League of Legends (LoL) Question: How do I hit Alistar's W, Q Combo in Australia
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How do I hit Alistar's W, Q Combo in Australia
Hi I have been maining support for a long time but I have only hit Alistar's combo ever once. Because I live in Australia it's very hard to hit his W Q combo. Does any Australian players out there know how to hit his combo without smashing W Q on your keyboard? Thanks in advance for answer.
It's very hard with high ping.
I've wondered the same as you before when I played on NA (140~300 ping)
Mash WQ as quickly as you can together
1) Make completely sure you are in range to
2) Cast
3) Immediately cast
As long as you cast the two spells closely together and in the right order, you should be able to do the combo. If you're missing it, you're either Qing first because you're not in range for W, or you Q too late because you wait too long.
Normally I tell people to Q right when the W animation starts, but considering you have higher ping, you'll just have to Q right after you cast W. If you're out of W range (even a little bit), Alistar will have to walk into range before casting W, so your Q will pop too early. Make sure you're in range.
I'd suggest just using a different champion.
I'd rather have any other CC bot support.
Sure, if you can land the abilities separately, you can extend the CC duration, but if you have no alternative, you have a lot less opportunities available.