Alistar is a good pick against champions like Blitzcrank, Rakan and Thresh.
You can block the hooks and knock ups by simply standing infront of your team.
they basically grab them selves into their own death because alistar can knock them up as he gets a free engage from the opponent.
Alistar has a simple kit. (kit: abilties)
hes easy to play but you have to learn when to go in.
when you are behind its a bad idea to start the fights as alistar.
when ahead its extremely easy to snowball by continously engaging fights.
Alistar is a good champ to make your adc stay at the lane and farm due to his passive , and also having a kit that makes him very useful to get kills. his only problem is he is not a support that protects his adc like thresh. Othervise he is one of my favourite support champs.
it's a solid pick if you know what you're doing , but i would recommend playing Ardent supports since they are currently in the meta and are most useful
it depends on which lane you're in. for the support, it might be good since it gives knock up and I think stun. for another lane, i don't think its good since Alister is more like a tank champion.
You can block the hooks and knock ups by simply standing infront of your team.
they basically grab them selves into their own death because alistar can knock them up as he gets a free engage from the opponent.
Alistar has a simple kit. (kit: abilties)
hes easy to play but you have to learn when to go in.
when you are behind its a bad idea to start the fights as alistar.
when ahead its extremely easy to snowball by continously engaging fights.