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League of Legends (LoL) Question: How to rename on the website

Posted in General 1,958

  • EdenleGamer

    How to rename on the website

    How am I supposed to rename myself on the site
    Should I ask a moderator to change it ?
  • Answers (2)

    Katasandra (101) | October 27, 2022 10:20pm
    Unfortunately, it is not possible to change your name. If you really want something else the only option is to create a new account and then asking an admin to transfer your guides and achievements. However, you will lose things such as your post history, reputation and account age.
    Metallichydra (20) | October 27, 2022 5:14am
    I think that is your best option. There does not seem to be an option to change it yourself.
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