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+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health
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can Cancel your engages Just get edge of night normally and your fine
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Fun to play with
Champion Build Guide
This isn't really a guide but more of a experience thing to let everyone know ig
This question came to my mind while i had nothing better to do. I found a old post from like 3 years ago that said who does the most true damage in league. (Post sent in URLS chapter. and it was saying who does normally do The most true damage in a league game. To save you some time its Olaf, Vayne , Camile. Why didnt i do it with the other 2? to be honest i just wanted to oneshot someone also camile's Q td actually scales more than the other 2 belive it or not.
This question came to my mind while i had nothing better to do. I found a old post from like 3 years ago that said who does the most true damage in league. (Post sent in URLS chapter. and it was saying who does normally do The most true damage in a league game. To save you some time its Olaf, Vayne , Camile. Why didnt i do it with the other 2? to be honest i just wanted to oneshot someone also camile's Q td actually scales more than the other 2 belive it or not.
I found the charater. Now then What should i build? I tried everything on Camile. And i mean Everything crit doing the most damage to a singular person. Now i had just need to think of the runes. I orginally thought first strike would do good. But it would be annoying to keep The Q delay in the timeframe early game. Camile's Basic Runes Grasp helped me out here i could keep the stack till i had the empowered Q and hit it with the grasp adtionally Obviously i wanted to go sheen i mean It empowered the Q even more and sheen is normally apart of camiles basic kit everything else is basic. Collector for the KS , Infinity edge for more raw damage blood thirster & Immortal Shieldbow for some sustain. Mortal Reminder Just in case nobody built it and i had finished it Now it was time to apply it into an actual game.
I actually played this Toplane and Adc belive it or not
Toplane was fun it was mainly tanks i was up against and vayne sadly
Adc i enjoyed even more i was playing with a duo at the time and i had asked him to played hwei. He would EE and I would E onto that being able to jump on them or i would jump on them first and he would EW making them rooted as i fight them..
I couldn't one shot someone unless i was like hella fed which is the downside but i managed to win most of my games.
Toplane was fun it was mainly tanks i was up against and vayne sadly
Adc i enjoyed even more i was playing with a duo at the time and i had asked him to played hwei. He would EE and I would E onto that being able to jump on them or i would jump on them first and he would EW making them rooted as i fight them..
I couldn't one shot someone unless i was like hella fed which is the downside but i managed to win most of my games.
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