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Master Yi Ability (LoL): Highlander

Highlander Master Yi

Master Yi Ability: Highlander
Cooldown: 85
Cost: 100
Passive: Champion takedowns reduce the remaining cooldown of Master Yi's basic abilities by 70%.

Active: Master Yi enters a trance, gaining 35 / 45 / 55% movement speed, 25 / 35 / 45% attack speed, and immunity to slows for 7 seconds. Champion takedowns extend the duration of this ability by 7 seconds.

Master Yi's Abilities

Master Yi Ability: Highlander Master Yi Ability: Highlander Master Yi Ability: Highlander Master Yi Ability: Highlander
Highlander is used by Master Yi

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NatoBoram (1) | November 18, 2014 4:59pm
It's current cooldown or max cooldown?
xBlindWolf | August 30, 2012 8:09am
I easy kill Master Yi :D, if he ult, i stun with Ki Burst :)
HyperDeath (1) | April 7, 2011 5:12pm
many people underestimate this ability, but it'll get you more kills than anything else (and refresh ur cooldowns to boot)

remember: there can be only one!!
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