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League of Legends (LoL) Question: how to make zed.yasuo dance and laugh etc....

Posted in Champions | Tags: Long Sword Yasuo Zed 6,197

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    how to make zed.yasuo dance and laugh etc....

  • Answers (3)

    Pirr (2) | October 5, 2017 2:23pm
    Like every other champion, hotkeys, you can change them for easier use in settings to one button:
    /joke, /j or Ctrl+1 Plays Champion's joke.

    /taunt, /t or Ctrl+2 Plays Champion's taunt.

    /dance, /d or Ctrl+3 Starts the Champion dance sequence.

    /laugh, /l or Ctrl+4 Plays Champion's laugh.

    Ctrl+5 Toggles the effect for your Champion if applicable.

    Ctrl+6 Displays your Mastery Emote.
    tiger8 | October 5, 2017 2:54pm
    thank you so much that was so useful :D
    Pirr (2) | October 5, 2017 2:24pm
    kamilek27071989 | October 13, 2017 8:44am
    Ctrl + 6 Wyświetla Twój Mastery Emote
    ArkierKnight (5) | October 6, 2017 10:40am
    Ctrl+6 Displays your Mastery Emote.

    Main Yasuo trolling but still showing Mastery intensifies.
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