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League of Legends (LoL) Question: How to MAster ZED ???

Posted in General | Tags: Youmuu's Ghostblade Zed 5,384

  • HexTechZZ

    How to MAster ZED ???

    WEll iam lvl 6 Zed 90k MP i want to main zed how do i get s or s+ with zed??and combos mechanics??
  • Answers (4)

    Pure Panphobia (33) | September 7, 2018 7:58pm
    Keep your farm above 7cs per minute.
    Go to U.GG and look at the Pro Builds tab to see what runes you should be using and what abilities you need to prioritize. (It's Q, E, W btw.)
    Find a good, in-depth guide about combo's and gameplay tips for Zed either no this site or YouTube, or both.
    Play a ton of PVP games. Norms, Ranked, whatever.
    Do CS drills.
    Research different common Zed matchups.
    Research lane control, lane dominance, and lane priority.
    Research when to roam and when not to roam.
    Find a high level Zed main or Zed 1 trick on twitch and watch their stream and stream highlights whenever you aren't in game.
    orrvaa (41) | September 5, 2018 1:24am
    It depends on how much you was impact full in the game, usually the best way to get S or S+ is keep your farm high and die less. But i think you should just try keep be better and try to learn the game, S and S+ will come, and they will continue to come even after you done with the mastery level.
    HexTechZZ (2) | September 5, 2018 9:09am
    will ty but i have been palaying this game since 2 years ago i left 1 month and now i see this new runes system and IP desaperad thats weird a little
    orrvaa (41) | September 8, 2018 6:09am
    just learn and see how it works and you will be ok
    Qwerty19 (2) | September 10, 2018 7:02am
    become Faker
    FupiDupi (7) | September 7, 2018 8:26am
    watch llstylish and style it up
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