Is jungle Aatrox viable?
Asked by My Penta Dreams on September 16, 2015
Would he be good or even relevant in a jungler position? I would think he would be alright due to his W heal after three AA. Also, he would have a easy time when engaging in a gank from his Q.
You aren't going to get into that dominating position out of the jungle, especially as OTGBionicArm points out, going Enchantment: Devourer as it delays your power spike too long.
He can take Dragon at level 3 though that isn't worth as much since everyone gets the timer and a big fat announcement that you've taken it.
Passive or no, unless stupidly ahead he just doesn't survive long enough in team fights to make that much of a difference. Someone like Xin Zhao does everything Aatrox does in the jungle but better.
He has good sustain and decent ganks with good diving abilities, but he falls short on things like clear speed and mobility. Another issue is that his itemization is weird for a champion of his caliber, he ideally wants a Bork or Hydra, but that will be delayed for his jungle item.
Just promise me you wont go Devo Bork and be worthless. Warrior or Cinderhulk with 1 damage item max.