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League of Legends (LoL) Question: I tried to put secondery tree on right side and can't type it

Posted in Runes 2,456

  • V1kt0r555

    I tried to put secondery tree on right side and can't type it

    I am currently improving my guides and I want to add runes to every single matchup if can. I have managed to make primary rune on left side but I can't make secondary tree and stats on right side with codes. Does anyone know how to do this or is it possible? I have a picture how it looks. I want now secondary tree on right side:
  • Answers (1)

    Katasandra (101) | August 30, 2022 10:39pm
    This is certainly possible using columns/tables/responsive columns. I recommend using either a table or a responsive column as these give you the ability to control the vertical alignment of the side-by-side elements. In the spoilers you can find the codes that should do the job.


    responsive column

    These two look slightly different at first glance, but once you start putting content in them they should do (roughly) the same thing. It's up to your preference on which one to use for this.

    Finally, in case you are wondering on how this can be done with (regular) columns:

    V1kt0r555 (2) | August 31, 2022 11:16am
    Ok so I have managed to do that but I don't know how to make space between runes. I also want to make colourful circle around rune which players will choose. I have this photo:. Is it possible?
    Katasandra (101) | September 1, 2022 10:22am
    This is also possible. You can make circles around stuff by using either responsive columns or tables. An example in the spoiler below:


    However, when using this the alignment of the icons will (probably) change. I don't know what kind of code you currently use to create a rectangular grid of icons (maybe none?). To ensure that the runes don't go all over the place you'll need to create another column/table/responsive column. This is similar to the 'outer' table in the sense that rather than putting rune trees in different cells, you put the runes themselves in different cells. You can then also 'automatically' fix the spacing by adding padding/additional cells inbetween the runes.

    Arguably, columns are the fastest/easiest way to do this. Personally I prefer using tables for this, so I don't end up with a gigantic mess consisting of multiple nested objects.

    I hope this helps you to code this. If you get stuck you can ask more questions and/or if you want the 'easy' way out, I can also code it for you (in the code type you request).
    V1kt0r555 (2) | August 31, 2022 9:03am
    Ok, I will try that soon. Thanks for giving tips.
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