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Recommended Items
Runes: Hail of Blades
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health

Hi, I'm Fruxo and welcome to my
Vi guide. I've been playing League of Legends since September 2014 in Season 4 and have been maining different roles & champions since the day I started.
Vi was the only champion I played whenever I got jungle and I still play her to this day. The top rank I've achieved is Diamond I in solo queue. If you have any questions or suggestions about the guide then feel free to leave a comment, I try to respond to everything. If you want to support me, an upvote or +rep would be very appreciated.

Before we begin, I'd like to give a big thank-you to Katasandra for her massive help with coding this guide (as well as my other guides). Always helping me make this guide look great but also as mobile-friendly as possible. Be sure to check out her how to write a guide tutorial & coding guide as well as her own guides!

To be fully honest,
Vi is a very interesting champion. As a Diver class she's made to be the more mobile portion of the Fighter class. This is the sole reason she excels at singling out high-priority targets to blitz toward, immediately forcing those targets (and their teammates) to deal with her presence or she will destroy everyone. Even though Divers aren't as durable as e.g. the tanks or juggernauts of the world, they can still take their fair share of punishment while bringing enough damage to be a real kill threat if left unchecked.

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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() As you might have already thought, ![]() ![]() |

Passive: Blast Shield
✔ |
The more times you use ![]() | |
✔ |
Try to time it with your ![]() |
✘ | Don't always rely on the shield during fights considering it's not that big |

It's great to have when you're clearing jungle camps and its main purpose is for said camps. Wait for your

The passive is really nice to have during most fights that occur, and even more so during teamfights. Being able to know when your shield is about to come up can give you that extra piece of survivability so that you don't die when you for example dive into the enemy backline. This applies even more pre-6 when you don't have access to

Q: Vault Breaker
✔ | Always try to use the fully charged version of the ability to get the most damage possible both for camps and targets | |
✔ | Can use without charging if you need someone to stay in place | |
✔ | Can be used to get over almost any wall on the map |
✘ |
Keep in mind that the ability can actually be cancelled, ![]() ![]() | |
✘ | If you miss Q, your entire gank will immediately fail unless they're terrible |

One of its greatest uses is for ganking as you can predict spells that your opponent might use to escape your gank, such as

You can also use

W: Denting Blows
✔ |
Extremely good when shredding down ![]() | |
✔ | Reduces your passive cooldown every single time you proc it so always keep auto attacking stuff |
This is probably one of the abilities you never really think about, but it's one of my favorites in her kit. Whenever you hit that final 3rd attack on an enemy, that's when things start to become extremely fun. Why? Because when that final attack hits, the target has lost max health, has had their armor reduced & you now attack even faster.
This also basically means that with this ability
Vi can fit into any kind of enemy team composition. Whether you're going a simple assassin build on a squishy enemy team, or going more of a bruiser build against tankier teams, this ability will always be amazing to have. The only thing that's different is your item choices, which we'll be going over a bit later in this guide.
This also basically means that with this ability

E: Relentless Force
✔ | Can be used on a minion, plant or tower if you need to reach a target that's running away with low health |
✘ | If you mess up a reset, you'll lose out on some potential damage |
This ability is indeed an auto attack reset. I could probably come up with something really cool about this ability, such as the fact that it's an auto attack reset, but really like, it’s just an auto attack reset.
It’s not a bad ability at all, you can proc your passive more often and it also resets your auto attacks in order to give you your
Denting Blows proc quicker along with more damage faster. It's also a great synergy with
Hail of Blades because you'll be able to do two auto resets as well as on-hit effects as it procs easily when making champion contact.
Try to practice this ability in either a ranked flex game, normal game or the practice tool as it'll allow you to make perfect resets the more you play
Vi. Being able to make better resets will allow your burst potential to be faster and shorter no matter what build you run.
It’s not a bad ability at all, you can proc your passive more often and it also resets your auto attacks in order to give you your

Try to practice this ability in either a ranked flex game, normal game or the practice tool as it'll allow you to make perfect resets the more you play

R: Cease and Desist
✔ | Try to use your ultimate as a last resort, if you absolutely have to in order to get a gank to work | |
✔ | Most of the time it's better to also save it for a key carry during a teamfight |
✘ |
Keep in mind that your ult can also be cancelled, an annoying ![]() | |
✘ | Remember that it can put you into extremely bad situations sometimes so use the ability with caution, even if it's fun |
At last we have her ultimate. Now this is one of the most enjoyable ultimates in the game in my opinion, her
Cease and Desist is the singular ability that will destroy someone's life. It’s a point-and-click single target ability where you literally just dash to the target dealing damage, you're also immune to all form of crowd control and yeah, it’s an amazing ability when you're chasing someone.
Although it's for a single target it can still apply CC to more than one target. Along with knocking up the target you want, it will also push any enemies in your path to the side as you move towards your target, this is really good to keep in mind if you want to group up enemies in fights. You could also use
Cease and Desist in a gank as an opener for quick CC, or saving it for after the target has spent their escape spells in order to close the gap & secure a guaranteed free kill.
Cease and Desist is incredible. Want to talk about fun abilities? Then this is it. You just choose a target & immediately ruin their existance. Only death will be able to stop this dunking, literally only death, except a few items & some random interactions from champions can stop you from dunking on these poor enemies.

Although it's for a single target it can still apply CC to more than one target. Along with knocking up the target you want, it will also push any enemies in your path to the side as you move towards your target, this is really good to keep in mind if you want to group up enemies in fights. You could also use


Skill Sequence
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
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6 | ||||||
Q |
Q |
Q | |||||||||
W | |||||||||||
E | |||||||||||
R | |||||||||||
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 | ||||||
Q |
Q | ||||||||||
E |
E |
E | |||||||||
R | |||||||||||
13 |
14 |
15 |
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17 |
18 | ||||||
W |
W |
W |
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R | |||||||||||
L E V E L 1 - 3 |
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S E Q U E N C E |

So, here's an overview of which summoners you can take on ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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Primary Keystone | |||
The most common keystone as it's the best extended burst damage option. ![]() |

Minor Runes |
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![]() ![]() | |||||||
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Can't stress enough how good this rune is. Being able to get gold and health from every takedown is sick. |
Gives a lot of attack speed if you're running any other rune page other than HoB, such as ![]() |
Gives as much tenacity as ![]() |
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![]() ![]() | |||||||
Provides you with a pair of free boots after 12 mins. If you manage to get a takedown (kill/assist), it gets reduced by 45s each time. |
Gives a lot of summoner spell & item haste that's useful for reducing important cooldowns (e.g ![]() ![]() |
Stat Shards | |||
![]() ![]() ![]() |
The standard stat shards on ![]() ![]() ![]() |

This chapter features the items ![]() | |||||||||
![]() ![]() |
Starting Items
The usual starting trinket. It helps with getting early vision and will always be a generally good choice. You can go for it at the start and use the ward in one of the pixel brushes in midlane so you can then change it to ![]() |
If your team as a whole is behind, ![]() |
First Base
The best basing scenario is when you can afford a 1k+ gold item (e.g. ![]() ![]() | |||||||||
Builds into Cleaver, is a great health item you can get early on for 800g in order to get something on your plate. |
Will provide you with some great early health due to the fact you can build it into a ![]() |
Don't forget to buy extra potions for more sustain in case you chose not to start with a ![]() |
Build these boots if the enemy team is either completely full AD or has more physical damage than magical damage because of the armor it gives. It's also a very good purchase if they have multiple auto-attacking champions (e.g. ![]() |
Item Pool
Gives you armor penetration in the form of a passive that reduces armor. Along with this it provides you with more health because of ![]() |
Very common item to buy at this point due to how often healing champions & life steal items are bought (e.g. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Get this when the enemy team has a lot of bursty AP champions that are incredibly ahead/fed (e.g. ![]() |
If you're against a fed enemy that does a whole lot of basic attacks. This item is fantastic when dealing with fed ADCs or auto attackers like ![]() |
Always a useful item but the reviving passive will only work for a single fight. If you have gold for it before a very game-deciding fight (e.g. fighting for baron/elder) then try to pick it up. If you built GA & already used the revive, sell it and build another item (passive cooldown is 5 minutes). |
Very self-explanatory kind of item, build this against enemy targets or specific items that can provide very big shields for the enemy team (e.g. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |

If you're completely new to jungle, this role will be drastically different from any other role in the game, it's mainly because the entire map is basically your lane and you do not have a set place to be. Likewise minions will not arrive to you and instead you have to walk to your own "minions" etc. With that said, don't be frightened, once you learn the fundamentals of the role, it's actually a lot easier to manage. This section is rather large so here is an overview of all the general topics that will be covered: |
Early Game
Key points:
- Kill the Support/ADC
- Clear out enemy

- Secure the first Scuttle Crab
- Transfer lead you just got into objective
Make the most out of your first clear! There are junglers that have different jungle paths and understanding where they start will help you dominate them early, you'll also be able to path correctly to make chances for invades or counter ganking. One tip is to look which enemies get back to lane late, they probably leashed their jungler.
Sharpen your map awareness! One of the biggest differences between a high elo player, in general, is how much they look at the map a game. Educate yourself to look on your minimap so that you can gather important information for you & your team.
Understand how and when to invade. When the rival jungler ganks a lane, they will not be anywhere else on the map. No champion can be two places at once. Thus if they're ganking there will be a free period of time where you can look to invade to steal camps, if none are there then put down vision.
Sharpen your map awareness! One of the biggest differences between a high elo player, in general, is how much they look at the map a game. Educate yourself to look on your minimap so that you can gather important information for you & your team.
Understand how and when to invade. When the rival jungler ganks a lane, they will not be anywhere else on the map. No champion can be two places at once. Thus if they're ganking there will be a free period of time where you can look to invade to steal camps, if none are there then put down vision.
Ganking & Counter ganking Know when to gank & when not to gank. Every jungler can gank early - it's a myth that they can't. While it's true that some junglers require their Ultimate such as ![]() ![]() |
Mid Game
Objectives, objectives, objectives! - Yes, kills and dragons are still important. But not more than towers. Taking down towers not only provides you gold but also cracks the map wide open. It gives your laners opportunities to roam a lot more, assisting your team.
Rift Herald! I always notice most of the beginner players completely ignore the Rift Herald. Why? It's probably the strongest mid-game objective you can ever get. Globally, the winrate for the team who captures the Rift Herald is about 60%+.
Herald is so useful because it relates, again, to taking towers. Simply using it to get a singular tower is worth it! Most players hesitate and tries to save it for some "big play" which never occurs, thus just leading to it getting used for nothing & killed instantly by the enemy or just expiring by default.
Rift Herald! I always notice most of the beginner players completely ignore the Rift Herald. Why? It's probably the strongest mid-game objective you can ever get. Globally, the winrate for the team who captures the Rift Herald is about 60%+.
Herald is so useful because it relates, again, to taking towers. Simply using it to get a singular tower is worth it! Most players hesitate and tries to save it for some "big play" which never occurs, thus just leading to it getting used for nothing & killed instantly by the enemy or just expiring by default.
Key points:
- HP too low, can't participate
- Team slightly ahead, works anyways
- Rift herald at my disposal
- Free 1-2 towers, regardless of lane
Late Game
Dragon Soul Obtaining the dragon soul is usually the biggest win condition for most games. This is why you should always prioritize dragons early and often because of the stats they provide. Some individual dragons are less important to get than others but the dragon soul is always a buff your team should fight over by default. Also don't get tunnel vision, the dragon soul is way more important than a baron buff, not the other way around. |
Baron Nashor This is another common win condition that you can go for. If you're in the mid-game or the start of late game, try to look to do this objective! The buff will allow you to push your leads further by sieging towers or even end the game immediately. |
Elder Dragon If the game stalls out long enough, this will be your next important objective. Elder Dragon is way more important to get than the baron buff because of the execute. Try to look for fights after you get this objective. |
This chapter features all the combos that ![]() |
![]() |
This is your bread and butter combo for any ganks that you'll ever make. Practicing this one in particular is very important to succeed on ![]() |
![]() |
This is an extended version of the Initiate combo, where you'll be trying to put out as much damage as possible, in the quickest time possible. You'll be using this combo a lot pre-6. |
![]() |
It's one of ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Another version of the Flashy Q, where you won't be flashing directly. You can use it to make sure that you'll still hit your ![]() |
This combo puts together the Initiate + DPS and adds on a secondary late ultimate CC to make sure that the enemy really does die during the fight or when you're trying to gank your allied laner. Has multiple variations of the combo so it won't always be the same one, key factor is that the ultimate comes late. |
Another version of the Long CC combo where you'll be focusing more on having your ultimate CC come in earlier. This can be extremely useful when you're locking down a low health target. Also has different variations of the combo, this isn't the only one, key factor is that the ultimate comes into play earlier. |
As an ending note, these combos mentioned above are every single possible one that you can do on ![]() There aren't specifically a combo considered to be "the full combo" for her as her full combos are made by combining smaller combos. For example, Initiate + Long CC might be one full combo whereas DPS + Quick CC is another full combo. DPS + Ultimate might be one full combo whereas Initiate + Ultimate + DPS is another full combo. There are so many different combinations for full combos on ![]() Instead, just be you! Be creative & theorycraft your full combos. No matter how you do them, when you decide to do your Initiate combo or when you decide to use your ultimate, a full combo can always be defined in a ton of different ways. It's just about how you want to create those combos in order to reflect the game when you need them the absolute most. This in order to make the best possible outcome for your own situation. |
Familiarize yourself with these spawn times and respawn timers so you know what to expect in-game. |
Wolves, Raptors Spawn At: 1:30 Respawn Time: 2:15 Gromp, Krugs Spawn At: 1:42 Respawn Time: 2:15 Buffs (Blue Sentinel, Red Brambleback) Spawn At: 1:30 Respawn Time: 5:00 Rift Scuttlers (in river) Spawn At: 3:15 Respawn Time: 2:30 Rift Herald (in Baron pit) Spawns At: 8:00 Respawn time: 6:00 Despawns At: 19:45 (19:55 if in combat) |

Elemental Drakes
Spawns At: 5:00
Respawn Time: 5:00
Spawns At: 5:00
Respawn Time: 5:00

Elder Dragon
Spawns: 6:00 after a
team gets 4 Drakes
Respawn Time: 6:00
Spawns: 6:00 after a
team gets 4 Drakes
Respawn Time: 6:00

Baron Nashor
Spawns At: 20:00
Respawn Time: 6:00
Spawns At: 20:00
Respawn Time: 6:00
Red -
![]() An XP efficient route starting from Red that'll allow you to reach level 3 right from the raptors camp. Afterwards you can either choose to get a gank off on Mid or to get your Wolves if the lane isn't gankable. If can contest scuttle then do it, otherwise just take your Gromp & recall so you can get the scuttle on the opposite side (unless you can gank top). Blue - ![]() The other XP efficient route starting from Blue that'll allow you to reach level 3 from the wolves camp. Afterwards you can look to gank Mid or get your Raptors if it's not gankable. Again contest scuttle if you can, otherwise do Krugs & recall to get the other scuttle (unless you can gank bot). Red - ![]() ![]() Good starting jungle route from either side that'll allow you to reach level 3. Afterwards you can either choose to get a gank off on the lane corresponding to your side or invade the enemy jungle if said lane isn't gankable. Very usable route if you're against an enemy jungler that wants to steal your buffs early ( ![]() ![]() |
What is Vertical Jungling?
When both junglers are repeatedly clearing one half of the allied jungle & enemy jungle, favoring one side of the map. This will split the map into a "strong side" and "weak side" for each team. It can be an active choice you make or a forced action due to a poor matchup. If the opponent say steals your blue, you can opt to go steal their blue which may force you to vertically jungle according to the side you're on, which may further impact where you'll be ganking next. Example of an active choice is if your team decides to focus all your pressure on one side of the map (there's a hypercarry you want fed) at the expense of the other in order to gain a massive lead (though this works a lot better in arranged teams than it does in solo queue). It's pretty complicated for newer junglers to grasp as it can be pretty messy outside of coordinated teams. Be open to the concept and feel free to practice it, but for most players I'd rather recommend sticking to more standard routes or simple, quick invades while you're still learning the role. Taken from PsiGuard's ![]() |
Clearing Tips
![]() | Red: Has a larger attack range compared to the Blue buff therefore you can't really kite it. Because of this you'll have to stand and auto attack it until its health gets to around 60 (for a regular auto) or 120 (W proc). Once it reaches any of these values, start to move down to Krugs & auto it again. | |
![]() | Raptors: AA > E > AA one of the small birds closest to the edge and make sure the E damage lands onto all the birds. Then focus the large bird and get your W proc twice. Move back and AA > E > AA another small bird, to hit all the birds again & kite the remaining 3 small ones with 1 AA each. | |
![]() |
Krugs: ![]() | |
![]() |
Blue: Charge a full ![]() ![]() | |
![]() |
Gromp: Simple full charge Q > AA > E > AA then auto it down until you get your ![]() | |
![]() |
Wolves: Do a full ![]() ![]() |
Jungling 101
This chapter will feature a few more jungle aspects that you can make use of in your own games if you're interested in becoming a lot better at the jungle role or simply want ways to get small leads or advantages. |
Lane Priority
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It's another term for lane dominance. It's decided by whoever is able to gain control of the lane and aggressively shove it in their favor, basically meaning whoever has the winning lane that can sufficiently waveclear.
Why does this matter? When you move into enemy jungle territory or simply contesting scuttle crabs, you're at risk of getting collapsed on by the enemy lanes. However, if your allies have lane priority, they can effectively back you up first & give you help on your invade. Your allies lose nothing in return whilst the enemy has to choose between losing a minion wave of exp & gold to tower or giving you an advantage such as killing the rival jungler, stealing camps or getting tons of vision for your team.
The things you can do on the map is somewhat of a blockage by the strength of your lanes. If your team can back you up, you can safely proceed with anything you want to do and achieve significant gains & leads with minimal risk of any disadvantages.
Having this said, getting collapsed on when you're in enemy territory does happen way less in lower elos compared to higher elos where both junglers and laners are more knowledgeable.
Why does this matter? When you move into enemy jungle territory or simply contesting scuttle crabs, you're at risk of getting collapsed on by the enemy lanes. However, if your allies have lane priority, they can effectively back you up first & give you help on your invade. Your allies lose nothing in return whilst the enemy has to choose between losing a minion wave of exp & gold to tower or giving you an advantage such as killing the rival jungler, stealing camps or getting tons of vision for your team.
The things you can do on the map is somewhat of a blockage by the strength of your lanes. If your team can back you up, you can safely proceed with anything you want to do and achieve significant gains & leads with minimal risk of any disadvantages.
Having this said, getting collapsed on when you're in enemy territory does happen way less in lower elos compared to higher elos where both junglers and laners are more knowledgeable.
Counter-jungling & Invading
Counter-jungling/Invading means to go to the opposing jungle with the intent of putting down vision, taking down the rival jungler, stealing camps and putting the enemy team at a disadvantage. It can also give you crucial information on the enemy jungler's whereabouts so you can notify your allies. It's a powerful way to earn map control and to provide your team with the necessary information to hopefully be able to make the right decisions, such as to avoid an incoming gank from the opposing jungler. When you steal camps from the enemy, not only will you become richer, but you'll also deny the enemy from being able to farm that camp until it spawns again. It's a very good strategy that junglers of higher elo will always apply to their games. Keep in mind! It isn't just about the rewards. Poorly-executed invades can irreversibly damage your team's chances of winning. If you spend valuable time invading, you lose out on time that can be used to gain leads elsewhere through traditional means such as farming your camps or ganking lanes. |
Tracking the Enemy Jungler
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In order to proceed with your invades, you must know where the enemy is located to plan out what you intend to do. After all, you cannot kill a jungler that isn't there and you can't steal camps that have already been taken. For this concept to work, you'll need either proper vision set-up and/or even foresight of the rival jungler & their pathing.
Vision set-up is when you ward camps in advance before deciding to invade in order to know ahead of time when the rival jungler will pass by that camp. For example you can ward their Red to see where they start or Wolves/Raptors at 1:30 to check if they pass by it later, limiting where they could possibly be.
Foresight is when you already know the rival jungler's pathing and where they'll start. To know their pathing, you must think like the enemy jungler. If you were them, where would you start & what would you do? For example,
Twitch will mostly always start Red & proceed to get a gank off in a lane afterwards.
There are rare situations to these concepts, which is any high-AoE jungler such as
Kayn &
Zac, that can start a variety of unpredictable clears. Or there are junglers who likes to steal camps immediately as fast as the first camp such as
Nunu & Willump or
Ivern. There are also junglers who are fine with starting from either side and doesn't have a specific kind of clear (Think about us for example).
Vision set-up is when you ward camps in advance before deciding to invade in order to know ahead of time when the rival jungler will pass by that camp. For example you can ward their Red to see where they start or Wolves/Raptors at 1:30 to check if they pass by it later, limiting where they could possibly be.
Foresight is when you already know the rival jungler's pathing and where they'll start. To know their pathing, you must think like the enemy jungler. If you were them, where would you start & what would you do? For example,

There are rare situations to these concepts, which is any high-AoE jungler such as

Having a Game Plan
When you think about it, League isn't actually that different from any normal Card game such as Legends of Runeterra. In both games you'll always have certain factors that are fully under your control and factors that have an element of uncertainty that you may have zero influence in changing. For example, you have full control over the cards that you put into your deck before you look for a match and you'll already have an idea of what cards are out there so that you can optimize your own deck for the popular decks you're expecting to face. However, until you actually play against your opponent, anything is possible. |
In League of Legends, your "deck" would be similar to your ability to choose your main role, your champion and your rune pages. At Champion select, apart from getting auto-filled or having your champion banned, you’re generally able to get the champion you want. However, outside of making suggestions or requests, the champions that your allies choose are completely out of your control. |
When the game begins, you have to play to the best of your ability in relation to the game state presented to you. Sometimes, everything goes well & you get all the cards you need - You gank a lane, get a kill and the game is in your hands. Other times, everything goes badly & you don't get good cards whilst your opponent seemingly hits every card they need - Same as starting the game losing every lane. So, how can you consistently succeed when there is so much variability between games? The key is having a game plan, to know what you're going to do next before you even arrive to that point in the game. |
You should know by now how hectic League can get. Sometimes weird stuff happens and a champ that should be weak early gets insanely strong or a champ that is strong early fails miserably. For these cases you have to adapt to the state of the game. One example of good game plans is from looking at pro-play. Solo queue is, of course, a lot more disorganized so sometimes you'll just have to work with what you got. Just make sure to pay attention to the loading screens & look at tab often, evaluate all the information at your disposal. |
Playing to your Win Conditions
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A win condition are a set of goals that you’re trying to achieve because they represent the best path to attain victory. It guides your thought process & can change as the game goes on. Try to think of it as your Plan A > can lead to Plan B > C and so forth. Achieving these doesn’t always guarantee victory as your opponents will also fulfill their own win conditions. In general, if you follow your win con, you’ll have a higher chance of winning.
Example, you have a
Riven that's getting roasted up top whilst your
Lucian &
Braum is winning their lane at bot. Your win condition is ganking bot and continuing to snowball them even harder. You should not gank top period. She won't get back into the game with ganks alone & you're putting yourself at risk of dying as well.
Riven will have to accept that she's weak side, whilst you're making the strong side even stronger and vice versa. Just accept one lane is going to be weak and gank the stronger side instead.
Seeing the win cons in champions is another factor. For example,
Draven who is fully centered on dominating the early game into a victory is completely different from a
Vayne who is weak and would rather play safe & farm early instead of fighting and wasting time. Seeing these win cons will come with time but it's good to keep in mind.
Getting objectives such as a tower/dragon can also be a very important goal. It'll never guarantee victory but it'll be able to give you a higher chance of reaching it.
Example, you have a

Seeing the win cons in champions is another factor. For example,

Getting objectives such as a tower/dragon can also be a very important goal. It'll never guarantee victory but it'll be able to give you a higher chance of reaching it.
This chapter goes over anything you'd want to know about how to gank lanes and where to gank from. It's mainly a set of guidelines to help you on your way to gank better & to have more success in the long run. |
River: is the most standard gank path, tried and true. Look to move directly up the river if they're overextended as it allows minimal interference. Be careful if they have a lot of minions though, as it can at worst, turn the gank around.
Tri-bush: is a way to gank which is only ever something you should do consistently when you're on blue side as you can get behind the enemy, if you're on red side you should look to use the aforementioned path instead. Only downside is that it lacks the element of surprise as the enemy can react to it a lot easier.
Lane Ganks: are one of the most underutilized gank paths in solo queue, which makes them even more deadly. Sneak into a bush when your laner pushed the wave out, then wait for it to bounce back to prepare a deadly gank. Only downside is the time it'll often take to even set it up.
Tri-bush: is a way to gank which is only ever something you should do consistently when you're on blue side as you can get behind the enemy, if you're on red side you should look to use the aforementioned path instead. Only downside is that it lacks the element of surprise as the enemy can react to it a lot easier.
Lane Ganks: are one of the most underutilized gank paths in solo queue, which makes them even more deadly. Sneak into a bush when your laner pushed the wave out, then wait for it to bounce back to prepare a deadly gank. Only downside is the time it'll often take to even set it up.
Key points:
- River tri-bush is warded with a


- Just used his

River: Nothing too different from the other lanes. Just try and keep in mind that mid laners, will grab
Control Wards a lot more often than others to put in one of the side bushes after their first back.
(Blue Side Only): Similar to the tri-bush path in top lane, and used mostly to put yourself between the enemy laner & their tower. This path avoids a lot of the typical wards mid laners place in the river bushes. It's more safe, but more susceptible to counterganks.
(Red Side Only): Exact same as the blue side one, but for red side. Another point I want to make with this path is that you should look to gank from the side that has the thinnest wall, on red side, it'd be the bot side. That way you can get into lane 5-6 seconds quicker than if you took the bigger wall.

(Blue Side Only): Similar to the tri-bush path in top lane, and used mostly to put yourself between the enemy laner & their tower. This path avoids a lot of the typical wards mid laners place in the river bushes. It's more safe, but more susceptible to counterganks.
(Red Side Only): Exact same as the blue side one, but for red side. Another point I want to make with this path is that you should look to gank from the side that has the thinnest wall, on red side, it'd be the bot side. That way you can get into lane 5-6 seconds quicker than if you took the bigger wall.
River: Nothing new about this path compared to the top lane one, but keep in mind that bot laners know that they're more likely to get ganked than other lanes, and thusly ward much more often. Always expect wards in the river bush, because more than likely the support has a few on hand to put down. However, if you play around it, clear it and repeat gank, you may just reap the benefits anyway.
Lane Ganks: Seeing as how bot laners usually spam the river bush, tri-bush & Dragon pit with wards faster than the speed of light, lane ganks become one of the more optimal strategies for setting up a 3v2 situation bot lane. I really recommend the use of the alcove here, as nearly all bot laners forget it even exists, and never check to see if you might actually be lurking there.
Lane Ganks: Seeing as how bot laners usually spam the river bush, tri-bush & Dragon pit with wards faster than the speed of light, lane ganks become one of the more optimal strategies for setting up a 3v2 situation bot lane. I really recommend the use of the alcove here, as nearly all bot laners forget it even exists, and never check to see if you might actually be lurking there.
Key points:
- Bushes aren't fully warded.
- Got level 6 before any of them did, can utilize ult
- Ulting

- Help allies push out lane afterwards
Red Side Tri-bush: Mainly a red side path, an early gank before it inevitably gets Control Warded by a blue side support is deadly, as like similar ganks on other lanes, it makes their bot lane go through you if they want to get back to the safety of their tower. More situational from blue side, but works if the enemy laners are extremely pushed up on your side. |
Blue side Tri-Bush: Ganks from this area are much more common than in top lane due to the fact that the river bush is more likely to be warded after 6-7 minutes. You can use champs like ![]() |
Ganking Tips
1) Are They Overextended? | |
Overextending is when the enemy is playing too far into your allies side of the lane. In the example images below I've tried to showcase what it means when an opponent is overextended (click the images to enlarge them). If the enemy is at the red zone, they're definitely gankable and you'll get something out of it. If they're in the yellow zone the gank can still work, but will be a bit harder to pull off. However, if they're in the green zone, skip the lane and look to gank elsewhere as they'll be safe. This is only an example shown of enemies overextending from the Blue side nexus. If you're playing on Red side nexus instead, the red & green zones are simply switched. Try to keep an eye on your minimap whilst you're clearing camps, if an enemy is closing in on the red or yellow zones you should definitely try to set-up a gank if possible. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Remember that there are some lane matchups where a gank could fail miserably if you're the one initiating the gank yourself. If the enemy has a getaway or any form of CC, wait for your laner(s) to engage on them before you actually reveal yourself. It's a lot easter to get quick leads if the enemy over-commits to a fight & wasting their important cooldowns on your allies before they even know that you're there. When it comes to Tower Dives you'll have to judge whether it's worth it on your own discretion. Just please for the love of god don't take any unnecessary risks diving for a kill that may not even be worth your own death. If they're hugging their tower, wait for the tower to aggro your minions, charge up ![]() ![]() |
2) Do They Have a Getaway? | |
A getaway is when the enemy has a way to escape your gank such as a mobility spell or summoner spell. Some examples of these can be everything from ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() In the ![]() ![]() ![]() Not all laners are going be as easy to gank as others. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Not every gank has to net a kill. A gank isn't failed if you didn't end up killing your target. If you managed to chunk your enemy down in health, they'll have to play a lot more passively against your teammates or even be forced to recall back to base and miss potential minion waves. Forcing an enemy to use a summoner spell or ultimate can also leave them very vulnerable to future ganks, they'll lose the ability to have a kill threat in lane & it'll still give your teammate(s) a huge advantage in that lane. |
3) Do They Have any CC? | |
CC or Crowd Control describes abilities or spells that remove or diminish the control a target unit has over aspects of itself, such as being able to cast spells or initiate movement commands. Why is this important? Most champions have a lot of CC in their kits that could be used to completely ruin your ganks. Some examples of these abilities are ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Since I don't know whether ![]() ![]() ![]() Keep in mind that there are 2 different ways to distinguish a champion's CC abilities. There are both Hard CC (ones that can e.g. stun you) as well as Soft CC (ones that can e.g. slow you). Soft CC spells like ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Hard CC spells like ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Some abilities are worth getting hit. I know that it sounds insane after I just explained to dodge CC abilities but trust me on this one. There are few abilities in the game that you can let hit you. These are abilities that are mostly used as escape tools. Some examples are ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
This chapter goes over anything you'd want to know about how to gank lanes and where to gank from. It's mainly a set of guidelines to help you on your way to gank better & to have more success in the long run. |
![]() Blue = Scryer's Bloom | Green = Honeyfruit | Red = Blast Cone |
![]() | Scryer's Bloom: used to gain vision around an area and to see where and what places are warded by the enemy. Once you destroy it, vision will be released in a sort of cone shape and every enemy ward will be revealed for a couple of seconds, giving you time in order to destroy it. | |
First spawn: 3:00 - 3:30 minutes, always at each quadrant's spawn point nearest to the side lanes. Only one Scryer's Bloom can be present per quadrant. Next spawn time: 5 - 6.5 minutes at either spawn point, starting once a given quadrant's Scryer's Bloom is destroyed. |
The first wave of spawn locations are predetermined whilst subsequent Scryer's can spawn in at least one other spot. More Scryer's can also spawn to the entrances of the jungle if the Cloud drake takes over the map environment. |
![]() | Honeyfruit: used to gain some health back if you're really low or have recently brawled with the enemy jungler or ganked a lane. Once destroyed it will drop 5 small fruits to the floor, each fruit gives back health and mana for you. | |
First spawn: 6:00 - 6:30 minutes, always found along river walls starting near the Dragon or Baron pits and slowly extending closer toward lanes over the course of the game. Respawn time: 5.5 - 7 minutes, if a Honeyfruit isn't taken before its respawn timer completes, a second Honeyfruit may spawn. No more than two Honeyfruits can exist per half of the river. |
like with Scryer's, the first wave of spawn locations are predetermined whilst subsequent Honeyfruits can spawn in at least one other spot. More Honeyfruits can also spawn near the buff camps if the Ocean drake takes over the map environment. |
![]() | Blast Cone: used to sneak objectives, invade or sneakily prepare a gank. Once destroyed, it'll explode and you'll get knocked up with it. It basically means that you can use it to jump over walls where the blast cones are placed. | |
Spawns in two spots per jungle quadrants and are divided by both inner & outer spawns. It'll show an indicator to you when in the blast radius, showing where you'll land. First inner cone spawn: 1:15 - 1:25 minutes First outer cone spawn: 5:00 - 5:30 minutes Inner cone respawn time: 5 - 7 minutes Outer cone respawn time: 5.5 - 6.5 minutes |
Like with the others, the first wave of spawn locations are predetermined whilst subsequent blast cones can spawn in at least one other spot. More blast cones can also spawn to the entrances of the jungle and Alcoves if the Infernal drake takes over the map environment. |
Wave Management
This chapter goes over anything you'd want to know about wave management or otherwise named wave manipulation. A jungler will always have some sort of ways to manipulate waves every single game, same as the solo laners themselves. It's mainly a set of guidelines to help you understand what to do in order to help your teammates and make their lanes easier to manage. |
Key Points:
- Tried helping midlane with a countergank
Twisted Fate died due to
- Can't get a kill due to lvl 6
- Qiyana overextends and I still get a kill
- Taxed cannon (dies regardless) + some more (puts my level on par with Fiddle)

- Can't get a kill due to lvl 6

- Qiyana overextends and I still get a kill
- Taxed cannon (dies regardless) + some more (puts my level on par with Fiddle)
The art of taking your laners minions and thus their experience & gold after ganking their lane. If you're ganking a lane, kill the opponent & then take some CS whilst your teammate(s) are recalling back to base, you're essentially taxing them.
Why do you need to tax? When you gank a lane, if your teammate(s) are the ones getting the kills, it's always a good way to take some of their minions to get back some sort of exp/gold for the time you just spent trying to gank that lane.
Keep in mind! In lower elos people are likely to get angry at you because they think that you're completely ruining their lane whilst in reality you're not. If they somehow get mad anyways because you're taxing their lane, just leave and go farm camps instead. It'll be better to keep them with good mental spirit then risking tilt & flame.
Why do you need to tax? When you gank a lane, if your teammate(s) are the ones getting the kills, it's always a good way to take some of their minions to get back some sort of exp/gold for the time you just spent trying to gank that lane.
Keep in mind! In lower elos people are likely to get angry at you because they think that you're completely ruining their lane whilst in reality you're not. If they somehow get mad anyways because you're taxing their lane, just leave and go farm camps instead. It'll be better to keep them with good mental spirit then risking tilt & flame.
You should tax when...
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You should not tax when...
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Key Points:
Mordekaiser is already low, is preparing to recall (no idea where he is)
- No need to get a freeze since it's already pushed and enemy is recalling
- Clear the wave so the new wave incoming is reset to the middle of lane

- No need to get a freeze since it's already pushed and enemy is recalling
- Clear the wave so the new wave incoming is reset to the middle of lane
Holding a lane can be classified as keeping the wave in a state where it can become a freeze for your team or to simply make laners not lose minions. It's a good way to make sure that an opponent can't push a wave and crash it to the tower before your laner arrives.
Depending on where your ally is you'll be holding it differently. If they just recalled/died, kill a few minions and leave 3-4 minions next to your tower so that a freeze gets set-up. If your laner is about to arrive, just avoid letting the wave crash to the tower until they arrive.
Holding lanes will put your laner in a much better wave state such as not loosing any exp or gold or even better, creating a freeze to be able to more safely farm without the risk of getting ganked. Keep in mind that if you fail to set it up, the wave can irreversibly damage your laners wave state & the enemy can freeze instead.
Depending on where your ally is you'll be holding it differently. If they just recalled/died, kill a few minions and leave 3-4 minions next to your tower so that a freeze gets set-up. If your laner is about to arrive, just avoid letting the wave crash to the tower until they arrive.
Holding lanes will put your laner in a much better wave state such as not loosing any exp or gold or even better, creating a freeze to be able to more safely farm without the risk of getting ganked. Keep in mind that if you fail to set it up, the wave can irreversibly damage your laners wave state & the enemy can freeze instead.
You should hold when...
| |||||||||
You should set-up a freeze when...
| |||||||||
Key Points:
Pushing the wave is where you & your ally push the wave to the turret after a successful gank or you push out the wave for them if they're not healthy enough to push it out themselves. It's a strategy used to give laners a much better recall timing especially when they don't have enough mana/health to clear out the wave themselves but their opponent does.
You help your laners push the wave so that it goes to tower and resets back to a neutral position or even better, completely bounces back to your ally and not to the enemy. We do not want the opponent to be able to freeze the wave and punish your teammate(s), if anything that's what we want to do!
If your laner & the enemy is dead and isn't able to collect the wave but it's already pushing to you, leave it be. Only push it alone when the minions are amassing & going to push to the enemy turret anyways. If you decide to push when this isn't the case, the enemy laner is less likely to lose anything and it's just setting your ally further behind.
You help your laners push the wave so that it goes to tower and resets back to a neutral position or even better, completely bounces back to your ally and not to the enemy. We do not want the opponent to be able to freeze the wave and punish your teammate(s), if anything that's what we want to do!
If your laner & the enemy is dead and isn't able to collect the wave but it's already pushing to you, leave it be. Only push it alone when the minions are amassing & going to push to the enemy turret anyways. If you decide to push when this isn't the case, the enemy laner is less likely to lose anything and it's just setting your ally further behind.
You should push when...
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You should not push when...
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Seeing as you're a jungler, you'll have the biggest possibility to walk around the whole map placing down wards to gain vision or remove wards to deny vision. Don't get the wrong idea though, trying to ward dark spots on the map such as the enemy jungle territory is a very common pitfall that can lead to your death if you don't know where the enemy jungler is hiding. With that said, if you're counter-jungling or even invading the rival jungler, try to place down some decent vision in their jungle if you can't steal camps or get a kill. Vision will always lend your team some very valuable information. By placing down ![]() Even at level 1 you can instantly place down your ![]() ![]() With that said, here are some good warding spots you can use (click the images to enlarge them): |
Level 1 Wards
These wards will give you information on rival jungler's early pathing. If they start on red side they'll either cross over this ward from Krugs to do Raptors or skip and do wolves. If they don't cross over the ward, it's likely they started blue side and you could plan to invade or you make use of this information in another way. |
Typical ward spots I use a lot in my games. Especially good against early rival junglers like ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Defensive Wards
Primarily has 2 purposes for existing. First off it can detect if the rival jungler is invading your Raptors/Red and second off it'll also make sure to notify your team if the enemy midlaner is trying to roam towards botlane or toplane (through the jungle instead of the river). |
Opposite warding spots that provide the same purpose as the aforementioned ones but for the other side of the map and specifically river. If you're against a jungler that likes to invade very often, you can also opt to put these wards down to prepare for that in advance. |
Lane Wards
The popular warding spot being used with ![]() |
Place down ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
If you believe the jungler is gonna invade you from top side / bot side of the map. It's also good to prevent ganks as it covers a very crucial spot that junglers often use to gank. The top tri-bush is often the better spot though as botlaners will clear wards much more often so it's likely that your ward will be sweeped away. |
Offensive Wards
Will spot the rival jungler's pathing towards either Raptors or Red but also if they were to path towards blue side instead. Gives a lot of valuable information you can use to prepare for invades since you'll be able to know which camps are up and where the jungler could theoretically be. |
If you already invaded the enemy jungler once, you could opt to put these wards down. It'll be able to spot the jungler on the red side of the map, whilst also making sure to get info whether Red buff is up or not. Can mainly be used to prepare your first invade or yet another invade. |
Typically only placed after a successful invade as it's very deep in enemy territory. However, this ward brings a lot of good information for the future, such as the timer for the wolves camp, if the jungler is gonna be on that side, if they're not on that side (the camp is still up). |
It'll give information whether the enemy jungler is trying to clear their Blue buff but it'll also show them on the same ward if they're trying to clear their Gromp as well. Still gives decent information on what camps are available and where the jungler could theoretically be. |
Objective Wards
Very useful ward locations if you're trying to prepare for an objective and want vision around the objective to spot enemies trying to lurk around. Putting down a ![]() ![]() |
The most common ![]() |
If you didn't buy any ![]() ![]() ![]() |

Famous Last Words
Congratulations! You’ve finally been able to reach the end of my insanely long guide on ![]() ![]() ![]() It might happen that I've missed some things so feel free to let me know. Just leave a comment or send me a PM and I'll fix things up for you! If you have any objections to my build’s content, comment in the discussion section! I’ll be more than happy to hear your side of the argument. If you think I'm wrong, please don’t hesitate to correct me. I want this guide to be as accurate as possible in order to help as many people as I can when it comes to this champion, and I will update it if I do end up agreeing with you! I'd always love criticism as long as it's helpful to me so that I can make this guide even better to help more players looking to play ![]() If you enjoyed the guide, then please like mentioned before an upvote or a +rep will always be appreciated as it'll always help me and it’ll be an indicator to let me know that my guide has been helpful to you, as it’s what I wanted to do in the first place. I really enjoyed making this guide and I hope you've enjoyed reading it as well. Good luck out there and I hope you reach the desired rank you're looking for! It's like ![]() | ||
I'd like to thank Jovy for taking the time to make the beautiful looking banners for this guide and in most of my other ones as well! Be sure to check out some of her other work at her signature shop and her own guides! ❤
I would like to thank Katasandra yet again for helping me with anything related to BBCoding both to make it fit for users that view the guide on PC but also for ones that view it on mobile. Also for helping me a lot in the past with anything. Make sure to check out her guides! ❤
I would like to thank PsiGuard for being a good friend to me & helping with guide advice whenever I needed it. Also for allowing me to use his description for the vertical jungling section as well as letting me take inspiration from his guide for the looks of my cheatsheet, jungle routes and warding sections. Make sure to check out his guides! ❤
I also want to thank L3gislacerator for allowing me to use his code (and change it) for the MOBAFire Guide Contest Awards that you can find in this same section of the guide a bit further down. Make sure to check out his guides! ❤
And lastly, I would like to thank Silverman43 for helping me create a few of the images that you can find throughout the guide, most notably the ones for "tracking the enemy jungler". Make sure to check out his guides! ❤
I'd also like to thank the following people for helping me improve my guide even more: |

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April 20, 2024:

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