So YOU want to learn how to DOMINATE your games with Zed?
Or are you just looking for way more information on and around Zed than you'll ever need?
You've come to the right place!
About me
I go by GreenReapers. I started playing League in mid S7 and started playing
Zed around S8 (god i'm old). I'm currently sitting in Emerald 3 and at 1.2 Million Mastery Points.
I wanted to write this guide to help others getting into
Zed to have an easier time than I did starting out and seeing as i've played him for a while, to share some of my amassed knowledge. Maybe even some of you other
Zed mains learn something from this. This is supposed to be an in depth guide, so there will be a lot of information.
I wil try to respond to comments/questions as I see them.
HF and shoot me a message if you need something :D
Table of Contents
Summoners Learn about when which summoners are good! |
Runes Detailed descriptions on runes. Mix and match Primary and Secondary trees! |
Builds When to buy what and why it's good |
Combos bread and butter- aswell as fancy combos |
Flash Ignite
Flash and
Ignite is a setup you wanna take, when you can kill in the early game.
Flash also let's you do some fast combos to surprise the enemy, like WQWF-AA. The antiheal additionally helps against the likes of
Sylas and
Flash Teleport
-Important Info-
In my experiece, most people under plat aren't that good at spacing or make much more mistakes in lane, which makes
Ignite the superior choice. However, if you feel like you keep getting poked out of lane I encourage you to take
Teleport is necessary against strong poke champs, who can whittle you down easily, while you don't have much kill pressure.
Hwei and
Orianna are perfect examples of this, as they have high kill pressure on you and can space/survive your poke with their shield- and
Movement Speed abilities.
Flash Cleanse
Cleanse is very useful against High CC comps, which deter you from killing their backline.
Cleanse can be taken to counter
Lissandra's Ult/CC aswell as Zoes bubble. I definetly recommend it for the
Lissandra Matchup.
If you know the
Zoe matchup well enough, you can take ignite, if you dont deem it necessary.
Teleport Ignite
This setup aims to give you the most amount of uptime in lane with
Teleport, while not sacrificing
Ignite's kill pressure and antiheal. This comes at the cost of loosing
Flash, rendering
Flash combos unusable. You will have to rely on your W
Living Shadow and R
Death Mark and pure sidestepping skills to dodge key abilities, consequently making this setup harder to use for newer players, but rewards good plays with massive kill and cross-map pressure.
I higly encourage you to mix and match runes and if you think the situation calls for it, maybe go
Inspiration or
Domination, which I didn't list here as secondary. This section is supposed to give you a framework to explore runes and what works for you! I've listed example rune builds that I personally use ingame at the beginning of the guide, aswell as my reasoning here, if you want to stick to my opinion of the best runes.
I have compiled all the rune details into the tabs under the 'Main Pages' and 'Secondaries' sections of the rune section. You will find additional information on why and when the runes are taken, aswell as options to switch to.
Bulletpoints: Mainpages
+ high burst |
- bad extended fights |
+ good against squishies and for single target elimination |
- bad against tankier and/or multiple opponents |
+ enables easier snowball |
- falls off harder if you don't snowball |
+ gold generation for scaling |
- worse early damage than Electrocute |
+ decent against squishies aswell as tanks |
- if it get's proc'd before you enter a fight, you essentially loose out on damage |
+ even bad matchups with lost cs become playable |
- relies on your skill to get it off without it proccing first. can be detrimental in lane. |
+ good extended trades, aswell as decent burst when stacked |
- really low burst, when not stacked |
+ incredible staying power in teamfights against tanks and squishies |
- worse for fast single target elimination than Electrocute or First Strike |
+ enables bruiser Zed |
- forces you to play around conqueror stacks (this is more of a neutral point) |
Main Pages

Electrocute details
Primary: Domination |
Electrocute is the standard Assassin Keystone. It gives Zed a better burst and greater kill pressure against squishy targets.
Since he can proc it with his standard WEQ poke combo, he can proc it more reliantly from range than other assassins, adding to his poke.. Additionally, the burst synergises very well with the %damage stack from Death Mark. |
Taste of Blood is an all around useful rune. It gives you more sustain for your weak early game, and gives you later on more staying power and survivability, since the heal scales. In matchups, where the early sustain is not needed and you can go for all-ins often, you can swap this for Sudden Impact. It get's triggered by Zed's W Living Shadow and R Death Mark. His constant shadow swapping makes getting value from this rune quite easy. |
Eyeball Collection helps you accelerate your snowball potential, by giving you stacking AD per takedown. I find Ghost Poro to be a suitable replacement when you have to be mindful of the enemy jungler, since it provides extra vision, or don't think you'll get many kills early. Zombie Ward however is, if you don't play in higher elo too inconsistent, due to the need for enemy wards. |
Ultimate Hunter is without a doubt the best 4th slot Domination rune for Zed. He relies heavily on his R Death Mark to burst down his enemies and with the extra ultimate ability haste, he can often use it to force resources like Flash from enemies, or trading ults, while maintaining a low cooldown to get them the next time. Treasure Hunter can accelerate your snowball and Relentless Hunter can help with roaming, but I don't think it mesures up to the sheer value you get from simply taking
Ultimate Hunter. |
First Strike

First Strike details
Primary: Inspiration |
First Strike is a great middleground between the combat abilities of Conqueror and the burst of Electrocute. Due to the gold it generates it's a great rune for matchups which are either very oppressive early, or against targets who you can't reliably kill before you get some gold. Malphite is a perfect example of the latter, as you cannot kill him early, but what you can do, is poke him for gold with this rune, keeping up even though you'll usually loose cs, until you can kill him! |
Magical Footwear is a simple rune. The extra Movement Speed isn't all that important, though it is nice to have. The 300 gold it saves are very valuable. I prefer it over Cash Back, as even though it will save you more money over time you'll have an easier time getting your first power spike if you don't have to worry about boots.
Some matchups like Xerath or Ahri, either hard poke champs or those with a key ability to dodge make early boots a good buy, in which case Cash Back is the superior choice. |
Triple Tonic is the only rune in this slot really suitable for Zed. At lvl 3 you get a nice gold boost with Elixir of Avarice. At lvl 6 you get a Elixir of Force, increasing your combat abilities on your lvl 6 powerspike, which increases your kill pressure and allows you to surprise enemies with your burst. Lastly, at lvl 9 you get an Elixir of Skill, which gives you a skill point, simply increasing your damage by a bit, as you'll put it in your E Shadow Slash at this point. |
Cosmic Insight is the easier option here, since it simply allows you to use your summoner spells more often, making you either harder to kill or granting you higher kill/map pressure, depending on the summoners you chose.
Jack of all Trades is a suitible replacement, if you plan on going for a 2 item spike, which gives you 5 different stat. Note, that percentage increases count as different stat, so if you go for a squishy killer build like Voltaic Cyclosword into Opportunity, you'll have 5 stacks, granting you 6 AD and 5 ability haste.
However only take Jack of all Trades if you want to go for a 2 item spike. Otherwise Cosmic Insight gives more value, as it starts already activated and gives about the same gold value. |

Conqueror details
Primary: Precision |
Zed can stack Conqueror rather fast after he gets his R Death Mark with his triple Q Razor Shuriken. Even before that, it is the best rune when going for long trades and allows you to reliably punish very early mistakes by running the enemy down, if they stay too close to your shadow while far away from their turret. Conqueror also scales very well into the lategame, giving you high damage potential when keeping it stacked. Zed usually needs to disengage after using his abilities, but with Conqueror you can stay in combat while being rewarded for keeping it at max stacks.
Additionally it enables bruiser Zed, if you like that playstyle or your team needs you to be a bit more of a fighter. |
Presence of Mind is works rather well on Zed, since his Energy is limited to 200. This rune is especially useful in situations with more than one enemy nearby, as it allows you to have an easier time to get out with the extra Energy and Energy restore burst on kill. It can also help to finish off an enemy when you start to run low on Energy and makes managing it easier. If you need sustain Absorb Life helps you to survive harder lanes, so long as you get some last hits. |
The introduction of Legend: Haste made the Precision tree way more attractive to Zed, since he loves Ability Haste. It even gives 5 more Ability Haste at full stacks than Transcendence, which is just great. To conclude, it's a nice allrounder rune and is simply better in most situations on Zed than Legend: Alacrity. |
Cut Down is essentially a better scaling Scorch. The early game damage is negligable, but once you get to around level 9 and your first Item it starts do deal really good damage. It increases your late game combo damage by around 150-200 on squishier targets, wich is substantially more, than Scorch's 40 damage. Additionally, Cut Down's damage increase scales into the percentage damage form your R Death Mark, increasing your damage further. |

Precision details
Secondary: Precision |
Absorb Life is a great lane sustain rune. It does help when you need just that little bit of extra sustain, but don't want to sacrifice too much damage potential with Resolve as secondary. The only thing you'll have to do is being able to last hit :D |
Since Legend: Haste gives more Ability Haste than Transcendence it makes for a even better rune secondary, when you're able to take Precision over Sorcery. For more Information on the rune intself look under the Conqueror main page section. |
Legend: Alacrity only really shines, if you permanently go for extended trades/all in's against champions, that can't hold you off of them very well and doesn't support your abilities. Makes your splitpush better, due to faster tower taking. I personally don't like it that much, but some Zed enjoy the extra Attack Speed. |
Cut Down works very well as a secondary, as it increases your burst potential and scales. For more Information on the rune intself look under the Conqueror main page section. |
Last Stand is especially good when going for extended trades against melee champions and in combination with Conqueror. The rune only starts to increase your damage once you're below 60% of your maximum health, so taking heavy trades early is an advantage for you. Additionally, Last Stand is able to outdamage Cut Down, as it maxes out at 30% max healt with 11% increased damage and doesn't deactivate on your target dropps low. Also, it can help you win those close, longer melee fights with the increased damage. |

Sorcery details
Secondary: Sorcery |
I take Nimbus Cloak really only with Conqueror and Scorch, as it helps you to extend your trades. For example, after engaging with your WEQ in the early game and AAing your oppponent you can use Ignite for more kill pressure and more importantly, to extend your trade with the Movement Speed from Nimbus Cloak. It allows you to stay chase after your enemy while weaving in AAs. |
Nullifying Orb is really great against high ap teams or ap burst champs. I prefer taking Transcendence and Scorch. |
Zed relies heavily on his abilities. Especially his W Living Shadow has a long cooldown, which is, why the free ability haste from Transcendence is a massive help, especially with the removal of widespread ability haste with the assassin item reworks. Moreover, Zed can oftentimes burst someone in teamfights and get out easier due to the cooldown reduction on his basic abilites on takedown. |
Scorch helps you poke down your enemy, getting them into your kill range faster. Also, Scorch adds about another second to shield timers like Malphite's Passive Granite Shield and Malzahar's Passive Void Shift, since it triggers one second after the first damage instance.
In combination with Nimbus Cloak and Conqueror, the extra damage helps secure early kills. |

Minor rune details
This guide chapter will explain your standard itemization, aswell as situational items.
Zed is not as heavily reliant on building the correct items, as you'll still find oppotunities to look for assassinations, especially in chaotic teamfights. Choosing the correct items however, can be a tremendous help and will make your success more consistent.
First item options
Voltaic Cyclosword gives 3 stats Zed wants. Attack Damage,
and Ability Haste, making it a good first item already. The real benefit this item provides comes from it's passive, dealing 100 physical damage and applying a 99% Slow on auto attacking while being fully energized. This slow makes it incredibly easy to hit your combos, while also providing additional burst.
This is best bought first against squishy teams, the less mobility abilities they have, the more of an impact your slow will make, as they can't use something like Distortion or Spirit Rush to dodge your Razor Shuriken. |
Eclipse is a very safe option. You easily get value from it's passive, damaging the enemy for 6% of their maximum health on hitting them 2 times within 1.5 seconds, aswell as granting you a shield. Playing around the cooldown of it is key when wanting to utilize Eclipse to it's full potential, letting you mitigate damage while dishing out more yourself.
This Item is especially good against champions with high burst potential, such as other assassins, melee champions and tankier targets. You can also pivot to building it in other matchups when you feel you are getting bursted rather easily, providing you with more survivability, if you wish to trade that for
that is, as Eclipse gives Attack damage and Ability Haste only.
Also this is your goto when playing bruiser Zed. |
Youmuu's Ghostblade is an option to go, when you feel like you either need the extra Movement Speed to catch up to your opponent or for roaming. Especially when you're on a tight schedule it helps for the latter.
The passive Movement Speed can also help in dodging skillshots and spacing against, while the active ability can grant you the same abilities while in combat or on the run. |
Opportunity is a solid option aswell. In my opinion it's a very underrated item. The movement speed on kill is not what makes it good, it is it's passive ability preparation, granting you 5-10 extra
for 3 seconds after damaging an enemy champion, after being out of combat for 8 seconds. Since it scales with level, and the passive stat only starts to increase after level 8, it's much better suited for a second item slot, however it can still be very powerful choice, if you need more damage, as Zed is very good at keeping his distance and making use of the passive for trades. |
Hubris has the advantage of giving you Ability Haste, which the other 2 do not, however you'll only get real value from it's passive if you're quite fed. Otherwise Youmuu's Ghostblade and
Opportunity are more reliable options. If you choose this Item, you will have to keep killing the enemies, to consistently get it's passive to proc. |
Situationals and Itemization

If you go Eclipse or a Serrated Dirk item first, you'll still mostly want to take Voltaic Cyclosword second, as the slow can be very useful in hitting your combos or when playing against squishier targets but you were forced on an eclipse buy because of your matchup. For more details on the item click here or see under 'First item options.' |
Opportunity is a very good second item on Zed, as he can reliably make use of it's passive, giving him insane damage against squishy targaets. For more infromation on the item click here or see under 'First buy Serrated Dirk options.' |
You usually want to get Edge of Night, when you're struggling with the crowd control abilities of the enemies. It's spell shield allows you to remain mobile for longer when going up against multiple crowd control abilities, aswell as survive longer due to the health it provides. As exchange it's damage stats are worse than those of other
items. |
Serpent's Fangis very good against any type of shield. Karma, Lulu or even bruisers like Sett will hate you for buying this item. Generally speaking, if the enemies have more than one character with problematic shields, or a high priority target has access to one you'll want to buy this. |
Axiom Arc is another good item for snowballing. If you feel like you need you ultimate Death Mark more to carry teamfights, build this. It refunds some of your the cooldown of your ultimate on an enemies death within 3 seconds of damaging them. If you're already fed this helps you carry drawn out teamfights and increases your overall pressure, as your Death Mark is your strongest ability. Also it's one of the few
items that also give Ability Haste adding to it's value for Zed |
Profane Hydra is a really good late game buy. It's rather expensive, which is why you usually don't want to buy it early, but can be good mid game, when the enemies are hard to kill.
It's active ability let's you deal high (scaling!) damage in a circle around you, increasing your burst and teamfight damage. Also, as any other Tiamat item, it improves your splitpush capabilities by giving you better waveclear. |
This is the Armor penetration item you'll want to buy most of the time. It provides
, Ability Haste and Attack Damage.
At full build it will give you approximately 35% Armor penetration, making it almost as strong of a penetration item as Lord Dominik's Regards.
This item is best when the enemies aren't 3 or more full tanks, but have a respectable amount of armor, as it also gives you more lethality, increasing your kill pressure on their squishies. |
Lord Dominik's Regards is an item that you buy, when the enemy has 3 or more full tanks or are very hard to kill due to armor items. The crit stat is mostly useless on Zed, so you're essentially wasting gold, but sometimes, wasting that gold is necessary.
Serylda's Grudge also needs other item's to scale it's Armor penetration, while Lord Dominik's Regards gives you 40% no matter what, which is why the latter is better in situations like these. |
Mortal Reminder is another very specific item. Usually you don't want to be the one getting grievous wounds, however if the enemies heal a lot and your team simply does not want to get healing reduction, sometimes you don't have a choice but to sacrifice your gold for this item. |
This item is really good against high ap teams and burst mages. Especially if you fall behind against champions like LeBlanc or Ekko this item can help you survive their burst more easily, while farming up. If you plan on buying Maw of Malmortius you will want to have it's component Hexdrinker lie around your inventory for the majority of the mid game, while only finishing it to the completed item, after you don't have other items left to build or you already have enough damage, but need more suvivability against ap damage sources.
Note that this item will also grant you 10% omnivamp until you leave combat for the first time after it's passive magic damage shield triggers. |
Death's Dance is only good against other attack damage Assassins or high attack damage bruisers. It's passive, defy pain, allows you to survive their burst by converting 30% of the damage dealt into damage over time, dealt to you in 2 seconds, while you have the opportunity to burst them down. If they die within 3 seconds of being damaged by you, you'll cleanse all remaining stored damage and heal additionally, scaling with your attack damage. |
Sterak's Gage fills out a similar role as Death's Dance, providing you with survivability, this time by giving you a shield on falling below 30% health. While the item stats on the latter are better, the former provides health and
, making it a good option against teams with high crowd control potential and protecting you from burst. |
On Assassin Zed, your
second Item should always be a Lethality Item, unless you really need to pivot to
Eclipse for survivability or to an
Armor Penetration item against armor stack.
Good options are:
Voltaic Cyclosword,
Youmuu's Ghostblade,
Edge of Night,
Serpent's Fang,
Serylda's Grudge,
Lord Dominik's Regards
third item can either be another lethality item, or a
Armor penetration item.
Armor penetration starts to get generally good around this point, as the base armor reaches around 80 to 90, before deduction of your lethality.
Good options are:
Youmuu's Ghostblade,
Edge of Night,
Serpent's Fang,
Axiom Arc
Profane Hydra,
Serylda's Grudge,
Lord Dominik's Regards
As your
fourth item you should always look to get
Armor penetration if you don't already have it. Otherwise you can reliably build more Items based on the situation.
Good options are:
Youmuu's Ghostblade,
Edge of Night,
Serpent's Fang,
Profane Hydra,
Axiom Arc,
Death's Dance,
Sterak's Gage,
Maw of Malmortius,
Serylda's Grudge,
Lord Dominik's Regards,
Mortal Reminder
finish your item build same as before applies. I will point out, that at this point you should
always already have built
Armor penetration. Otherwise look what you think is the best item for the situation! If you still think you need your
Hexdrinker in case you built it then now is the last chance to upgrade it!
Good options are:
Youmuu's Ghostblade,
Edge of Night,
Serpent's Fang,
Profane Hydra,
Axiom Arc,
Death's Dance,
Sterak's Gage,
Maw of Malmortius

Disclamer: Items that I've already explained under the Assassin tag, will have a similar description, but I will focus more on how useful they are for bruiser Zed.
Black Cleaver is THE penetration item for bruiser Zed. It gives you Ability Haste, Attack Damage and health for survivability while reducing the enemies armor, increasing your damage. Note, that you will stay in fights longer when playing bruiser Zed, making it easier to stack Black Cleaver on a target to maximize your damage. |
Sundered Sky is another Ability Haste, Attack Damage and health Item. It's passive makes it especially useful, as it increases your damage with a 175% damage auto attack and improves your staying power by healing you.
Zed can utilize the passive rather well, by constantly switching targets using his high mobility to maximize passive value. |
The last of the 3 viable Ability Haste, Attack Damage and health items. Spear of Shojin simply increases your ability damage by 3% per stack, up to 12% at max, 4 stacks. You gain these for 6 seconds by damaging an enemy champion with an ability, making it very easy for Zed to stack it. Since you will continously be hitting enemies with your abilities, Zed has no problem of keeping this extra damage until out of combat. |
You usually want to get Edge of Night, when you're struggling with the crowd control abilities of the enemies. It's spell shield allows you to remain mobile for longer when going up against multiple crowd control abilities, aswell as survive longer due to the health it provides. The extra health is more valuable on bruiser Zed, as you'll be fighting longer. |
Serpent's Fangis very good against any type of shield. Karma, Lulu or even bruisers like Sett will hate you for buying this item. Generally speaking, if the enemies have more than one character with problematic shields, or a high priority target has access to one you'll want to buy this. |
Axiom Arc is another good item for snowballing. If you feel like you need you ultimate Death Mark more to carry teamfights, build this. It refunds some of your the cooldown of your ultimate on an enemies death within 3 seconds of damaging them. If you're already fed this helps you carry drawn out teamfights and increases your overall pressure, as your Death Mark is your strongest ability. Also it's one of the few
items that also give Ability Haste adding to it's value for Zed. On the bruiser Variant you'll even be more likely to get it's passive to proc more often. |
Profane Hydra is a really good late game buy. It's rather expensive, which is why you usually don't want to buy it early, but can be good mid game, when the enemies are hard to kill.
It's active ability let's you deal high (scaling!) damage in a circle around you, increasing your burst and teamfight damage. Also, as any other Tiamat item, it improves your splitpush capabilities by giving you better waveclear.
On Bruiser Zed you'll get even more Value from this Item. In prolonged fights you will be able to get the active off more often. |
This item is really good against high ap teams and burst mages. Especially if you fall behind against champions like LeBlanc or Ekko this item can help you survive their burst more easily, while farming up. If you plan on buying Maw of Malmortius you will want to have it's component Hexdrinker lie around your inventory for the majority of the mid game, while only finishing it to the completed item, after you don't have other items left to build or you already have enough damage, but need more suvivability against ap damage sources.
Note that this item will also grant you 10% omnivamp until you leave combat for the first time after it's passive magic damage shield triggers. |
On Assassin Zed Death's Dance is only good against other attack damage Assassins or high attack damage bruisers.
This only applies in part on Bruiser Zed. He can utilize the passive way more, as he stays in combat and doesn't get bursted down as easily, aswell as having access to heals through Conqueror and optionally Sundered Sky.
It's passive, defy pain, allows you to survive longer by converting 30% of the damage dealt into damage over time, dealt to you in 2 seconds. Together with your relatively good staying power this effectively increases your time in combat by quite a lot. If they die within 3 seconds of being damaged by you, you'll cleanse all remaining stored damage and heal additionally, scaling with your attack damage. |
Sterak's Gage fills out a similar role as Death's Dance, providing you with survivability, this time by giving you a shield on falling below 30% health. While the item stats on the latter are better, the former provides health and
, making it a good option against teams with high crowd control potential and protecting you from burst. It also only provides 60 attack damage at lvl 18 as it's passive scales off of your base attack damage. |
Guardian Angel can be a good item against high AD teams. I personally prefer Death's Dance, but in really late game fight situations, where someone just getting a free revive can decide the whole game, it becomes rather effective. Only buy if you think you'll really get value out of the revive, otherwise Death's Dance is simply better in my opinion due to the better stats and passive keeping you longer in fights. |
second item on Bruiser Zed should either be
Sundered Sky as the standard buy or
Black Cleaver if te enemy starts to get armor early.
third item is where itemization becomes more interesting. Here you have the options to itemize for specific situations.
Good options are:
Black Cleaver,
Sundered Sky,
Spear of Shojin,
Edge of Night,
Profane Hydra,
Edge of Night
fourth item is the latest point you should be getting
Black Cleaver If you don't have it yet, I urge you to get it. Otherwise
Serpent's Fang and
Axiom Arc start to get good.
Good options are:
Black Cleaver,
Profane Hydra,
Sundered Sky,
Spear of Shojin,
Sterak's Gage,
Death's Dance,
Serpent's Fang,
Axiom Arc,
Guardian Angel,
Maw of Malmortius
For your
last item building more situational items is good!
Good options are:
Profane Hydra,
Sundered Sky,
Spear of Shojin,
Sterak's Gage,
Death's Dance,
Serpent's Fang,
Axiom Arc,
Guardian Angel,
Maw of Malmortius
How to actually play
General Overview
Zed plays a lot less like traditional Assassins like
Qiyana or
Talon, in that he has less burst, while his playstyle is more like a control mage.
The best description I've seen yet was in a comment section, unfortunately I don't remember by who:
"Zed is a control mage, and his brand of control is murder."
- some random commenter
You want to play methodically, picking at the enemy and waiting for your opportunity to strike. That's true for laning aswell as teamfighting. When starting out, I encourage you to go for riskier plays. It helps you find your limits and let's you get a sense of what you can and can't do!
When you think you've got a good grasp on that, don't worry about your team pinging you and saying "just go in!", when you feel it won't be worth it. That's a misconception that many players have. Trust your instincts, as following calls like that usually gets you killed! I'm also guilty for falling for this rather often, haha.
Laning Phase
Level 1-2
The first 2 levels are very similar in most matchups.
When playing against ranged characters, you have to respect their early pressure, as they can wear you down with their autoattacks easily.
Let yourself get pushed, while trying to get as many cs for as little health lost as possible. You can do this by lasthitting with your Q
Razor Shuriken and of course walking up and taking the cs with autoattacks.
"But GreenReapers, you just said to respect their autoattacks!?"
Yes, and that's why you walk up, when they need to choose between hitting you and last hitting a minion. So keep their aswell as your minions health in check.
If one of them walks up far enough out of their champions range you can of course take it.
When playing against melees you can look for short trades, but most melee champs will be stronger than you if you overextend. Respect their trading power but don't be afraid to trade and lasthit, unless they clearly outmatch you.
Playing around your Keystones for early trades is essential, as they can make or brake a trade, aswell as influence your trading behaiviour. You're much more likely to win a extended trade using
Conqueror, but will reliably win more short trades with
Electrocute and
First Strike.
If you get pushed under tower at level 2 or you're actively fighting a melee champion taking E
Shadow Slash second is recommended.
Otherwise, when you can take W
Living Shadow at level 2 you should look for heavy trade opportunities, against targets with a weak early game.
Otherwise farm up!
Level 3-5
At level 3 you can actually start playing the game a bit! You've got your main combo WEQ unlocked. WEQ is great as it hits exactly
3 times, granting you the ability to proc
Electrocute from range.
Generally you can start playing more aggressively around these levels, chunking the enemies with your combos but note, that your W
Living Shadow has a rather long cooldown. You will have to play arond it, as your enemies will do so too, actively trading into you after it's down!
Level 6+
With your lvl 6 you have finally unlocked your strongest ability, R
Death Mark. It not only creates another
Living Shadow to swap to by recasting it, it also let's you blink to your target, becoming untargetable in the process, and put's the
Death Mark on them, dealing a flat amount + a %of the damage dealt while was acive on expiring.
This gives you a huge powerspike. You should be looking to kill even more proactively now, as you're starting to reliably be able to punish overextends with a kill and a lvl 6 advantage, commiting right when you get your level up while your enemy is still lvl 5 can oftentimes lead to an easy kill, if you're in a position to do so.
The additional pressure also makes it easier for you to commit to all ins, jungle skirmishes or roams. In some scenarios it's also worth it to commit your R
Death Mark to force an enemy out of lane, to free you to move around the map or make them loose a big wave and lane priority.
Trading Patterns
There's a classic mistake people make against Zed, which is stepping up after you've thrown your combo while far away from their own tower. Say, you throw a WEQ into a mage when they're in your half of the lane. You hit maybe one of the Q's and they think:
"hey, he's thrown his abilities, let's go for a return trade while they're down"
Wrong! As soon as they step forward and your W
Living Shadow is behind them, you can swap to it and run them down with autoattacks and your abilities.
This works especially well level 2-5, even without your E and can even lead to easy kills after lvl 6, as your R
Death Mark makes you even stronger.
standard trade is throwing WEQ at the enemy, chunking them and either backing off or using your shadow to pressure the enemy into staying farther away from the wave, while farming it, les't they get chunked by you as in the mistake explained before. After your W
Living Shadow expires you'll usually want to back off regardless, as they'll have an edge over you, when you don't have a
Living Shadow ready. Commiting with your R
Death Mark is nonetheless encouraged even if your W
Living Shadow is down, if you can find an opportunity to kill.
Mid Game
Your midgame plays like any other Assassin.
If you're ahead you want to actively pressure sidelanes, as the enemy either has to send a relatively strong tank or more than one person to rival you on the sidelane.
Note that picking
Conqueror makes your sidelaning stronger due to a longer lane, leading to longer trades.
If you're behind, you want to catch sidewaves when it's safe and try not to overextend, as you'll get picked off rather easily.
On your downtime, when you can't push a sidelane or you notice a teamfight is starting to brew on the map you want to do something called
This simply means that you try to stay out of the enemies vision while being close enough to your team to look for assassinations or help out in teamfights.
Even if you don't get anything while shadowing your team, if you've done it in your downtime you have used your time effectively. Look to get back to a sidelane if there isn't a fight thats about to happen, when you can either farm again or if you have to catch a wave thats about to crash into your tower. The latter scenario is a more urgent case than the former, as you'll lose way more expierience and gold.
When objectives are up, you have to decide, wether you should put pressure on a sidelane to force someone to contest you or help your team at the objective fight. I generally recommend helping out your team, but if you don't think you can win the fight anyways, pushing a sidelane will probably get your team more value.
Teleport makes cross map pressure easier, as you can pressure a sidelane and instantly travel to the teamfight when your help is needed!
Taking the
Krug camp or
Gromp while your jungler is busy on the map and you don't see an opportunity to shadow your team aswell as you not being able to push your sidelane is recommende to keep up your cs.
Late Game
Your late game plays very much alike to your mid game. You'll still be on sidelane duty while shadowing your team at given opportunities, however the shadowing plays a much larger part at this stage of the game, as with ever increasing deathtimers, one teamfight can decide the outcome of a whole game.
Before doing something, taking a look at the map and your team can help you make the decision, wether you should group up or push a sidelane.
Catching side waves is s till important, so if you get the opportunity, you should still look to farm them.
I've already touched on the subject of Zed playing more like a control mage, than a typical Assassin.
As such you generally don't want to be the one engaging a fight. If you're fed enough to do so, great, get 'em, but if you aren't you don't want to do that.
If your tank gets a good engage and you can find an opportunity to kill the carry, that's good.
If people that should peel for the carry are kept busy elsewhere that's also a big plus.
And if you can find a carry who's currently being
crowd controlled you are sure to hit your combo.
Another scenario that happens quite often is you, throwing your combo into a group of enemies to get damage off, but not being ready to commit. Let your team fight for a few seconds, while you assess the situation from a few feet away and wait for the moment you can safely shut down a key player of their team.
When playing
Conqueror you have a lot more freedom to actively go in when playing teamfights, as you aren't quite as vulnerable when staying in combat. Don't be afraid to commit to more but keep in mind, that you're still
Zed and playing a bit more methodical helps you stay on top of the game!
Mid Lane fundementals
Mid lane fundementals are not the center point of this guide, but I will quickly go over them, and explain some of the most important things about them
Wave Control
Wave control is the process of manipulating the minion wave in such a way, that it gets you the most amount of expierience and gold, while giving as little to your opponent.
There are 3 basic concepts:
slow push, fast push and freeze/hold
slow pushing you aim to push your minion wave slowly towards the enemy tower. You achieve this by
stacking a waves, meaning you last hit and kill a minion once in a while, as you're pressuring your opponent away from the wave. This leads to your minions slowly gaining a numbers advantage over those of your opponent.
Slow pushing is generally used to generate lane priority. This means your opponent is now forced to stay under his tower and last hit the minions, otherwise he loses a ton of expierience and gold, while you are free to do something other than concentrate on your lane.
This might be roaming, warding, backing or being the first to move for jungle skirmishes. It can also be used to pressure a tower more easily or setting up a dive.
However, while in the process of slow pushing, you'll be longer farther away from your turret than when using other methods of pushing, resulting in you being vulnerable to ganks.
You can use this fact to your advantage by baiting the gank when you're confident you can escape or 2v1. However, turning this concept around you can force your opponents wave to slow push towards you, by pushing slightly slower than them.
This in turn forces them to step farther away from their tower, making them vulnerable to ganks aswell as extended engages by you!
fast pushing you want your wave to get as fast as possible under the turret of your enemy, to deny them minions when they are not there or force them to make the choice between sacrificing minions to back and staying in lane.
This is mostly used as a alternative to a slow push, when you have had no time to set one up, but still have to move for a fight, as a fast push also creates lane priority, although not one as strong as a slow push.
Another use case is as already said, forcing an opponent to stay in lane. This can be useful for stopping them from spending their gold or when you want to constantly put pressure on them, preventing them from moving themselves.ยด
Holding and
freezing a wave are 2 very similar, yet different concepts.
Holding a wave usually takes place right before a freeze.
When you hold a wave you sacrifice your own health by walking into a minion wave, preferably a small one of 3 or 4, to prevent them from crashing into your own turret. This leads to a slow push - like scenario on the opponents side, as they'll have to either step forward to pressure you under your turret, preventing the hold, or accept it and try to push the next wave under your tower, if they aren't in a position to pressure you enough. Alternatively they can also back, but will have to sacrifice a lot of minions for that.
Freezing starts if you manage to hold0 preferably 3 minions in front of your tower, while not letting your opponent push you, and as a result the 3 minions under your turret. When the next wave comes, by simply last hitting and in the best scenario pressuring your opponent away from the wave, you can hold it outside your tower.
This has multiple effects:
- If your enemy wishes to push the wave, they will have to walk far away from their tower, putting them at risk of being all inned by you or ganked by your jungler.
- By keeping them away from the wave, if yu have enough pressure to do so, you deny them exp and gold, putting them behind.
- If you're good at this you can keep it up indefinetly, until your enemy finally manages to pressure you away, or the enemy jungler helps them push the wave.
To quickly explain why you want to optimally have 3 or more minions, 2 are usually not enough for your wave to keep getting killed over and over before the next enemy wave approaches. The numbers advantage does not matter at this point, since you'll be last hitting minions, essentially creating a very slight push.
At 3, if no other possibility 4, minions you should be able to hold the freeze, for as long as possible.
If there are more than that you should clear them down to around 3, when you're looking to freeze the wave.
Roaming is at it's core the act of walking around the map to put pressure elsewhere on the enemy team. Sounds rather simple, right?
However, when roaming, be that to gank botlane, help your jungler invade or moving for a skirmish, you will always want to look at your wave state.
This is called roam timing. When you have lane priority you have to possibility to roam without losing too many minions, while getting gold and exp elsewhere and helping your team.
When doing this, you always want to try to get at least a bit more value than your lane opponent. If you don't, but your team gets good value, that's also fine, but be a bit more careful when fighting, considering the gold balance between you and your enemy laner.
Not getting any value from a roam is possibly the worst scenario, especially if you've sacrificed one or two waves to do so.
Yes, if you spot a very good roam, it can be worth it to miss out on waves for it! But it becomes very risky. If it doesn't work out you give your opponent a huge lead!

Warding is a very useful skill to have. It allows you and your team to gather information on the enemies positions to keep you safe.
The picture to the left shows some popular warding spots.
Generally speaking this is how these wards are used:
- Wards inside your own jungle or at the river border of your jungle are considered defensive wards. They protect your jungler from getting counterjungled and spot the enemy when they try to wrap around through your jungle to gank a lane. Additionally they provide some vision along the river, while being rather unlikely to be cleared themselves, however they ususally take at least some time to get set up.
- Wards at your lane brushes in comparison don't take much time to set up, but only protect you from being ganked. There is a exception to this, when going for a ward infront of the enemy turret. This prevents your opponent from leaving lane without you having info on which direction he went. Great when you're freezing the wave or the enemy likes to roam a lot.
- Wards inside the enemy jungle or at the river border to their jungle are considered agressive wards. These give you a lot of information on the enemies jungler and rotations, but due to the positioning in enemy territory they are more likely to be cleared when possible.
Ward timing is another rather important aspect to your lane. The enemy jungler will have full cleared around 2:30, so placing a ward around that time or having one ready is considered very good.
After that you should aim to place a stealth ward every 90 seconds on the side you think the enemy jungler is most likely to be at that time. Be that because of jungle tracking, having spotted them or simply intuition. Note, that when following this strategy you always try to keep a ward in reserve, so you can use it as needed, while using your other ward for active vision.
If you feel you need more wards control wards can be a good option, as you always look to place control wards around the map to deny vision.
I will update this as soon as I find the time, this should be in the next few days.
For a comprehensive overview of combos I recommend
Unfortunately some of the links to combo clips in the aforementioned guide are no longer working.
The combos are my favourite part about this Champion. The absolute variety you can choose from is insane. And as such, choosing the optimal-, or at least a good combo, for every situation is key to mastering Zed.
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