League of Legends (LoL) Question: How to add a video clip to a guide
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How to add a video clip to a guide
Hello everyone, sorry to bother you with my question but, I saw some other people asking how to add a video clip to a champion guide but they are kinda outdated. Went to Gyfcat and they said they were shutting down in September and for some reason Giphy isn't working. I know Youtube is a thing but Gifs really look better.
Thanks for your anwser !
Thanks for your anwser !
Spotted this question and was intrigued. You can use imgur.com
In terms of coding this can be added using the following:
[webm url=https://i.imgur.com/LdElAcT.mp4 width=300]
This results in:
When adding the link to the clip, use the direct link, and not the image link (link must end in something like .mp4 or some other video format). Also don't try to use the BBCode link Imgur gives you: this gives a link using [img][/img] which doesn't work.
Firstly, i'm so honored that YOU are the person to anwser me, you made so much for the Mobafire community, thank you !
Secondly, thank you so much for your anwser ! I've used Imgur to upload my GIFs and now it's good to go on my guide.
Thank you again !