He will try to poke you with his Q, especially when you have First Strike up. Avoid getting chained by his W and he won't be able to all in. Make sure to get Thornmail or Morello
Poke her from distance and avoid her E. Level 6 don't walk up without your E ready, she has more room to all in you than on mid
He can kill you if he manages to all in. Watch his positioning, ward bushes if you can't see him, but not sure if he recalled or not. Focus on farming first and poking with Q second. Get Swifties early. After 1st item you're equal and have a chance to kill him
Dr. Mundo
His passive allows him to ignore your E entirely. Tanky and can poke you with Q and E. Keep distance and avoid his pokes - he's slow, but can catch you with his R move speed bonus, as well as tank your R by reacting. Focus on farm.
Can react to your E with her W. Very mobile, don't let her get close and all in you
Careful if he uses Q, be ready to use E and run. Keep your distance and try to farm
Her W allows her to ignore your E. Careful at level 6, she can easily engage with R and all in.
Big, slow, can't engage you. Avoid getting tentacle slapped or getting hit with her E. Focus on poking her level 4-5, you will either bully her out of lane, force enemy jungle to camp top, or get kills
Pray that her player isn't good. Focus on dodging her E, save flash for her R. Respect her engage distance and try to farm as much as you can.
Keep your distance and E on top of yourself as soon as he uses E and starts spinning. Usually you can disengage, but he has a strong all in, so be careful.
Very annoying. Cage him if he gets too close, poke with Q whenever possible. Stand behind minions to avoid getting poked by his Q
Bully her with pokes, use E if she tries to retaliate. Even if she scales into late game you can still E her and wait for her R to expire, then R her
Can R through your cage and ignore it. keep distance and focus on farm - dismounting Kled will only give him more move speed when running towards you.
Skill matchup. Don't let him poke you with his cheese wheel, if he's persistent then focus on poking him with Q. Save E for when you think he will R you - he can fly through it, but will still be stunned
Dodge his E and he will have nothing to engage you. Get Zhonya to wait out his R, you can cage him after and run away
Get swifties. Poke him with Q and don't let him farm. E him if he slows you and tries to all in.
His R ignores your cage. Avoid getting poked by his Q and be careful at level 6. Later you will be able to burst him before he bursts you
Tanky, but harmless. Avoid standing next to walls, focus on farming stacks. Buy Void Staff 3rd if he only builds MR items at first.
Respect his all in and don't get too close. If he gets desperate and tries to R behind you then put the border of your E cage where he's going to land and walk away. Don't get poked.
Double dash and stun will always come out faster than your E. His sustain allows him to ignore your poke. Focus on being safe, you will outscale him. If he won't let you farm minions, poke him when First Strike comes up.
Perma Ban. Only OTPs play her, dodge if you didn't ban her and she was picked.
Similar to Garen, but slightly harder. He can run closer with Q and pull you in with E. If you E him on the border of your cage after then you'll be able to get away. Save flash for when he flashes - he'll try to R you away from your tower. Get swifties.
He's tanky, can slow you and poke you with his Q. He's also pretty fast, you won't outrun him. His R ignores your cage. Dance around his abilities and farm - your scaling is better.
Your E stops his charge. Bully him and farm minions. He can still poke you with his rock throw, though.
Flash when he flashes to avoid his E combo. You outrange him and he has very little sustain. Farm your passive stacks on him.
Back away whenever he has Q3 ready. Watch your minion waves - he can dash to them if they're approaching when you run. His wall can eat your R as well.
Can be dangerous if the player is good (rare). If he uses E then cage him and run. Poke him with Q and get swifties. If you dodge his R and Q3 then he's not a threat
Annoying matchup. His zombies can block your Q and take little damage from it. Avoid his E, that's his only engage against you. Poke his wife if he's not careful with her - she gives as many passive stacks as a siege minion
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