If he did't have his W Wind Wall and you are ahead you actually have a chance to win. He can outplay himself, but u can't outplay him. Your Q is too slow to hit him on laning phase. Try to farm as much as possible and have some good teamfights, if he didn't have someone to knockup you, then you are good. If you are ahead its easy to kite and kill him, just avoid doing it when your minions is nearby
Yassuo without windwall, but he have a lot more mobility and don't rely on minnions like Yassuo. Dodge his Q to right or left, same with ult. Don't try to dodge his R Fate Sealed with your W, because his ult cast time is lower, use Flash instead
I prefer to pick Malphite or Diana into this, so he will regret his choise. At lvl 1 try to farm First Strike gold out of him with your E Gatling Gun using your range advantage and don't get poked by his Q Razor Shuriken. Lvl 3 is hard, because now he have all options to all in, try to dodge something with your W. After his lvl 6 you are doomed. If he use his R Death Mark on you, try to react and dodge his shurikens. Same as with Talon, place ward on the center of midlane (closer to his tower), so you can inform your team about his roams. Don't try to go after him, just push the wave and take as much gold and XP as you can from his roam
At 1 item you can just face-roll him using your W. I really saw 0 good Ziggs players, so i can't tell much more about it, but the only reason he can be more usefull than you is his range
His E Time Warp slow is really annoying, but same as with Ziggs you can face-roll him if he wasted his Q Time Bomb. Be aware of enemy jungler, because Zilean have amazing gank setups
It's just imposible to win trades with this creature. Don't even try. Just play smart: try to farm as much as possible, so you can be more usefull in teamfights than her. Also you have a much better waveclear post lvl 6, so with full item you can just push the wave and take raptors/place some vision, if you have such an option
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