Skill matchup, play safe early, go for a cheese e auto lvl 1, if she wastes her q or w on minions. You can also dodge her ability with your e while also landing on top of her for the slow. If you can proc electrocute and lvl 1, consider all in at lvl 2.
You can beat her, but she's annoying and hard to kill once she has her w. Skill matchup.
Let him push into you, farm safely, go for doran's shield and second wind, buy early tier 1 boots and rush luden's straight after. Don't let his proc pta on you and you will be fine. Don't jump on him unless he used all his abilities for no reason.
She outranges you and can keep you away from minions if she is any good. Your best bet is to push hard pre-6. Once she gets 6 she will perma shove and you won't be able to do much. You have to kill her twice. Jump on her if she uses q randomly. E or sidestep her q and run her down. She is very dangerous later in teamfights.
You can't make her waste her stun. She's better in teamfights, but you can one shot her with ult if you ult and ewq while she's knocked up. Good luck if she has banshee or zhonya. If she rushes one of these 2, you will probably never kill her again alone.
Aurelion Sol
Kill him.
He is annoying if he knows what he is doing, his shield is annoying but quite high cd, unlike Viktor. He will try to harass you a lot, but he won't do too much dmg early. Farm and go for short trades.
Kill him. Yes, he's op now, especially jungle, but mid he's at your mercy. His only defense against you is his stun, but he needs to land 2 consecutive skillshots on you to stun you. Don't stay in your wave so he doesn't w you and your wave at the same time, if he throws q at you, e on top of him and run him down.
She has mana problems early. She's squishy. You can kill her early. Her only problem is her w, especially in team fights, but in lane, you should be able to burst her down.
Very killable early, his w is his only escape, he needs to scale, but until then, you can get fed off him.
She can spam her q on the wave to push, or on you to keep you low. You can't spam your e or you'll go out of mana. Try to farm safely. Don't let her q both you and the wave at the same time. It's up to her if she wins or loses. If you are close to her and she tries to q you, e her to avoid q, auto w to proc electro and get out, q a minion if you need to get out faster. If for any reason she wastes her w on minions, all in her.
If he forgets to ult you can kill him. He has more damage early, don't let him proc his passive on you and you should be fine. Watch out for those sneaky w's.
You won't see many Galio's mid, but it's a farm lane. You won't kill him, but he can kill you. But you can play safe. His q is slow. He will roam with ult most probably, shove hard when he does it. Again, you can't win against him, just farm and gank bot/top if you see the opportunity.
You will mostly see him top, but if you see him mid, it's a skill matchup. He is squishy early and he won't have enough mana to kill you outright. Trade hard early, he will outscale you late game. If he is bad you will win by default, if he is good, he has all the tools to lane safely and scale against you.
Sometimes you will see garen mid. He will laugh in your face whenever you try to jump on him. There's nothing you can do against him to kill him or force him out of lane, but you can farm safely since he can't really dive you or poke you under tower. He will outscale you.
His e will make you cry. His sustain will make you cry. He has mana problems early, see if he wastes his mana on minions. You will not kill him 1 vs 1 until you have ult.
He's annoying, just let him push and farm under tower with your w. Don't get hit by his w, e if you need to. Not the end of the world if he pokes you down a bit, but stay healthy
It will be hard to lane against him, if he knows what he's doing. He has all the tools to deal with you. He can push, poke, freeze, shield, fear etc. The only thing he is missing in his kit is a dash. Don't jump on him in lane, any damage you do to him will be doubled by him just trying to get away after. He is surprisingly tanky with his w shield in an all in, if he builds banshee you will never kill him 1 vs 1, unless he misses every ability.
Mostly a skill matchup, she wins in all ins, you win at short trades. Problem is she has sustain, you don't. So short trades still go in her favor. Her w is also a problem if you try to shark her and all in. Unkillable if she rushes wits end. You can farm relatively safely at least and scale alongside her.
Skill matchup, whoever knows his champion better will win. Whoever gets a kill first probably wins the lane after.
Bleah, borderline unkillable. She's super strong right now mid and extremely frustrating for any melee champion to lane against her. Her ult q does an absurd amount of damage, she can heal, shield, run away, kite you to hell. Just farm and stay behind minions so she can't poke you with her q. She's just overturned right now, Malignance is too op on her.
He is op in jungle, but he's at your mercy mid. Make his life hell.
You can kill him early, but he will be a problem if you don't get a couple of kills early on him. He will outscale you at 3 items + lvl 16. He is much better late game than you.
Cheese her lvl 1 and all in lvl 2. Do not e if she has e up. She will be a pain in the ass if she goes ad. She will also be a pain in the ass if she's a main.
Skill matchup. She has range advantage, but she can't outright jump on you and kill you.
Normally she counters you, but if for any reason she doesn't harass you early and you are almost full hp when you hit lvl 3, go on her. Wait for her q than e over her and run her down. She will root you, but you can q after her.
Farm lane mostly, care lvl 6 for ganks.
She used to be strong when she came out, but now her dogs die much faster and most of her damage comes from her dogs and her q execute. Kill her dogs and you will be fine. E over her q in an all in and you should win the trade. If she build hexdrinker she won't die so easily, but she will still be killable. I never saw a naafiri mid after her nerfs.
She's more annoying than strong mid game against you, but she's a complete menace in team fights with her ult. You can't outright jump on her in lane cause she her snare + her clone thingy. She can't outright kill you in a combo, but she can keep you low hp in lane enough to make you not able to push the wave or farm safely.
I rarely see her mid, but she's like viktor, a control mage, hard to kill, hard to farm safely against.
His e is op, his damage early is insane. You have a chance to beat him later if he wastes his e. You can also ult and e behind him, but he can predict. You can go doran's shield and bone plating and play safe. He will be very strong early game, will fall off mid game and late will be op. You won't kill him solo late game, but can do it mid game.
She's killable, but she can also kill you. She has enough damage to kill you from level 2, try to sneak an auto w at lvl 1, or e auto if you started e.
I almost never see him. Never saw him in the last months. He should be an easy kill, especially early.
Yes, sometimes you will meet a tank sion mid or he will swap with mid if you clap his cheeks too hard. Our boy sion only needs to buy a negatron cloak and he will laugh in our face for the rest of the game. Don't fight with him, just farm and gank side lanes. Do not let him alone mid for too much time or you will wake up with no tower mid. He pushes incredibly fast.
You should win the lane, but he's too op right now, he will outscale you even if he loses lane.
Killable, but he turns into a big threat at 6 in teamfights.
Rush oblivion orb. You should be able to kill him easily if you poke him down with a combo before all in-ing him.
You can kill her early and snowball of that kill. But if she plays smart, you will never kill her. Even if you reach her somehow with your q or e she will do more damage to you while trying to get away. She's better late and in teamfights. If she gets barrier I wouldn't even try jumping on her unless you get jungle help.
I almost never see him mid. Skill matchup, but it favors you. He likes roaming, get plates and spam ping your bot/top when he is missing.
She is probably the best counter pick to fizz, but I almost never see her mid. She has 2 self peel abilities, a ton of damage and burst if she goes hail of blades, unkillable if she goes barrier or exhaust. She will make your life miserable mid. Go doran's shield and second wind or bone plating. Play super safe until lvl 3, after that you can trade with her but only if you close to tower. Die one to her and the game is over, she deletes towers and scales into a monster.
Twisted Fate
He is free lp for fizz. He can't do anything against you, as long as he is not Dopa. Don't push early, let him slowly push into you, you should have the wave close to your tower when you are about to hit lvl 3. After that run him down, use your e to dodge his gold card and slow him at the same time and run him down. After you get an advantage, q auto w him under tower to proc electrocute and e safely out. His only chance is if he gets ganks. He outscales you very late game, especially if he buys Banshee or Zhonya, but there's a long road ahead for him.
Normally you should win lane, especially early, but if he buys banshee you will never kill him, unless he is really behind. You can jump over his cage with e.
She is kinda annoying cause she is strong right now, but you can win and snowball of her. Just wait out her passive so she doesn't fear you. Stay close to her and bait her e, use your e to dodge it and at the same time land on top of her for the slow, chase her down with auto and w and q to finish her. If she is good she will farm with autos and save fear for your engage, but most Vex players just like to push the wave.
His q gives him a shield and he can spam it more than you can spam your engage, he outranges you, he clears faster than you, he even has a mobility and if you engage him he just drops his w and forces you to either back away and get all in'ed by him or get stunned and get all in'ed. Very frustrating matchup. Play safe until lvl 3 and try to go for quick trades. If he is good you won't do much to him
You can kill him early, but he will become a problem later even if you shi.t on him in lane. He's just that kind of champion. Of course, he can avoid your entire combo with his pool and sustain back, but I always somehow crush him in lane. If I don't(even if I do sometimes), he finishes 2 items and becomes unkillable, unkiteable and starts to hurt a lot.
Any adc with self peel will be a pain in the ass to deal with, especially late game.
Should be free kill early at least and at level 6, but Xerath players bring barrier most of the time, which makes them annoying to kill.
His shield will make it very hard for you to burst him down and lethal tempo will make him stronger in extended trades. He outranges you with q, he can dash your q with his e, he can dash your entire kit with his e and your ult with w. Like Zed, if he has any brains, you won't win lane against him, but you can let him push and farm safely near tower. Don't push against him unless you want to back or shove under tower. Freeze close to your tower and farm. Don't ult him if he has his w up. Don't use your e to damage him unless there are no minions for him to dash around. The key to this matchup is wave control.
Ah, the other wind-blower brother. Almost the same as Yasuo, his w shield will make short trades useless against him, his lethal tempo will make longer trades favor him, he farms better than you, pushes faster, he does everything better. The only thing that you can count on, is the fact that Yone players, like Yasuo, are dumb and will make mistakes. They will take tower shots for no reason, use w on the wave for no reason, e randomly etc. You can find windows of opportunity like that to kill him, but really, it's up to him. You can't just jump on him in lane and expect to win, he has to make a mistake. He's free kill in lower elos, especially if he doesn't start doran shield, but in higher elos he will win lane easily.
Bleah, annoying to deal with. He is killable at 6, until then good luck farming.
I almost always ban Zed. You won't win lane against him if he is any good. If he buys Hexdrinker you won't kill him alone, like, until 4 items. Your best best is to get prior and push advantage level 1/2. Once he has level 3 you won't be able to lane against him if he has any skills. But if you hit 3 before him you can all in and kill him. Hit 6 and roam bot, don't waste your ult on him he will just ult you to avoid it or w away. Don't rush zonya, but get it 3/4 item, rush boots and pray he misses his q's. You need to feel the player pre lvl 3 and see if he's a good or bad zed.
Late game, you can ult him and user your e so he can't ult you and wq him fast as the ult knocks him up to one-shot him, before he can react. If he has maw you are dead tho, he will survive with a bit of hp ult and destroy you before yours cd's are up again. You can zhonya to wait out the abilities, but he has 2 shadows he can swap to, you will never land any ability on him.
It's not up to you to win this matchup, it's up to Zed to lose if he's bad.
She should be a free kill for you.
Jarvan IV
Fizz doesn't really need ganks, but he does well with any cc on the side.
Jarvan IV
Fizz doesn't really need ganks, but he does well with any cc on the side.
+ Great assassin + Annoying + Makes the enemy ragequit when ahead + Simple kit + Fish + Can towerdive safely
Fizz is an extremely fun champion once you get used to him, very mobile and very strong early to mid game. Very satisfying to one-shot enemies with. He's a yordle, so he's annoying already, a global taunt, which can work to your advantage.
- falls of super-late game - Weak when behind - Squishy - Melee - Can't farm safely because all his abilities are short ranged - He's a yordle
Our beloved fish suffers from his short-range late game. He also suffers from smart enemy players who actually build against us, banshee is one of the best items right now, it gives lots of ap and Mr and that annoying shield that blocks one ability, this forces fizz to either waste his ult just to delete the shield, or get into melee range aka danger zone, to do any damage.
Early game
As you approach the first wave, don't level up any abilities yet. Most times you don't even want to auto any minion at all. See if the melee minions all get low at the same time, so you can finish them off with one e. If that's the case, level up your e and finish the minions with an e. If you hit the enemy laner at the same time, that's great. Make sure you don't double tap e, otherwise, you can lose the minions and you won't slow the enemy even if you land it. Depending on the enemy laner, you can even weave in an auto or 2 to proc electrocute. If the minions aren't lined up to die from an e, you can take w at lvl 1 and just farm with it. Finish your minions with an auto+w and the w will reset and give back mana and cooldown. At level 2, level up either w or e, whatever you didn't take before. See if you can make a quick trade on the enemy laner with e auto w to proc electrocute. Even at lvl 2 this combo can take almost half hp of your laner.
At level 3 is when I try to see if I can all in the opponent. Most times I can, but even if I can't, I try anyway, maybe I burn a flash or make them back. Make sure you don't farm with e, just with w. Only use your e and q for the enemy.
If you manage to kill your opponent or make him back to base, shove the wave and back and buy and reset. Rinse and repeat.
Mid game
Mid game is a great time for Fizz. I call mid game the moment you finished up your first 2 items and your boots. Most probably there's a tower or two down too. This is the moment any squishy near you is one shark away from the gray screen. Fizz is a great splitpusher too, he melts towers with his w, he can run away if necessary and can dive if need be. Don't be afraid to dive if you are ahead, you can reset and avoid tower shots with your e. Simply q auto w to proc electrocute and e out.
Late game
The late game is kinda meh for Fizz. It's not that he's weak, it's that there are lots of champions who just scale better, have more range and by now probably a defensive item that makes them hard to one shot.
You still have the power to oneshot, but squishy champions and adcs can pretty much kill you before you even get to them. That veigar that you used to oneshot now bought a banshee or zhonya and he can survive your initial burst and you are vulnerable to the rest of their team. That kaisa that you used to one tap 10 min ago, now she's always invisible and too mobile for you to even click on her,that free kill caitlyn now kill you in a auto and a headshot before you even get into range to eqw her and even if you shark her, she has guardian angel. Also ad champs who bought edge of night, now are hard to kill.
TLDR Fizz suffers from lack of range late game and from the fact that late game there are too many 5 vs 5 fights. Fizz is not that good in 5 vs 5, especially late, he's better in 2 vs 2 or 3 vs 3. He also sucks against champions who bought banshee, edge of night, zhonya and other ******** items that prevent you from killing them in a rotation.
Basic combo in lane is q-auto-w-e. After you e, it's up to you if you need to e on top of enemy for damage or e away to safety. It will come with experience. Of course if you enemy is low and you want to all in, drop on him with your e for the slow(don't double tap e, or will not slow him) and then run him down with autos and ignite.
Another combo in lane, is to q a minion to get closer to your laner, then e on top of him for the slow, auto + w and either finish him off or back away.
Best way to use your e is to use it when the enemy throws an ability on you and at the same time e on top of them for damage.
After you get ult, don't be afraid to throw it max range, they will either burn flash or die, or at least force them out of lane.
Low enemies won't be able to hide under tower, since you are one of the few melee champions who can dive safely. Simply q-auto-w the enemy laner and e right after to avoid the tower shot. If you think the e + ignite will kill them, drop on them and just walk out of tower range. You will get a tower shot or two, but the enemy probably didn't have the opportunity to deal any damage back. Flash away if you think tower towers shots will kill you. With experience, you will learn how to dive properly.
One combo you need to know is the e + flash. When you e, right before you drop from your pole, you flash on top of the enemy. You will mostly use this to follow after they try to flash your e to avoid getting killed.
Another sneaky combo is the q+ult, it's one of the most undodgeable skillshots. You q a minion and as you travel with your q, you ult the enemy. It's extremely uncommon for this combo to be dodged, but it does happen if you are really far away, if you are close, it's almost impossible, unless the fizz is playing against me, since I'm expecting it whenever the fizz has ult up. This guarantees ult will hit. After that all in for the kill.
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