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League of Legends (LoL) Question: how to mid and late game with illaoi

Posted in Champions | Tags: Illaoi 1,497


    how to mid and late game with illaoi

    well I am an illaoi player and I find the taking the turrets part the easier(I'm unranked) as it's somewhat easy to early lane since ganking becomes less effective after lvl6. However, after I take the first tower i get lost on what to do mid game I understand I'm supposed to split push but illaoi has so little mobility that by the time I split and attempt to come back I lose both my terrain advantage and my advantage in level or lane. I need help with this.
  • Answers (3)

    nolanMLBB (1) | December 9, 2023 3:32am
    As an Illaoi player, mastering mid and late game can be tricky due to her limited mobility. After taking the first tower, focus on split pushing but communicate with your team and prioritize teleport for team fights. Build tanky, control vision, and adapt your split push strategy based on the situation. Balancing split pushing with team coordination will help you make a greater impact in mid and late game scenarios.
    nolanMLBB (1) | December 9, 2023 3:32am
    As an Illaoi player, mastering mid and late game can be tricky due to her limited mobility. After taking the first tower, focus on split pushing but communicate with your team and prioritize teleport for team fights. Build tanky, control vision, and adapt your split push strategy based on the situation. Balancing split pushing with team coordination will help you make a greater impact in mid and late game scenarios.
    Saitamaro (4) | November 15, 2023 8:38am
    Before minute 20, you just stay top and never leave, your goal is getting the T2 turret
    After minute 20 you go to the opposite side of the objective, if Baron is up, you should be bot, if elder drake is up, you should be top lane

    its to create pressure on the opposite site of the objective

    How to not die while splitpushing? Just pay attention to your minimap, where is your team? where could the enemy team be? If ur pushing bot lane T2 turret and your entire team is hovering at your T1 turret, you are going to get 5 manned, killed and none of you will get anything for this, so only push up, if the enemy cannot just farm you for free, only push this far up if your team is pressuring aswell

    You need to be pretty much at the same line, as example your bot lane on mid t2, your mid on top t2 and you on bot t2 so if they go for any of you guys, the players that did not get engaged on will get something in return, this is just a theoretical example, you shouldnt always 3 man t2 turrets right

    So basicly just be an annoying monster cockroach on the site but make sure not to die while doing so
    DHE BHIST90 | November 15, 2023 11:04am
    thank you. What do i do about illaois mobility though? or is there something to reference for split pushing?
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