League of Legends (LoL) Item: Hexdrinker
Total Price: 1300 | Recipe Price: 150 | Sell Price: 910

- 25 Attack Damage
- 30 Magic Resistance
UNIQUE Passive: If you would take magic damage that would reduce you below 30% of your maximum health, you first gain a shield that absorbs (110−280 for Melee / 82.5−210 for Ranged) magic damage (depending on level) for 3 seconds (90 second cooldown).
- 25 Attack Damage
- 30 Magic Resistance
UNIQUE Passive: If you would take magic damage that would reduce you below 30% of your maximum health, you first gain a shield that absorbs (110−280 for Melee / 82.5−210 for Ranged) magic damage (depending on level) for 3 seconds (90 second cooldown).
Have to test it out if upgrade to Malmortius is also reccommendable.
Wait, Trynd? AP Trynd? :D
Anyways as i was saying , saved me from a shaco dagger and then my Q killed him :3
saved me from karth ult , but the last time was the best because after he ulted all of us died (except me) and then i ulted and the our dead karth ult finished channeling and he got a penta and since ii had a triforce and IE i managed to push the 2 nexus towers and win
Love this item =)
Let's say for example that you are laning against Xereth+Ahri or such(Not counting whatever AP is on the rest of the team). An AP double team is going to give you quite the trouble... the cheap cost on this item means you can get it out there rather quickly. Problem solved. The 1650 you would have thrown to that BF sword for your Bloodthrister could have went to fund this instead. It could also save your life against long range pick off nukes, again like Xereth, but also like Ezreal, Karthus, and Kog Maw.(The ultimate bombs are magic)
this is definitely anti-karthus if you happen to be squishy. it also allows you to easily bait enemy AP casters to dive into turret and regret the hell out of it the next two seconds in laning phase.
i don't think it would work so well in terms of baiting for high ELO players, but still... did i mention it is a good anti-karthus item? >_>