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League of Legends (LoL) Question: I need Fizz Ss4 or Ss5 Top Tank ?? I can't find it

Posted in Items | Tags: Fizz Frostfire Gauntlet 2,287

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    I need Fizz Ss4 or Ss5 Top Tank ?? I can't find it

    I remember there was a way to build Fizz-resistant in lane but I have no way of finding it. Please someone help
  • Answers (1)

    0Banda (19) | March 21, 2021 5:56pm
    Here are the six top-lane tank fizz guides I found in season 5:
    Fizz guide 1,
    Fizz guide 2,
    Fizz guide 3,
    Fizz guide 4,
    Fizz guide 5,
    Fizz guide 6
    Guides number 3 and 4 contain Frostfire gauntlet, that might help you, I hope this resolved your problem
    Vn.LeonaS10 (1) | May 20, 2021 5:24pm
    cảm ơn người anh em
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