League of Legends (LoL) Question: How viable are these champions for climbing low elo?
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Miss Fortune

How viable are these champions for climbing low elo?
Hi, sorry if this is a bad question or anything. I've just started league and I'm ok at it, not that good though. I'm close to being able to play ranked (level 28 now) and I was wondering what the best champions to climb low elo are as of right now. I think I'll be put in Bronze and my goal is to climb to Gold 5 or Silver 1.
I want to ask about these champions:
- Soraka: I like her, I like playing support, she's easy to play and I like endless healing and poke. She's starting to get a little boring because of her passiveness though
- Xayah: I can't carry with her but her kit is very interesting; I'm not that good at her but by all means if she's good at climbing Bronze to Gold, I'll improve on my skills with her
- MF: I like her art, I like her kit but my friends say she's horrible for climbing. I just want more opinions on her. Is she okay?
- Nami and Lulu: I haven't tried them yet but they sound cool and they're support, so...
- Caitlyn: her kit is safe, she has an escape but her mid-game is average (I think) but I like her because she's safe, is she ok to climb with?
If there are other good champions to climb low elos with, please tell me! I just don't like melee champions or jungle.
Thank you!
I want to ask about these champions:
- Soraka: I like her, I like playing support, she's easy to play and I like endless healing and poke. She's starting to get a little boring because of her passiveness though
- Xayah: I can't carry with her but her kit is very interesting; I'm not that good at her but by all means if she's good at climbing Bronze to Gold, I'll improve on my skills with her
- MF: I like her art, I like her kit but my friends say she's horrible for climbing. I just want more opinions on her. Is she okay?
- Nami and Lulu: I haven't tried them yet but they sound cool and they're support, so...
- Caitlyn: her kit is safe, she has an escape but her mid-game is average (I think) but I like her because she's safe, is she ok to climb with?
If there are other good champions to climb low elos with, please tell me! I just don't like melee champions or jungle.
Thank you!
She is actually really good for that purpose. Because in lower elo there tend to be more situations where you can just ult a team that is clustered together and kill them all.
I agree with @ orrvaa that you should stick to adc for now. Learning macro is also very important, BUT you should learn how to cs properly as this can get you ahead even without kills.
You will get more gold and be able to get to your key items faster!
You should be aiming at 70 cs around 10 minutes as a starting goal! ^^
She has a pretty straight forward kit which is very easy to master once you have played a handful of games with her. Also she has a lot of poke potential and depending on the item build, she can dish out a ton load of damage, winning most of your games and helpful for climbing lower ELO too.
On a personal note, I started playing ADC
And like Psiguard said if you do play Soraka learn to apply pressure with her autos and Q, don't rely on your heal a lot since passivity won't get you anywhere if you want to carry. Nami and Lulu are better at applying pressure though imo and both deal more damage and have great utility/peel so I'd go with either of them over Soraka personally.
AP supports, namely Zyra, Brand and Morg, are in good spots right now if you're looking for other options. They're not like Soraka/Nami and the like but with a few games I think you'll be able to play them just fine. You just need to learn how much damage you do, so that you know when you can take fights and when you have to back off.
Also you say you will get placed into Bronze? Why do you say that?
I was thinking the same, but I'll stick to Soraka for now so I can get even better at her. Do you think Nami is a particularly hard champion to play or anything? What about Lulu? I was also thinking about Morgana. I tried Zyra and she's not really my type, Brand is melee so he's already out of the question (but he is pretty good). I'll definitely try them out when they come in free rotation.
I just feel like my skill in general would put me in Bronze and I don't think I'm that good because I get carried by my team a lot. I also read some things (I took it with a grain of salt but it's still in the back of my head) about the placement matches; the number of games you have to win to be put into something above bronze (I think above 5?) seems a little daunting.
Lulu might be a little harder to play since some of her abilities have dual use, depending on whom you cast them. Like your E is useful for the E-Q combo but you also want it for the shield etc. You'd need to play her a bit before you figured out when it's right to use which ability etc. But she's very fun and rewarding to play :)
Morg is pretty easy to play as well, you just need to learn how to time her E, hit her Q and get some experience with using her ultimate. She's one of my personal favourites but I think some people might consider her a bit boring.
Brand is actually ranged, I think you must have confused him with someone else! So you could give him a go next time he's free. He can be really fun to play considering how much damage you do. You can really carry a lane with his DPS, especially in low elo.
If you think your skill level is at bronze, why not wait a little while before jumping into ranked? I know people are really excited to start ranked at level 30, but there's no drawback to waiting and the likelihood of getting placed higher drastically increases. Plus, there are so many people in bronze/silver (roughly 65% of all league players) and it can be very frustrating to play in that elo and quite challenging to get out of it.
I would wait at least until you are comfortable on two roles and with a handful of champions in each. Do you play normal draft or blind? If you still play blind or bots, be sure to get in a few dozen draft games before getting into ranked since, while definitely more lax, the environment is a lot closer to ranked than blind games are.
Yeah I only realised I mixed him up with Braum when you pointed it out. I've also seen Morg and Brand go mid sometimes (and Zyra) is that common among AP supports? Are they really good in mid too?
Yes, I still play blind. Draft intimidates me a little bit but I guess I'll have to try it out soon. I'm most comfortable with adc and support right now. Completely unrelated to the topic of the question but do you have any tips for playing draft?
Thank you!
Yeah they sometimes go mid. Karma and Morg are decently strong mid lane right now. Brand's always been fine, but more popular bot lane. Zyra might be better now since she got buffed, but I haven't seen her mid lane in a long time.
When playing draft it takes a little longer to get into the game. Outside of that I think every part of it is better than blind pick. There's less arguing because everyone's gotten their role assigned to them. You can ban out really annoying champions like, if you play Nami Lulu and Soraka, Blitzcrank or say LB, Zed, Yasuo etc. You tend to play against players of a slightly higher caliber and who are more serious, so you'll improve more through draft than blind pick.
It can be a bit of a transition, but I think you need to get comfortable with draft before you move on to ranked for sure. I think after a dozen games or so you won't feel intimidated anymore.
Ultimately you should be able to climb with any of these champions, you'll just have to practice the picks you want to play. I recommend focusing on one or two champions per role as you'll learn a lot faster than if you play 3-4 champions per role.
Perhaps a good place to start would be practicing
I also think I'm starting to get pretty decent at Soraka, should I start practicing a new support once I master her? I was thinking about Nami but I'm not sure since I heard she's a difficult champ, her cc is hard to land and she can run out of mana quickly in lane.
i would suggest you to stick to the adc until then, just try to practice 1 to 2 champions so you will be able to learn more about the macro (when to roam, when to take objectives) game and less worry about the mirco (farming, knowing what you champ can and cant do)
I will definitely take your advice, thank you!
But just one thing, don't take a champion that you play not good just to take a champion that contribute to the team combo, better to have a champion that you good with.