I think that is a very good question to ask; this way you can learn and become a better player! :) I think you should play safe and avoid his EQ combo, use your E if needed. Just focus on farm and then you can duel him at six with your ulti since he doesn't have an ulti. But you should ask better players too, because they are the best and we can learn most from them.
I also upvoted your question so it gets lots of attention! Keep up the good work my frien, also, I hope you find a way to deal with Jayce soon, so your games can be better! :)
Hey GrandmasterD, just to inform you as I see it, the person is asking the reverse of what you answered. Jin Sin is asking how to play against Fizz, while he is playing Jayce ;)
To give some tips, abuse that you're ranged while he isn't. Abuse his E cooldown and poke him (especially pre 6). Early hexdrinker is probably a good choice too. Whenever he goes in for CS, poke him with AA/eq/q (as ranged). When he engages try to hit an Q or EQ when he is Q'ing to you, and potentially flash his R. Then press W-R-Q-W-(1-3*AA) and get behind him and E him back. That should deff kill him.
Barrier / Exhaust / Ignite are all good summoner spells vs him.
I also upvoted your question so it gets lots of attention! Keep up the good work my frien, also, I hope you find a way to deal with Jayce soon, so your games can be better! :)
But what you said is really good!! You must be an expert! :) +rep frien
To give some tips, abuse that you're ranged while he isn't. Abuse his E cooldown and poke him (especially pre 6). Early hexdrinker is probably a good choice too. Whenever he goes in for CS, poke him with AA/eq/q (as ranged). When he engages try to hit an Q or EQ when he is Q'ing to you, and potentially flash his R. Then press W-R-Q-W-(1-3*AA) and get behind him and E him back. That should deff kill him.
Barrier / Exhaust / Ignite are all good summoner spells vs him.