League of Legends (LoL) Question: How to play corki lulu vs cait thresh

How to play corki lulu vs cait thresh
I just got deleted in lane by a thresh caitlyn lane. I chose corki, and it seems like i got countered pretty hard. I found it difficult to CS, as i took a lot of damage from both cait and thresh, and couldnt really retaliate well. My jungler was diana, and was reassurring in that she would not gank.
How can corki lane successfully under these conditions? Any advice is appreciated!
How can corki lane successfully under these conditions? Any advice is appreciated!
Once you hit level 6 you can try to poke them out a bit but honestly I don't see a Corki/Lulu beating a Caitlyn/Thresh lane if both lanes are unaffected by jungle and equally skilled.
The best advice I can give you is avoid picking Corki into Caitlyn and if you do end up in the matchup, play it safe and try to farm as best as you can. I wouldn't bother trying to trade with Caitlyn unless you're confident you can win it somehow.
While Caitlyn does outscale Corki pretty hard, Corki's mid game is quite significantly stronger than Caitlyn's so if you can stay relatively even you can try to make a difference in the mid game teamfights.