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League of Legends (LoL) Question: How to ahri charm flash

Tags: Ahri 6,433

  • supuropnub

    How to ahri charm flash

    I've been playing ahri since I downloaded the game. I saw a lot of video where pro's press charm then instantly flash. Who do you do that?
  • Answers (2)

    Kid_Turbo | May 18, 2018 11:04am
    Even more if you are skilled enough with both Ahri and Flash you can sometimes (depends on situation) flash not only forward to catch or reach someone but you can flash to the side (left/right) diagonal basically everywhere, in a bush and so. This is spec helpful if you know your opponent will use ability after the charm effect wears off. Or dodge an ability if he is fast and manages to cast a skill-shot just before the charm hits him. Also you are securing your safe position you can then continue with your combo for cleaner results
    _zznna | September 23, 2017 2:20pm
    You basically have to click CHARM and almost imidietally flash so the charm would go from your original position.
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