League of Legends (LoL) Question: Hextech Gunblade of Ekko, is it good or bad?
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Hextech Gunblade

Hextech Gunblade of Ekko, is it good or bad?
I've been playing a lot of Ekko and I have been really enjoying Hextech Gunblade as of late. It's a pretty fun item that seems to benefit him a lot with the sustain and active. I'm wondering however if it is optimal for him or if I should just switch it with Lich Bane. Thoughts?
tl;dr lich bane as a rush, hextech maybe as a 6th item but not every game, situational IMO.
Right now, Ekko has very high ap ratio's on his spells.
That means that spell vamp is going to give you back a lot more health than life steal will
So the optimal choice for stealing health right now would be Will of the ancients.
Gun blade does provide the same amount of ap wota does, but gun blade is also more expensive.
Getting the spell vamp early will have a poor effect since it is only really effective when you have a large amount of ap.
The active on the gunblade is nice, but with traditional items and a wota you wont be needing the extra 150 + some damage.
the attack damage from gun blade could be useful in the future when his ap ratio's are nerfed. but for now i would stick with wota if you want to choose a healing item on ekko.
Also, I want to see some maths and logic on this before you make such large claims.
In any case, you don't really want a WotA or a Gunblade.