League of Legends (LoL) Question: How viable is jungle Garen now that the 5.16 changes are out?
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How viable is jungle Garen now that the 5.16 changes are out?
I've seen jg Garen played before, and while some of his ganks against enemies that cant escape were good, his ganks(that I have seen) generally don't work and his camp clear was mediocre at best. However, with the new passive in his ultimate in this patch,I'm wondering if jg Garen is any more plausible. The Dead man's plate helps a lot with his movement speed and his ultimate's passive seems like it would help him with ganking certain targets, I'm not sure if it's enough...
0 cc no instant gap close and **** scaling = not so good. ofc u can play him if u want he def works ok just like any other meh jungler.