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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Is Ashe support viable?

Posted in Champions | Tags: Ashe 7,993

  • pref1x88

    Is Ashe support viable?

    So my question is: Is Ashe support viable and if not, are there any signs of her being viable support in season 11? I just got High Noon Ashe and I love this skin, but I don't play ADC, so I am wondering if I can play her as support. Thanks in advance.
  • Answers (4)

    princessharuko | November 12, 2020 7:32am
    hi,the problem with ashe support is that W scales with ad ,and ulti scales with ap,so you may build ap and your w is weak ,or you may build ad and your ulti doesnt do much damage(in oppose to mf supp:D which has ap and ad scale on both W and R), if you want to be supportive !!!!you can start building items wich gives grevius wound or old black cleaver which reduced the armor of the target.
    **** for rune page ,best rune page is arcane camet and ultimate hunter with cheap shot.
    **** the goal of ashe support is clear ; poke ,push lane take plate reset.
    EvoNinja7 (18) | November 16, 2020 4:16am
    hi,the problem with ashe support is that W scales with ad ,and ulti scales with ap,so you may build ap and your w is weak ,or you may build ad and your ulti doesnt do much damage(in oppose to mf supp:D which has ap and ad scale on both W and R), if you want to be supportive !!!!you can start building items wich gives grevius wound or old black cleaver which reduced the armor of the target.
    **** for rune page ,best rune page is arcane camet and ultimate hunter with cheap shot.
    **** the goal of ashe support is clear ; poke ,push lane take plate reset.

    Yeah but you cld build like a kayle would, a hybrid mage kind of build.
    NixLychee (6) | November 11, 2020 9:56pm
    Ashe support can certainly work, but I wouldn't recommend it. You have a lot of CC and utility, and can empower your allies if you take something like Font of Life.
    BIG DADDY WILL (16) | November 11, 2020 3:51pm
    I would not recommend it. She has scaling utility based on her critical strike chance. Therefore, she needs gold income to continue her utility scaling to the mid/late-game. You cannot obtain this gold income in the support role, unfortunately. You have poor scaling with support items as well.

    Of course, she does have decent base utility. A competent support player might find situations where it can succeed but I think it would still be a mediocre support pick. It is not guaranteed your marksman will have useful spells to chain off your slows. You would essentially become an ultimate stun bot.

    This is a bit unrelated but Ashe is a great marksman to play if you are learning ADC. If you are a support player you will likely recognize good times to execute your utility. It will still be difficult since you will need to learn how to farm, kite, and re-position, but I would still give it a try.
    Prate_k (24) | November 10, 2020 1:37pm
    She has support abilities, so I think if you have a strong early game damage dealer, for example draven or lucian, it could work well... just remember to ban champs like nautilus or alistar who can just walk up to you and there is nothing you can do if they get to you.
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