Is annie op?
Asked by the chaos bringer 00 on December 29, 2014
Last couple of games, I've noticed a rise in number of annie players. These players have ended up with more than 20 kills, EVERY SINGLE GAME. That makes me wonder, is she really op?
P.S. I am in silver, if that's of any relevance
That being said, if almost any champion gets 12 or more kills, they will seem completely overpowered.
Annie is highly immobile champion with mediocre range, so she can easily get punished by junglers like: Lee Sin, Jarvan IV, Xin Zhao.
long range mid laners like: Syndra, Xerath.
And yes, you being silver might have something to do with Annie(s) performing extremely well in your games.
Most major problem is, as Levask pointed out, her relatively short range, leaving her punishable by long-range mages in lane or hard-engage champions that she can't zero out.
First off; that tends to remind me of someone.........someone that looks like a rat, usually referred to as the devil, has an ungodly amount of mushrooms.....damnit! Who is that?
Secondly; how is she sweet? She's cute, I'll give her that, but sweet? Your talking about a pyromaniac two year old that apparently really enjoys the smell of burning human flesh. Again, how is that sweet?
Annie is a pretty low skill cap champion, put simply. This leads to her being a pretty safe pick to destroy players in said leagues who try to follow the pros and play high skill cap champions without really knowing how to use them efficiently / correctly. She loses a lot of effectiveness against a player who knows Annie's limits (such as her range, burst damage, etc.) and being ready for her flash combo.
Also, if it's any help, ganks will hurt her severely if successful (waste her flash, bring her low, kill her, etc.) She has a hard time bursting opponents if she's behind due to having lower gold > less ap and her opponent probably having more hp with level scaling and such. Also, ofc she'll be easier to kill with her opponent being ahead. Banshee's Veil will make her life miserable most of the time as well.
Her ability Summon: Tibbers is really great in combination with her passive Pyromania to start a teamfight.
Nonetheless you can counter her very hard with Banshee's Veil, Quicksilver Sash and Zhonya's Hourglass.
And she is still a champ you don't see often (at least i don't).
Yes she does a quite amount of damage and is a really great champ for beginners.If we compare Annie with Veigar, we can see that Veigar is really OP. With Annie you can't feed and still win your lane (only if you are playing against an AP Mid).
Another point is (that includes Veigar aswell) the remove of Deathfire Grasp.
She is still strong even without that item.
Summary: I won't say she is OP but a good Champion to win a game :D
Compared to say Anivia, who's also pretty easy, she has even higher range, more AoE damage, not as much but stronger CC, and most notably, a huge discrepancy in the amount of mana that they go through.
She is good against simile range/lower range champs because they get outranged when they go to farm, eating her stun and combo, and she can harass them with autos with greater ease.
Edit: "She" in the last sentence refers to Anivia. Sorry for the confusion.
Anivia isn't even remotely easy as a champion, she has the slowest particle ability in the game (Q) which demands skilled players to pop for twice the damage and her wall requires a lot of intelligence to use. She's also pretty immobile and can't deal well with assassins or divers.
A safe midlaner is a laner that can deal well with ganks and handles well a lot of laners. This includes - and isn't restricted to - LeBlanc (because of Distortion and a lot of lane power), post-6 Kassadin (riftwalk and also pretty good laner), post-6 Ahri ( Spirit Rush, manageable mana costs, passive), Zed (W, great trading power, strong lane presence), Morgana (not a common midlaner nowadays, but she can pretty much just cast W and pop E if ganked, plus her ult + Q peel really well), among others.