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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Is Gangplank's minion counter bugged?

Posted in Champions | Tags: Gangplank 4,213

  • OTGBionicArm

    Is Gangplank's minion counter bugged?

    I have witnessed this multiple times when playing Gangplank, sometimes the minion counter will reset or lower later in the game or in the post game stats. I recall one game going on long enough for me to have over 400 cs, and the post game showed 367. The game I just played I had over 200 CS and it reduced to 160 while I was still in the game.

    My theory is that this has something to do with the Barrels interacting with his Paaarley to waveclear, perhaps? If anyone has any solid explanation about this, I'd be much obliged.
  • Answers (4)

    PsiGuard (1495) | October 17, 2015 2:36pm
    I heard about this bug a while ago and it's not just with GP. Apparently it had something to do with taking jungle camps, which lowered/raised CS counts compared to lane CS.

    I really have no idea how it happens but apparently it's still a thing. :/
    OTGBionicArm (415) | October 17, 2015 2:40pm
    Oh. I only ever notice it on Gangplank.
    Night Logan | February 10, 2016 7:16am
    I guess it isn't a bug, since it happens in every GP games.
    If you buy the Cull, you'll see it happen too. The final count, as the passive of this item, is just about the minions (maybe jungle monsters too? dunno). But you can "farm" a barrel - and it'll be included in the counting, because if an enemy farms it, it'll give him gold. So, the difference is, I think, the number of barrels exploded.
    I'll try to count it in my next match to see if it applies!
    P.S.: Maybe the same thing happens when there is a Kalista and you farm the ghost, but the number of ghosts is not that high to make a notable difference.
    AndSuckIt | February 1, 2016 5:18am
    I had that same thing happen to me, over 400 cs and exactly down to 367...they still havent fixed it
    Unknown Senpai | October 19, 2015 3:25am
    Is Lee sin is still op at this season?
    PsiGuard (1495) | October 19, 2015 1:17pm
    I think you posted this in the wrong section, but to answer your question, Lee Sin is still quite strong but I wouldn't consider him OP at all. If you're not a terrific Lee player, it's much easier to succeed with some other strong junglers.
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