League of Legends (LoL) Question: hybrid attack speed diana?
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Guinsoo's Rageblade
Hextech Revolver
Nashor's Tooth

hybrid attack speed diana?
Ive been messing around with some attack speed diana builds. namely with nashors and guinsoos being my core items. the dps on it is good late game, especially if you build a roa for survivability. maybe throw a rylais in there somewhere. the biggest downside ive found is the cost of the build as its pretty pricey. overall its an interesting non meta way to play her, and ive found decent success with it in solo que. any thoughts?
In the end it's just a subpar build, but if you find it fun, play it to your heart's content. After all, League of Legends is a game.
But hey, if you enjoy playing it, play your heart out.
Guinsoo I don't know, way too much attacking and Diana blows up anyone. Furthermore it scales with bonus attack damage and AP. It feels like you're wasting some power and as well some stats.
She has pretty good base damage and the scaling on her passive is also good, so there's is no need for guinsoo. Just go for AP and AS.
I think the best build for mid lane diana is:
RoA/Abbyssal->Nashor's Tooth->Lucidity boots (unless they are totally squishy, go for sorcerer's shoes)->Rabadon's Deathcap->Void Staff->Rylai's Crystal Scepter (Zhonya's hourglass if you really need it, so pricey :( ...)