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League of Legends (LoL) Question: How do I counter Fiora top?

Posted in Champions | Tags: Fiora 6,159

  • Raptortime

    How do I counter Fiora top?

    I've been playing against many Fiora's in top lane, I've always been destroyed in every way possible. I've searched some guides but they don't really help. Wondering if I could have any advice.
  • Answers (5)

    Hopesedge (8) | April 26, 2016 5:27am
    Three main ways from what I know, the first is to counterpick her by playing Aatrox, Poppy, Garen, Vladamir or even brusier Vayne. The second way to counter her is to build Quicksilver Sash as it removed her ultimate entirely leaving only her base kit (which can still be a threat). The final way is CC, now obviously she can block spells so you will need to time your abilities very well to completely dominate her.

    Recap: Anyone with sustain can poke her efficiently in lane, but no one can truly destroy her without well timed attacks.
    BlueMoon01 (12) | April 28, 2016 2:31am
    But you can still QSS her ult

    FOR NOW.
    Ekki (86) | April 27, 2016 10:25am
    tl;dr you have to outplay her.

    PS: QSS is getting nerfed to not remove fiora's/zed's ult (and a bunch of other non-cc spells).
    RLoadeR | April 29, 2016 1:51pm
    Imo, try to deny her vitals both from ult (All-in) or passive (generally laning phase). That should decrease the damage dealt to u, and then if u wanna kill her, as above correctly said u'll have to bait her W and then kill her (Unless u dont have any CC that u gotta land in order to kill her)
    DisturbedFox (62) | April 24, 2016 9:21am
    already has been answered in an older question but you have to bait out her W before going all-in vs her (unless she randomly decided to fight in a huge minionwave of yours). Or just counterpick with quinn/pantheon/poppy. Also build qss
    BlueMoon01 (12) | April 24, 2016 6:33am
    Get someone who have huge sustain like Trundle (i think?)
    And get QSS cause u can delete her ult .... for now.

    Or just counterpick her by using Poppy
    DarrenMullings | April 23, 2016 7:28pm
    Who are you mainly playing as vs. her?
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