Is Skarner still viable?
Asked by IShouldGetALife on May 14, 2013
I've been wondering lately whether jungle skarner is viable or not, I think he is but I'm not sure whether thats just because the times I played him recently the enemy team was worse than me.
Skarner scales badly with the health items that people buy nowadays, like spirit of the golem which is super broken for all junglers.
His e is pretty much useless, and that was forgivable last season because of how well his passive meshed with his q and shield. Due to the indirect HUGE nerf to his shield, it isn't as strong as many other shields, skarner now has 3 pretty average skills instead of 4.
That being said, his ultimate is still broken (you can displace enemies) . He's just not as viable as nautilus who is pretty much stronger than skarner in every way.